9- The Sleepover

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Lisa POV

I was running from someone, a woman with bright red eyes. "Pranpriya!" I froze when I heard my mother scream my name. "Mommy?!" I shouted, but all I could see was darkness. I didn't like this feeling, "Nini!" Where was she?! I could hear laughing behind me and I turned to see three familiar vampires lying on the ground.

"No," I whispered as I ran to them, pulling my girlfriend into my arms, her heart lying next to her body. I started crying and I saw a figure standing in front of me. "Run Lisa." I couldn't leave Jennie! I wouldn't leave her!


"LISA!" I shot up, tears in my eyes already running down my cheeks. I saw Jisoo next to me and I hugged onto her. I must have fallen asleep while waiting. "Are you okay? I could hear you screaming and crying."

"Just a nightmare. I'm fine," I wiped my eyes and thanked god that no one was here. She looked skeptical but didn't push it. She grabbed my bag and I closed my door as we left to the car. I hummed along to the songs playing, my English was good but the fast rapping was sometimes challenging for me.

I missed the dance studio in Thailand, I definitely missed the street food and my parents cooking. I had a few friends but they haven't talked to me since I left for Korea. I felt my stomach rumble and Jisoo smiled at me, "Perfect. I have been dying to make homemade pizza."

"That sounds really good actually," now thinking of a cheesy pizza. We got to the house and I walked in to seeing Jennie and Rose running around the living room, they were only flashes of black and red to me. I could hear Jennie giggling while Rose growled.

"I want the remote!" Next thing I knew they crashed to the floor with Rosé tackling Nini. "That's enough!" Jisoo shouted and they immediately stopped. Rosé pouted, but then took the chance to swipe the remote from Jennie, who narrowed her eyes at her.

"Nini," I distracted her before another wrestling match broke out, "Can I put my stuff in your room?" Jennie immediately got up and grabbed my hand, leading me to her room. Dark purple and black were the only colors to describe the room. I set my bag down and she sat on her bed, "I really wanted to watch the Hulu."

"I got you," I winked at her as I pulled out my laptop, kicking off my shoes so I could lay next to her. I let her choose the show she's been wanting to play and she laid her head on my chest while I played with her hair, not really focused on the show.

"Lisa? Any toppings?"

"Pineapple?" She made a face but accepted it. "Oh come on I'm the only human so no arguing about this pineapple on pizza!" The girls laughed and Jisoo went to make the pizza.

"Lisa!" I heard Rosé shout as she came into the room. "Can you please play Just Dance with me?" I looked to Jennie who nodded, not taking her eyes off the screen. I got out from under Jennie and went with Rosé to the living room.

"I warn you I just need to see it once and I'll win." I had photographic memory, another reason why I loved dancing so much. Rosé playfully narrowed her eyes and gave me 'I'm watching you' gesture.

She chose the American song "Work Out" by J Cole. The music started and I watched carefully at each move, following along as I let my body dance. "Wow Lisa!" Jisoo cheered from the kitchen and even Rosé cheered.

I let my body roll and then drop, going to the beat but following the movements. I finished the song and didn't really notice how much I missed dancing until now. "That was awesome! I want to see if you could do it without looking now."

I grinned at the challenge and turned my back from the TV. I watched as Jennie came out of her room and leaned against her doorway and the girls watched me. I heard the music start and did the movements, they weren't that hard to remember anyways.

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