25- Forgiven

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Lisa POV

Of course I gave Rosé after the fight, I managed to avoid her for a few days partially because I felt guilty and embarrassed that I slapped her in the face. Jisoo told me many times that she wasn't upset at it and wanted to apologize but I always found a way to hide.

But then, my traitor of a mate told Rosé where I was hunting in the woods so she literally waited in a tree and pinned me down to the floor when she jumped on me. Rosé asked Jennie not to come because she knew if Jennie told me to forgive her I would.

She wanted me to forgive her on my own. Sure we had a long talk after about her issues but in the end we made up, she was my sister. When we came home with our arms linked however, Jennie forcefully separated us and took me to her room, slamming the door.

Now we were at school, glad that it was Friday and Nini promised me she would take me on a camping trip this weekend for a date. I got to the cafeteria and went to grab lunch. What made me sad about being a vampire was that our taste for human food was dull now. I could hardly taste anything so when the girls told me my brownies were amazing that one time, I knew they were bullshit liars now.

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings! You were so serious and tried so hard!" That was Jennie's excuse and I couldn't stop my pout for a whole hour.

I grabbed what was being offered and went to our table by the window. I gave Nini a kiss as I sat down, biting into my peach. The girls were asking about the trip, I could tell they were secretly excited to have the whole house to themselves for the weekend.

"She looks different. Do you think she got plastic surgery?" I felt my ears ringing and I turned to see Dara with Vera at a table, a few others but I didn't know them. They smiled with a fake smile at me and I just blinked, they weren't worth it.

With my hearing I learned really quick who would actually have the guts to say it to my face, but of course no one did. I pouted to Nini, "Why can't I just kill them."

"Now who sounds like me," Jennie teasingly grinned at me and I blushed, she's right. I would laugh at her when she made it sound like such a normal question.

"Well.. phooey." I pouted and laid my head on the table. She continued the conversation with Jisoo and I grabbed Jennie's hand to play with her soft small hand. I playfully nipped one of them and she yelped, jumping a bit and glaring at me.

"Lisa you're a child sometimes!" She whispered and I shrugged, she still loved me.

"Deal with it." I grinned as she groaned, rolling her eyes. I was really soon to die of boredom when all of a sudden our schools alarm went on. Lunch ladies immediately ran to the windows to close the blinds and told us to turn our tables to shield us in case anything would happen.

"Oh great a school shooting." I rolled my eyes but then widened my eyes when I realized I would be stuck in this place with humans even longer. "Can't I just go and take the gun away?!"

I could hear the heartbeat and the smell of gunpowder, it would be so easy but Nini flicked the back of my head and I frowned, rubbing the spot. "Sure let them see a teenager go and survive bullets to take away a gun!"

"Just wanted to help." I faced away from her, she was mean! I decided to annoy her without doing anything physical. "Do you wanna build a snowman. Come on let's go and play." I sang softly and grinned when Rosé couldn't help but join in.

"Kill. Me." Jennie said to Jisoo, who smiled at her annoyance. Annoying Jennie was funny and entertaining until she was ready to kill you with her sharp eyes. "Lisa if you don't stop I swear this will be the weekend with no touching."

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