24- School Sucks

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Lisa POV

"You sure this the place?" I asked Rosie as we walked through an alley. I trusted her but I was still on guard.

"He works at a blood bank, Jisoo has known him since he was 17 so he can be trusted. Just don't drink him," She joked and knocked on a door. A man in this late 70s grinned at us, "Rosie Posie dear, how are you? And who is this little one?"

"I'm great! This is Lisa, Jennie's mate." I bowed to him and he left, only to come back with a large chest. "There is 50 pints of O negative in here." Rosé handed him an envelope, making the trade. I grabbed the chest and we bid him goodbye.

We ran home and I saw Jennie sharpening knives while Jisoo read a book. "B-Baby? We're fine right?" I asked her, quite scared of the mandu with knives. She gave me a sarcastic look and held one up, "You do realize you can't die by knives anymore?"

"It'll still hurt to be stabbed!" I told her, not really wanting to test the theory. I placed the trunk and Jisoo walked over to it. "Let's all try one?"

"I think I'm fine," I held my hands up, "I don't trust myself yet."

"You're gonna need it for school tomorrow." Jennie said and I looked at her, when the hell did they deem that okay?! Sure, I've been a vampire for a good week now, but being surrounded by blood for a long time hurts!

"It's easy. Just fill up a thermo with blood and when you feel anxious drink some." Rosé smiled at me but I looked over at Jennie again, begging for help with my eyes.

"She'll be fine." Jennie said to the girls, totally ignoring me. I grumbled and Jisoo smiled in triumph as she stuck out a bag for me to drink. I ripped off the tube closing and sniffed. It smelt like blood, not totally fresh but still good.

I took a small sip, trying to ignore the girls staring at me for a reaction. The taste was pretty good, not amazing but enough to satisfy me. I gave them a thumbs up and started to drink it.

I saw a hand stick out and I crouched down, holding my bag to me as I glared at Rosé. "Why would you try to grab her blood?!" Jennie threw her arms up at Rosé, who gave us a sheepish smile.

"Well you'd think she wouldn't be so dramatic by now." She said with an eye roll and that actually bothered me. Did they take my instincts for dramatics? Jisoo face palmed herself, shaking her head.

"Fuck off. Says the almost 60 year old vampire who still has her freak outs." Jennie spat in my defense. The girls glared at each other and I put down my blood bag, walking over to take Jennie's hand so we could go to the room.

I was really trying hard, I tried to stay calm at all times. Hell, I haven't even had a freak out! I thought I was doing okay as a vampire, was I dramatic? Sure I was very energetic but I wasn't a drama queen.

I sat on the bed, feeling drained now. "She didn't mean it." Jennie leaned down to kiss my cheek. I looked up at her and hugged her waist, I would try harder tomorrow for school. I went home after a movie and laid down in bed, feeling too tired to sneak out to Nini's.

I woke up early the next morning on my own and took a shower. I smiled when I saw the clothes Nini had bought me. They weren't really my style, too rebellious looking, but I would wear some for Nini.

I put on a skin tight black crop top that had lacy sheer elbow length sleeves. I put on the tight black leggings and some red bottom ankle boot heels. I put on my diamond earrings and the ring my mom gave me.

I straightened my hair and put on a dark red lipstick. I grabbed my backpack and head down to drive to school. I put on my sunglasses, the sun way too bright for my eyes right now. I parked my car and got off, smiling as I saw Nini already there, holding my thermo for me.

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