Do It For Her

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My eyes slowly fluttered for a moment as I sat up and I could feel a throbbing pain in my head. I looked around and saw that it was still night time, and I saw Amity next to me on the bed. I slowly began to piece together what had happened last night, I knew this would happen if we drank. However I also began to remember what had happened to Amity earlier and the vision she had. I sat up moving my body towards the wall and sitting on the edge of the bed, I honestly didn't know many things that could be causing this.

Did someone curse her? That'd make sense, she was a pretty important person, but what kind or curse would give her visions or maybe hallucinations? Also why would they do that? Maybe it was just from her own magical ability, but that'd mean what she saw would be true. Which would also mean someone is out to kill me. I know I should be more afraid about my own death, but I'm more worried about how it's affecting Amity.

After a bit I heard a groan from behind me and turned to see Amity slowly walking up, she sat up and groggily said " Luz? How come you're up Honey?" I sighed, I knew I couldn't hide how I felt about this from Amity. She would kill me if I did anyways " Well, I was just thinking about the vision you had. Are you sure no one cursed you? They could've caused it. " Amity thought for a moment then she scooted up to me holding my hand saying " If someone did I wouldn't know, maybe we can ask Lilith and Eda about it?"

I hadn't thought of that and I was really happy to hear it! I nodded saying " Yeah you're right! They'll probably know, they're really wise!" Amity lightly giggled, she then rested her head on my shoulder saying " See? It won't be anything we need to fear, I'll do anything to make sure what I saw isn't true. For now, let's just get some sleep. " I nodded as we both got back into bed and I fell asleep peacefully with my arm around her.

[The afternoon]

I followed Amity as we walked in the main building for all of the Emperor Coven's members. We eventually made our way to Lilith's office, she didn't really lead missions anymore due to her well, age. However no one dared to mention it to her since she could still kick their butts for it easier than picking a flower out of the ground. Amity knocked on the doors and we heard her voice faintly say " Come in. " and we entered the room. Lilith immediately looked up toward us and her face brightened.

She smiled saying " What a wonderful surprise seeing you two here. All of the paperwork I've been doing was so dull, what do I owe the pleasure of you two visiting me?" Amity sighed going to sit down on the chair across from Lilith's desk saying " Well, this is hard to explain but, yesterday I had this weird vision. Or it could've been an hallucination, but we don't know what caused it to occur. I could've been cursed by someone or maybe it's just something that naturally happened. "

Lilith listened intently, once Amity finished speaking Lilith thought for a couple of moments but then said " What was the subject of the vision?" Amity took a couple moments to awnser before she swallowed her despair saying " L-Luz was on the ground, dead. She had magical damage on her from all kinds of different elemental spells. So it was like someone intentionally k-killed her. Lilith looked at her sympathetically but then got up going over to Amity and rested a hand on her shoulder saying

" It must've been very tough for you to endure that, however there is good news. There have magic users who've had premonitions that turned out to be true, however the event of the vision always occurs minutes or in rare cases an hour later. So we're most likely dealing with someone who has cursed you to see that. " Amity's face brightened up as she heard that, of course it was still bad that someone cursed her but now she wouldn't have to deal with me dying. Amity now stood up saying

" That's great to hear! Besides the fact that someone cursed me, do you have anyway of tracking them? " Lilith nodded as she went over to her desk and took out a small map. She then fully opened it up and laid it down on her desk saying " It's actually rather simple to track down who bestowed that wretched curse on you. " She then walked over to Amity eyeing her for a second, she moved her hand toward Amity's head but before I could notice she swiftly plucked put a singular hair. Amity recoiled saying " Hey! You couldn't of asked me first?"

Lilith chuckled a bit before saying " Oh hush, you're young you'll grow it back before you know it. " She then created a small magical circle around the hair and a sickly green grow now enveloped the hair, Lilith then tossed it into the air and the hair slowly descended downward until it stopped on a singular point on the map. All of our eyes widened as we looked where it landed, Lilith hesitantly said " Whoever cursed you, was within or hired in Blight Manor. "

Amity stood silent for a couple of moments, before deeply breathing out of her nose and saying " I-I can't believe  they would go THAT FAR over a stupid superstition!" She then unknowingly  rapidly moved her foot forward smacking it into a bookshelf as she shouted " SON OF A-" she covered her mouth before she finished it and began to mutter into it. After a bit she moved her hand away and started to say

" I-I'm sorry for my outburst Lilith, but my parents from what I saw weren't too happy about my marriage to Luz and well, we saw what they tried to do. They tried to scare me and use my love for her to make me fear for her saftey-this is just outrageous!" Lilith nodded as she stepped forward saying " Let's confront them about this, for the final time. Besides casting curses on another person in this manner is illegal or at the very least VERY unethical. "

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