33- Plot Twist

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Lisa POV

I could feel glaring at me as I sat down in the seat next to her. Many students looking at me in wonder, probably mentally wondering how I was able to ignore the steel hard glare on my girlfriends face.

Easy. To me, she was as harmless as a kitten. Sure I could piss her off, but she couldn't stay mad at me or hurt me. I blew a kiss to her and saw her glare deepen. "It's NOT my fault someone bumped into me!"

"He hugged you!"

"Even if so when have I ever preferred men," I rolled my eyes at her and she growled at that. "I love your jealousy but right now if you don't calm down I won't kiss you or talk to you for the rest of the day."

"What!" She whimpered as she clung onto my arm but then glared at the students who looked at her. "Lili I'm sorry." I smiled at her, kissing her cheek and nodded.

"Hey Lisa? Here's your notebook b-back. H-Hi Jennie. Sorry I sat in your seat I couldn't see without my glasses," The girl that sat in Jennies seat when she hung out with Irene said as she slid me my notebook.

"Thanks uh?"

"Jane." She said as if I were supposed to remember and before I could speak up, Nini held onto my arm.

"Well unless you want to lose your eyesight permanently," Jennie said in a super sweet voice, "then leave!" Jane shrieked in fear and ran back to her seat.

And great. Another glare is given to me by my girlfriend.

"My seat?! She had your notebook?!"

"Did your hearing skip how I didn't even remember her name!" I hissed at her, she frowned at me but stopped the glare. She pouted in her seat and I focused as the teacher walked in.

I saw Khang rush by our door and waved at me. Before I could wave back he held up a sign that said "I got morning head!" I gasped and immediately looked down, feeling the blush coming on as Jennie-unnie laughed, signaling a thumbs up to him.

I saw her preparing a sign of her own that said "She did too!"

"If you want those mornings ever again.. put. It. AWAY!" I threatened her in my coldest tone. She smiled at me, scribbling the words away. I then blushed when I remembered what happened this morning but I wouldn't get into it.

School passed by without a problem and I saw Jisoo heading my way. "Hey Lisa. Ready to go home?" I nodded and we started our walk to the car. We saw our girlfriends arguing, both trying to sit in shotgun.

"It's okay Rosie baby," Jisoo cooed with a smirk, "I guess that means you can cuddle with Lisa in the backseat." Jennie snapped her head at Jisoo with a glare even I took a step back.

Sure I'd sit with Rosé but I wouldn't cuddle her. I didn't want to die by Jennie so soon.


I saw Jennie sulking as she got into the backseat, Rosé sticking her tongue out at her as she climbed into the seat. I immediately cuddled up to Jennie, pulling her face to mine for some kisses.

We didn't realize we were heavily making out until a sharp cough scared me. I pulled back and saw Jisoo smiling at us, oh great. Now she'll never let me live it down.

We got to the house and Jisoo went to make lunch for us. I skipped to the kitchen and opened the pantry for some snacks. I grabbed my chocolate bar and chocolate covered pretzels before closing the door to see a mad Jisoo.

"Those before you eat?" She sounded like a mother scolding her child. I grumbled under my breath as I shoved the pretzels back into the pantry. She grinned at me and I muttered a stupid vamp under my breath.

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