Ice Ice Baby

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Amity POV

The sunlight slowly made its way onto my face as I felt it and I started to wake up, my eyelids slowly fluttered up and down as I looked around my surroundings. My eyes immediately darted to Luz who had her head nestled in the crook of my neck still peacefully sleeping, I slowly remembered what had happened. Luz had suggested that we slept over since it had gotten late, and she said she supposedly had " big plans for tomorrow ". Luz looked so peaceful and adorable I didn't want to wake her, so I was kinda stuck at the moment.

I took this time to examine her room a bit, I always did wonder what her room was like. I slowly looked around and I saw a bookshelf filled to the brim with books that had very exotic titles, something along the lines of Harry Potter? An odd name, she also had many drawings of her with a witch's robe and some of them even had her casting spells. She also had some posters up with names plastered across them, I didn't know what they ment but one of them said Panic At The Disco? What's a disco and why would it be panicking?

I began to hear a couple heavy breaths from Luz and looked over to her, she had begun to wake up. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as she looked up to me and I looked down to her saying " Morning gorgeous, I woke up before you and you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you up. " Luz blushed at the beginning of my sentence but then sat straight up yawning and said " You didn't have to wait for me, what were you doing while waiting for me anyways?" I sat straight up as well and said

" I just looked around your room a bit, you sure have been wanting to become a witch for a long time huh?" I said, Luz nervously scratched her cheek with a singular finger as she said " Yeah well, back then it didn't know that it was something I could pursue. It was just a fleeting dream until I got to the boiling isles. " She looked a bit sad but then smiled at the end, I really am happy she was able to come to the boiling isles. So I could meet her and she could become a witch. I rested my head onto her shoulder and said " Hey, what were those big plans you had for today? "

Luz' face immediately became bright as she responded smiling " Oh! I wanted to take you on a date to some of my favorite places here! I wanna give you the best Earth experience I can, without getting into trouble. " I smiled as Luz rose from the bed standing up on the floor, I did the same saying " That sounds really great Luz, what are the places you were thinking about?" Luz put a finger to my lips and said " You'll seeeee~" I giggled a bit at the way she said it, she brought her finger back saying " I need to ask my Mom something, so you can take this time to freshen up. The bathroom is down the hall first door on the left. " I nodded as she walked out of the door and I followed, I opened the door and looked into the bathroom.

There were so many contraptions I hadn't seen before, one of them looked like a small spout with switches next to them. I turned one of the switches and water came out! What an easy to access way of getting water! I couldn't even see the well under it, maybe there is just a big well under the house! I then heard Luz knock on the door saying " Hey Amity! Are ya ready?"

I walked over to the door opening it and nodded saying " yup! Hey Luz just out of suspicion is there a giant well under your house?" Luz looked a bit confused for a moment but then giggled as she said " No, all of the water travels through pipes to here. " I nodded as Luz grabbed my hand and started to lead me to the door waving to her Mom saying " We'll be back later Mom!" she said as she opened the door for me and closed it behind her, she lead walking down the path and onto the sidewalk as I followed her and said

" Hey Luz, what did you need from your Mother? If you don't mind me asking. " Luz immediately took something out from her pocket, it looked like a small piece of leather folded, she then spoke saying " Just some date money. " I nodded as I brought up another thought I had " Hey Luz, can I have a hint about where we're going?" Luz thought for a moment before answering " sure, have you ever have ice cream before?" I shook my head saying " No, did they turn ice into some sort of medical cream? "

Luz giggled for a second before awnsering " No, it's something you eat. It's really amazing and-" Luz was about to continue before she cut herself off and said " you'll see, I'll just tell you that it's cold " I titled my head in confusion but after a bit we made our way to the establishment I assumed sold this " Ice cream ". Luz talked to the person upfront and ordered something called a " Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream " She then motioned me to come up and said " choose what seems interesting to you Amity. "

I slowly looked through the pictures they had up at the wall and said " Smores " To be honest I thought the word was just fun to say, the person upfront nodded and went into the back and got our order. Luz handed me mine and I eyed it, I didn't know what to compare it to. Soon Luz also handed me a spoon and led me to a table. She immediately dug into her order and between bites she said " C'mon Amity it's not poisoned I promise, plus it's gonna be even better on a warm day like this. " I nodded taking a deep breath as I dug my spoon into it, lifting it up a bit I eyed it for a second before eating it.

Luz was right it was cold, but it was also really sweet and tasty. I nodded saying " Yeah it's really good! Really sweet as well, what's keeping it cold? There's no magic here so how does it stay cold?" Luz smiled and responded " Well, itself. I don't know the science of it but Ice cream as a solid is just naturally cold. Or it needs to stay cold? I guess this is why I failed science " she said chuckling. Her tone was a bit sad so I leaned over to grab her hand and said " It doesn't matter if you did, I'll still love you either way. "

Luz immediately blushed and held my hand tight as she said " it wasn't a big deal Amity, but I'm just glad to hear you say that. Are you finished? We've still got two more places to go, and at the last one I've got a big surprise for you. " I nodded saying " Yup I'm done, and I can't wait to see this surprise Luz " I slightly cooed those words as I threw away the cup in a bin Luz also threw hers in, after that we both got up and I held Luz' hand as she led me to the next place.

Sorry about forgetting the little author notes part, it slipped my mind. Also for the record I do not know much of anything about Harry Potter or Panic At The Disco, I just though they'd go with Luz' character. Sorry to disappoint if you are disappointed  :(
Anyways onto the Q and A for this chapter!
Q: how many chapters are you planning this to be?
A: honestly I originally thought 25 or 30 but it's looking more around the 23 or 25 margin, so I've still got a bit ahead of me.

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