20- Death is Peaceful

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Jennie POV

I pulled away from my meals neck when I heard a loud scream. Was I imagining things? I looked to Jisoo and Rosé who were also listening. "JENNIE!" I heard my angels voice shout, terror filled in her voice.

I was instantly enraged, thank god I chose to feed at the bar next to the hotel. I looked to the girls, "We're faster climbing the building." Rosé was no longer childishly excited to do it, Lisa was in danger and needed us.

I'm coming angel I said as we ran our faster to the building. We immediately jumped onto the window, using our speed to climb our way up the large hotel. I made it to the top first, what I saw had me let out a loud roar.

My eyes were most definitely blazing red. That witch was holding her hand outwards the pool and I could see my angel not moving under the water. She's dead! I ran towards the witch and tackled her.

"Lisa!" Rosé yelled and I heard a splash. Jisoo and I grabbed the bitch and brought her to the lounge chair, I grabbed her wrists and snapped them the opposite direction causing her to scream in pain.

"Jennie she's not breathing!" I heard Rosé cry in agony as she carried my angels body above the pool. I ran to her, grabbing Lisa and pulling her to me.

"No! No you are not dead!" I shook her, "You don't get to leave me baby please!" I cried into her, but I knew I had to act quick. I would've felt her gone so she must be clinging to life. I laid her down and starting preforming the CPR. "Please baby don't leave me!"

When she didn't move the first time, I heard Rosé wailing and even Jisoo let out a few sniffs. I wasn't going to give up on her. I refused to see a world that didn't hold LaLisa Manoban in it. "Please baby please." I begged as I tried breathing life into her.

"LISA PLEASE!" I screamed and pushed harder, immediately water flew from her mouth as she coughed, gasping for air with wide scared eyes. "Oh thank you!" I cried in relief, holding her to me.

I helped her control her breathing and she started to cry. "Jennie it was so painful. I thought I was dead!" I pulled her to me as she wrapped her arms around me. I looked to see a crying Rosé in the arms of a very relieved Jisoo.

"Lisa what do you want us to do." I looked over at the witch bitch who was still crying over her wrists being snapped. This bitch just drowned her best friend! She didn't get to have a painless death.

I saw her eyes hardened in hatred. I truly didn't blame her, hell no one could in this situation. Lisa would've been dead if I was a minute too late. "She means nothing to me anymore. Just make sure to clean up the mess."

I looked over at Jisoo, "Can you take her to the room? I think Rosie and I need handle this." Jisoo nodded and walked over to help Lisa stand, before scooping her up. I watched her carry her to the elevator and I turned my gaze to the now scared witch.

"You see this?" I gestured to mine and Rosies bright red eyes. "It means we are very very angry vampires."

She let out a scream and we had our fun, torturing her.

Lisa POV

"You sure you'll be fine?" Jisoo asked as she poured the water over my head. I was currently in the tub and she helped me bathe. I shouldn't allow this, but being near water alone right now wasn't possible. Jisoo didn't even seem to glance anywhere inappropriately, she was too mature taking care of me.

"Yes, I just need to change and lay down please." I needed Jennie I felt her place my robe on me as she bent over to drain the tub. I stepped out of the tub and she left, closing the door. I closed my eyes, blocking out the feeling of what it felt like to drown moments ago.

How could Sooki do that to me? I felt tears and willed them away, hoping that my girlfriend and sister were having fun killing her. I hated that I said that so easily, but she almost killed me. She knew I was drowning, her Magic was what was keeping me down.

I hate her I cried into my hands, falling to my knees. I couldn't remember anything after I blocked out, only remembering the feeling of water stuck in my body as I struggled to be breathe in the arms of my mate.

Please don't leave me I could hear Jennie crying as I tried to push the water out, but a strong impact caused it to rush out of me. I brought my knees to my chest, just wanting Nini.

"Lisa?!" I heard Jennie shout as the elevator opened and in a blink she was crushing to me her. "I'm here baby I'm here." I threw my arms around her and cried, why did this drowning scare me more than the rouge vampires?

Because I was actually close to death my mind reasoned and I hated it. Jennie picked me up and carried me to the bed. I instantly started to panic when she started to pull away from my arms. "Baby I have blood on me just let me change. I promise I won't leave."

I kept my eyes on her, watching her change quickly. I never thought I would say this but I never wanted her to put clothes on so badly in my life. I just wanted her to hurry and hold me. She slid into the bed and held me, kissing my head here and there.

It was a few hours later, I was long past crying but still refused to move from Nini. "Lisa?" I heard Rosé say softly through the door. "I brought you this." She came in with a brownie sundae and I smiled at her.

"Thanks Rosie." She sat next to me and I sat up, still having Jennie wrap her arms around my waist so I could feel her. I grabbed the bowl and she hugged me.

"I-I thought we lost you." Her voice cracking and tears welling up. "When I pulled you out of the water, you felt so lifeless, Lisa." Jennie grabbed the bowl and I threw my arms around Rosé.

"Thank you." I smiled into her shoulder, she pulled me out the water. She pulled back and wiped her eyes, "From now on no pools for you missy!" We smiled at each other and I saw Jisoo walk in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better now thank you, Chu." She gave me a hug and I saw Jennie smile at us. "We'll leave you to it." She took Rosé's hand and they waved to us. Jennie fed me the sundae and I felt full after, but it did help make me feel better.

We laid in each other's arms, no words needed. She was scared, I felt it. My usually so confident and laid back girlfriend was scared and I frowned, "I'm okay Nini I'm still here."

She immediately started to cry and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my side. I let her cry, she needed to let it out. I knew she would most likely never allow me to leave somewhere by myself again, but I didn't care anymore.

I felt bad thinking of BamBam, Sooki was his partner in crime. Though, she tried killing me, so I felt no sadness at her expense. I wondered what the girls did but now wasn't the time to ask.

I thought of an idea and held Jennie to my heart so she could hear my heartbeat. I kissed her head repeatedly and soon I felt her cries die down. "You're alive," she said in relief though I'm sure that was a thought she voiced out.

"I'm here," I cupped her cheeks to look into her eyes. "I am not leaving you. I love you." I kissed her and she kissed me softly but passionately, secretly my favorite way of her kisses. When we have hard and fast kisses, I know I'm about to have the best night of my life.

But these kisses, the amount of passion and love being poured into it makes me weak in my knees. I was at her mercy completely as she pinned me down, her hands quick to untie my robe. We needed this, we needed to be one to feel the security. We almost lost each other tonight.

Our breathing and moans could be heard throughout the suite but I didn't care. The next few hours we spent worshipping each other and when we were done, I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

"I'll never love anyone as much as you, Lili." I felt Jennie kiss my head. "I waited so long for you, my angel." I turned around and wrapped my arms around her, placing my head on her chest.

"I love you Nini."

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