Great Days

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Amity POV

Luz held my hand as she continued to lead me to the final place of what I called an " Earth Tour ". After a bit she eventually lead me to a clearing and I saw a small sign, it mentioned something about a public beach and hours it was open. I could tell that we were going in a time it wasn't open, I looked over to Luz saying " Luz, you sure it's alright if we go into here? We're not supposed to be here at this time. " Luz calmly said " Don't worry so much Amity, besides this is the only way we can be alone here. "

I nervously nodded, I didn't want to get into trouble with Earth officials. After all I technically wasn't even a citizen here, but it seemed Luz had done this before. She lead me to a certain spot in the beach that looked to be in the dead center, she sat down and patted a spot right next to her signalling me to sit down there. She moved her hand away and I sat down, she looked towards me and started to say " Amity, these last months have been amazing, and we have so much more ahead of us. "

I smiled towards her and was about to say something before she continued on saying " I wanted you to know where I came from, and I also hoped that you'd like it as well. Do you?" I calmly smiled and reached my hand over to cup Luz' cheek and said " Luz, you've only shown me a little bit of this place and I really enjoy it. It's so much more uniform and tame than the Boiling Isles, I knew the realms would be different but I was really surprised when there wasn't a creature that could take your life at any moment around the corner! "

Luz giggled at my response and smiled warmly at me, but then she looked like she was deeply thinking about something. After a small bit she said " Do you think that's the reason Earth has no magic? Due to that we don't have to worry about the world around us and how it could kill us at any moment? " I didn't know what brought this on but I could tell Luz was really thinking about something, I moved my hand down from her cheek to her shoulder saying

" Luz, the spirit of creation made Earth this way. I think that it didn't give Earth magic because it already had something, it has your people's smarts " I put down the bouquet of flowers on the sand and playfully poked Luz' forehead with my other hand as I continued saying " I've seen so little but you guys really have achieved a lot of stuff! You can cure poison easier than the boiling isles, you can somehow create cold food, and you have set up little nature havens! What were they? Oh! Parks!" Luz blushed as I listed all of the things and when I stopped she bashfully said

" Well, I can't take credit for any of those. I guess the Spirit of Creation gave us the things required to to really change our world, oh! That reminds me! " Luz began to shuffle through her pockets looking for something as she carried on saying " I have something to give to you, it's kinda like a traditional human thing. " I anxiously waited as I saw Luz take two long necklaces out of her pocket saying " These two necklaces have a small heart, and when you put the two pieces together it says something " She showed this putting the two hearts together and I could clearly read " Together Forever "

She handed me one of the necklaces saying " We each wear one, so that way whenever we're not near eachother we can feel a little bit closer. I think? I forget the symbolism behind it, that also explains why I failed English. " I smiled warmly as Luz handed me one of the necklaces and I took it, putting it on as I said " Thank you Luz, I'll make sure to treasure it and make sure nothing happens to it. For the record, I think your English teacher disliked you, because you speak English really well. "

Luz giggled a bit putting her necklace on as well saying " the Earth class English isn't just about the language, it's about understanding literature and elements of literature. I aced everything that had to due with creating short stories and narratives  but the tests always messed me up. " I immediately clapped my hands together in excitement ad I said " You're a writer? I didn't know you had such a talent! What did you write? " I leaned forward and Luz nervously responded with

" well, I never really wrote anything too impressive. It was mostly meaningless  romance and some fanfict-" I immediately cut Luz off to say " You wrote romance? I love reading romance! You have to show me sometime Luz! " Luz blushed a bit and bashfully said " Well, it's not really too good and you probably wouldn't like it-oh wait! It's just about time! Amity look over there!" Luz said as she pointed toward the sun, I looked over and saw the sun setting in a dazzling array of colors. My eyes were glued to it as Luz scooted closer toward me and put a hand to my cheek cupping it.

She moved my head toward her and leaned forward for a deep kiss on the lips, I kissed back for a while until we both pulled back needing to breath and we both noticed that the sun had set. I looked over at Luz smiling warmly and said " Thank you so much for today, I had such a good time Luz. When we get back to the Boiling Isles I'll have to give you a tour of my families vacation home in return. " I said standing up as I heard Luz' Mother drive up to the beach parking lot and I began walking toward her car. Luz immediately stood up walking after me saying " You have a vacation home?! Where do you even go for vacation in the boiling isles? "

I looked toward her and said " The Forest Of The Sun in Kadalsnik. It's a nice place, however it's always bright out so it can be hard to fall asleep in our rooms sometime. " We eventually got to Luz' mother's car as she unlocked the doors so Luz and I could get in as she said  " Luz! How many times have I told you Hija to stop sneaking into here! One of these days you're going to get caught. "

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