The Dreaded Message

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Luz P. O. V

I was sleeping until a high pitched little chirping noise started to wake me up, I originally thought that it was a bird so I got up to close the window, but the noise kept on going and wouldn't stop. It was about to drive me crazy! However, once I really started to wake up I realized it had been coming from my phone, I almost jumped off my bed from it. My phone hasn't made a noise ever since I arrived here and texted my mom I'd be staying, I haven't even used it really. I almost hesitated to open it thinking that she could've figured out I never went to the camp she wanted me to, however once I opened it, I wish it had been anything else.

When I read it my heart dropped like an elevator, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was a text my Mom sent saying " Only 3 days left Hija, can't wait to see you again! ❤ ". I totally completely forgot that my camp my Mom thought I was at was about to end, this started to make me freak out bad. I really didn't want to leave this place but if my Mom realized that I wasn't there, let alone in another dimension with all kinds of crazy things her heart would break. I needed to take a moment, I know I couldn't keep this a secret but I didn't exactly know what to do. Wait! I could see if Eda could help! Maybe she could send a magical message that would say the camp's duration was extended, or there was a schooling program I would be transferred to in it! Well, I hope she can do something like that, so I opened the door and walked outside of my room with my usual optimistic smile.

However what I didn't realize was that I totally looked like something was wrong with me, Eda quickly noticed this, even while she was still waking up, she had a bit of a confused smile saying " Hey Luz, you alright? You're lookin' a bit on the edge today"

Once she said that I nervously laughed a bit moving my hand to the back of my head and then replied saying " whaaaat? No I'm fine, totally fine, a hundred and ten percent fine!" I replied with two thumbs up.

When I said that King walked past me holding a small stuffed animal yawning as he had just woke up too, he gave me a small glance then said " You don't look a hundred and ten percent fine, What's wrong Luz? A ruler must look after his subjects ya know" As soon as he said that I picked him up off the ground holding him for a moment before going to the couch and sitting down. After being here for all this time King had accepted the fact that I would pick him up at any opportunity.

Especially at this time his comforting feeling helped me, I finally got the strength to say " Well, um, my Mom just sent me a message, I have to go home soon. Only problem is I really, really, really, don't want to leave ". When I said that I looked over to Eda with a pair of worried eyes, I was really hoping that she could do something to help

Eda took a sip from her cup, then said " Well Luz, she's your Mom, you've gotta listen to her, I wouldn't mind being charged with kidnapping throughout the dimensions. I'd do it in a second, but it'd break her heart if you didn't go home " Once she said that my eyes widened and I could feel a couple tears fall, I didn't want to leave this place, I didn't want to leave my friends, and I really didn't want to leave Eda and King.

I wiped my tears off with my sleeve but I knew Eda was right, so I placed King next to me on the couch and stood up saying " You're right Eda, I really shouldn't of had the thought to stay here and hurt my Mom like that, I really want to continue my witch training but I guess--wait, would you be able to make some sorta, magic mirror or portal so we can talk to and see eachother through dimensions? Or maybe send her a magical message saying the times extended?"

Once I asked that Eda stopped for a moment to think, but after a bit she had a slight smile, she then said "Luz, I don't know how human summer camps work but I don't think your Mom would be alright with it, especially if the camp she thinks you're talking about you never went to and that would be the first place she'd go after hearing that. However, I think I could try something out, it's a bit of a high level spell but the range is unlimited, so it should work, Luz, I know I'm not a Hexside teacher but I promise I'll do everything I can to help, but hey at least you're always going to be a part of the Bad Girl Coven ". When she finished saying that she walked over pulling me into a close hug, I immediately hugged her back and even King jumped down from the couch and hugged my legs, what a second family I have here huh? This made me cheer up a whole ton, but then I had just remembered that I'd have to hell Gus, Willow, and Amity. WAIT AMITY?! She's gonna kill me after I tell her this, either that or kidnap me, after being here for a couple of months a lot has changed between the two of us.

Once I was free from the hug I smiled at Eda and went towards the door saying " I'm gonna break the news to Amity and them, if I come back teary make sure to break out the cake!" I said that jokingly but I knew that it could very well be a possibility, I opened the door and started to run towards Hexside, I really felt a nervous pain in my chest, I didn't want to have to say this in my worst dream to them, they were the best friends I've ever had and now....
Well, I shouldn't get caught up in this, maybe it'll turn out better than I thought.

End of part 1
(I'll probably be making another part during the weekend, if not expect regular new parts usually by 6 pm E. D. T on Tuesdays and Thursdays )

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