27- Kiss and Make Up

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Lisa POV

"Can I talk to Lisa alone?" Jennie asked the girls while we were all currently in the backyard painting for fun. It's been a few days since the whole Irene situation and Jennie has been on and off with me.

Jisoo says it's because Jennie doesn't really know how to apologize right away and Rosé hasn't particularly noticed. The couple left towards the woods and Nini grabbed Rosés chair to sit next to me at my canvas.

I turned to look at her and she was looking away from my eyes here and there nervously. Then she sighed and I saw tears well up in her eyes. "I get it if you hate me."

"No Nini! Why would you think that?!" I immediately pulled her to me, wrapping my arms around her as she cried into my shoulder and I kissed her head. She held onto me and I kept kissing her head.

"It's just this is the first time you've touched me since Irene came." I felt bad that she feels neglected but I didn't mean to do it on purpose. She and I haven't been exactly close these few days, it was almost like she was avoiding me.

"I'm sorry if you thought I hated you but I don't think that would be possible. I just noticed you seem kind of on edge around me."

"It's because I debated the whole time whether to tell you the whole story or not. Whether I would try to apologize and end up saying the wrong thing that would make you even more mad at me."

"Yeah I was upset when she rubbed that past in my face and how you were cuddling someone you use to do things with. And when you tried to use that sire bond to make me be nice to her. I just felt like you weren't on my side and I hated it."

"I'll always be on your side I just was very curious as to why she was here. I'm sorry I cuddled up to her and let her hug me, you're right I would have been upset too so I really apologize Lili. I also am sorry for trying to sire you like that, I over stepped. Can you please forgive me?"

"I did when you opened that door to make her leave." I giggled and she gave me her gummy smile, giving me a kiss. Then we left that in the past and moved on from it. She actually apologized and that's what mattered. Jennie was always expressionless, except with me, but she had a great heart.

She helped me paint the mountains that I attempted to draw, now sitting on my lap which I didn't mind at all. My ears started to ring and there was a knock on the front door and we heard, "Delivery for Kim Jisoo and Manoban LaLisa?"

We went inside and I opened the door to see three huge boxes from the clothing store Jisoo and I were looking at the other day. I bowed to him and signed off the delivery form, grabbing two of the boxes as he walked away.

Jennie grabbed the last box and we carried it to the living room. "Jeez how did Chu manage to buy two boxes worth?"

"Easy. Her wife took ahold of the laptop during shopping." We laughed and I left their two boxes in their room as I followed Nini with the box to her room. She handed me some scissors and I cut along the tape to open the box.

I took out the various clothes and even bought some for Jennie that I thought she would look really good in. "Oh my gosh Lili I love this one!" She grinned at the new Chanel crop top and I mentally rolled my eyes, such a Chanel addict.

She tried it on and was looking in the mirror while I looked at the jeans and skirts I bought. "I want you to wear this tomorrow." Jennie grinned as she put a bra and the black and pink skirt I bought.

"As if Nini!" I shook my head at her, always sexual to which I secretly loved. She winked at me and watched the stuff I brought out. I grinned at the Chanel wallet and bag I also got her.

Okay maybe I did spoil her? But who the hell cares, I can spoil my girlfriend if I wanted to. I held the bags up teasingly and her jaw dropped, immediately dropping the bra I bought in shock.

"No way!" I nodded, grinning at how she looked like Christmas came early. "Oh my gosh Lisa I love it so much!" She hugged me and I gave her the bags. She held it to her tightly, looking as though she was cuddling it.

I also let her see the few dresses and shirts I got her. I put some of my clothes into her closet, I would take some back to my house. Sometimes I hated that I had to stay with my host parents but as an exchange student I wasn't allowed to move into someone's home under school rules.

Mr Lee and his wife already know about the girls and about Jennie. They've met her before and know how nice she is so they don't mind her staying over. Mrs Lee didn't like it at first until Mr Lee said, "What? Not like she can get pregnant by her."

Most of the time when I hear them sleeping I just run to Nini's at 2am. I learned quickly that my sleep schedule means at most I get like 6 hours of it, I'm also a very light sleeper now. I missed being able to sleep for 12 hours on the weekend but oh well.

My mom and dad still call me every week and those are the moments I look forward to. Moms been stressed with the opening of her new hotel, which is sadly the moment when my parents argued the most and I hated it. I also knew that my dad understood her and never held a grudge to her, he can get quite snappy when his restaurants get hectic and he has to deal with emails all day.

My father taught me English so I could have better opportunities when employers looked at my background but I hardly ever spoke it. Some times I still slip into my native language but that was when I was either really mad or really excited.

"I swear it's like you love making me mad!" We looked up and heard the back door slam shut. I chuckled to myself, poor Jisoo could practically step on her foot on accident and get cursed at for a good hour.

Her mate, not mine. I thanked the almighty and tried focusing on my folding but they were shouting loud. But then suddenly Rosé squealed, "BABY LOOK OUR CLOTHES CAME!"


"I CAN SCREAM ALL I WANT! AHHHH!" I winced as she screamed and then I heard a thud. "YOU HIT ME WITH A PILLOW?! ITS ON NOW!"

"You know what? A trip to the mall sounds really good." Jennie said and I instantly agreed. We left the room and saluted to the girls before going to Jennie's car. She drove us to the mall and said, "I was thinking of getting some jewelry."

I nodded, better than spending an hour at Chanel only to see her walk out with one item. We held hands as we walked to the entrance, not bothering to look at anyone else as we headed straight to the jewelry stores.

"Oh my gosh I love those!" Nini said as she looked at a pair of teardrop diamond earrings. The lady at the counter frowned and I mentally sighed, here we go with the judgmental looks. Why can't some people just accept the money and move on with their day?

Sure we're two teenage girls but doesn't mean we can't spend our money!

"They're 5 carats dear." She talked to Nini and though she were a child. Nini smiled at her and handed her the card. The lady gave her a questioning look. "I need to see ID."

Nini gave her the ID with that fire building in her eyes. That's it baby, give it to her straight. One thing I adored about Jennie? Her eyes were an open book. Her face could be unresponsive but her eyes never hid her emotions.

Unfortunately for the worker, she was soon to receive the angry Jennie Kim. The lady shrugged and made the payment, handing the card back and the receipt for Nini to sign as she put the earrings in a red velvet box.

"Word of advice dear, you're a teen. You should start spending that money wisely for school or other more essential necessities."

What the fuck? Isn't this lady supposed to be begging Nini to spend the most? She can kiss my ass for all I care but as I went to say something Nini beat me to the punch.

"Word of advice, just shut the fuck up and accept the payment." Jennie rolled her and grabbed her bag, taking my hand to drag us away from the store. The lady was in shock but I couldn't stop laughing at my girls bluntness.

"God I love you." She winked at me and we spent the rest of the day shopping. Still wondering if World war three was happening at the house.

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