10- Kai's Mate

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Lisa POV

I slowed down to catch my breath, why did I start running at night again? Its Thursday, almost a whole week since the sleepover and Jennie has started to let me run without her or the girls going with me. Its not that I was annoyed with their presence, but Jennie wanted me to be able to have some privacy.

I started the jog back to the apartment, but I failed to notice a crack in the pavement, causing me to fall. "Ouch," I groaned as I sat down, observing my skinned knee. I tried blowing some air on it, but decided it wasn't a bad cut to be too upset over. It was bleeding but I knew I had band aids at home.

I walked home, my earbuds still playing my classical music. I hummed and turned towards my street, but felt something off. I turned around, seeing no one in the street at night. I turned back and saw a pale woman walking towards my way, she had dark blue hair but I didn't notice any red eyes so I ignored her.

"I have seen you before," She spoke to me and I turned to her. "I'm Kira, we met before." I was confused, I never have seen this woman before. She giggled darkly, "Forgive me. My husband and I have seen you."

I still didn't remember but then I saw her stare at my knee. I noticed her lick her lips and I thanked god my apartments were right behind me, but I couldn't let her see where I lived. Then she got closer to me, "Maybe you remember him, Lisa." She spat out my name and fear gripped me. "His name was Kai."

I turned to run but she gripped my wrist. I winced and she yanked me to face her. She gripped my jaw and stared into my eyes. "Don't worry, dollface. I won't kill you so soon. I need you to send your girlfriend a message for me. An eye for an eye."

I felt her release my jaw and I rubbed it, watching her walk away. I ran up the steps to my apartment and went straight to my room. I sat on the bed, should I bother to tell Jennie?

Then again, Jennie killed Kai so I knew exactly what that message meant. We were all so happy lately I didn't want to ruin it so I figured I would hold off from telling her. I went to shower, wincing when I felt my cut burn. I put alcohol on it with a band aid and got changed for bed.

I turned off my lights and cuddled under my blankets. I noticed my body was doing better when I wasn't around Jennie and I didn't know if I liked the change or not.

I woke up and groaned, I definitely didn't sleep well last night but I didn't freak much, it was Friday. I changed into a black long sleeve, some dark blue skinny jeans, and my black combat boots. I was getting tired of the light orange hair, maybe I could go blonde this week?

I straightened my bangs and hair, putting on my locket. I grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I decided to drive myself today, too tired to text anyone for a ride. I drove to prison, I mean school, and waited for my girlfriend to arrive.

"Hi Lisa." I saw her again. I tensed and she stalked up to me. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude not to say hi?"

"Fuck off Kira." I narrowed my eyes at her, she wasn't a friend so I didn't care for manners. "Jennie is coming any minute and she'll beat your ass so I suggest you run."

"Big talk for a weak human," she growled but then she grinned. I felt shocked when she pulled me in for a hug, I was disgusted and pushed her off for a hug. "Your girlfriend can have fun with my scent on you."

"You little-" before I could finish my insult, she vanished. I looked around and noticed no one was really here. I wrapped my arms around myself, heading inside to go to my locker. I didn't see any extra shirts but then scolded myself, why should I care if Jennie smelt her? It's not like I asked another woman to hug me.

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