23- Airport

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Lisa POV

The next few days were spent hunting and adjusting to be around humans. Jennie would take me to a crowded place for an hour, much to the protest of Jisoo but I learned very quickly I couldn't say no to Jennie.

They explained the sire bond to me but I was already her mate. It just meant I was very obedient to her and extra protective, though I learned quickly I could be very dominating to Jennie. Wink

It's weird to see how natural it was for me to be like this. To call the girls my coven now rather than my family, though of course they'd always be my family. I bounced my leg nervously as we were on our way to the airport.

"Don't worry Lili," Jennie held onto my hand, "You'll be fine. Just please calm down." I narrowed my eyes slightly when my body immediately did what she said. Stupid sire bond I grumbled better not make me the bottom.

We made it to the airport and I grabbed my bags as we walked through the doors. Blood immediately hit my nose and I closed my eyes to take few deep breathes. Don't do it. Just walk! I smiled over at the girls, giving them a thumbs up.

We made it through security and walked to our first class cabin. We got to our seats but would have to wait 10 minutes for the plane to leave. I looked out the window and said a silent goodbye to my parents. I love you both I put my cheek on the glass and I tensed the flight attendant passed by us.

"Good morning, ladies." She smiled at us, "We are just waiting for the pathway to clear and we will be on our way, have you gone over the safety instructions?"

We all nodded and she smiled at us. I saw her take a small glance at Jennie, who was reading her Chanel catalog. I narrowed my eyes, if this bitch didn't give us the menu and walk away they'd be short staff today.

"Can I have a menu?" Thank you Jisoo! She winked at me as the flight attendant handed us all menus and left. I let out a breath and wished we would leave before I hurt someone. I tried focusing my gaze on the menu but her neck sounded better.

We all felt the plane jolt out of the terminal and I frowned as we started to leave. Goodbye Thailand. I closed my eyes and after 15 minutes, I felt Nini come to my now bed, and cuddle to me. I immediately pulled her closer, smiling at the spark feeling.

I fell asleep and woke up when I felt her leave my arms. "We're going to be landing, Lili." I nodded and sat my chair up, stretching up in my seat. As soon as we got to leave, I grabbed my bag and reached for Jennie's hand, taking her hurriedly out of the plane.

We grabbed our suitcases from the baggage claim and Jisoo left to collect her car that she kept at the airport. I heard a low whistle and turned to see a guy looking up and down at us from afar. I rolled my eyes and pulled Jennie closer to me.

We got into the car and the girls told me how good I did. That they expected at least one plane snack which made me giggle. We got to their house and I frowned, how would I manage to live at the Lees now?

"It's simple," Jennie smiled at me as she sat on the couch, "Just let them see you go to bed and once they're asleep, come here." I nodded and Jennie told me she would go drop me off.

I carried my bags up and looked at her, "I'll see you guys after I finish putting the clothes away." She blew me a kiss and I watched her drive off. I opened the door and heard no one home.

I went to my room and went to putting my stuff away. I smiled down at the photo book I took from my bedroom that held the memories of us. I made a mental note to go to the nearest printing shop to print out my other pictures I took.

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