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I immediately held up the phone up to my ear and I felt as if a thunderstorm was going on inside of my heart. I knew I was dreading this but I wasn't even back home yet and she had figured out, I waited for a second before clearing my throat and saying " H-hey Mom, I'm fine. I wasn't kidnapped or anything like that, I was just. How do I explain this, well. " I stopped for a moment to take a breath as I looked around me and looked at Eda and Amity's faces. Amity looked more worried than me, I knew I couldn't run from this anymore, so I quickly said

" Mom, I was about to leave for the summer camp but, I found an owl and followed it into a run down house that took me into a totally different realm. " All I could hear is total silence coming from the phone before I heard my Mother sigh and continue (warning for the topics coming up)" Luz, why are you so obsessed with this fantasy life you want! I don't know where you are and I'm sure that isn't the awnser, that awnser also sounds suspicious, you aren't doing drugs are you? Hija por favor hableme la verdad" ( sorry if my High School spanish doesn't make sense but the translation is please tell me the truth )

Now my Mom thinks I'm taking drugs I sighed about ready to talk back to her until Amity out of nowhere says " Luz is telling the truth! She really did end up in a different realm! But she didn't mean to!" I immediately looked toward Amity with a warm smile, she blushed a bit realizing what she had just done, but it wasn't long before my Mom was back again saying " Luz? Who was that voice? Did you get with the wrong group of people? Luz just, please hija. Why don't you want to come back? When I heard you never attended the camp I-I was so worried, please just tell me where you are, where you really are " I could tell by the middle of that sentence she was breaking down from sadness.

Tears were flowing down my face because of it, when I decided to stay here I was so selfish! I should've thought what would've happened to my Mom, and he she would've felt. I could barely get out the words as I said " D-don't worry Mom, I'll be right outside of the school, can you come to pick me up?" I could barely hear her response before she ended the call, it sounded like a faint ok. I looked toward Eda and Amity then back at the ground, Eda put her staff out as it floated in the air and she said " c'mon let's go back and get your stuff " The three of us got onto the staff as she flew back toward the owl house.

The trip was silent, I was behind Amity and I couldn't help but to pit my arms around her resting my head on her back. I didn't want it to end like this, and how would I explain my ankle injury to my Mother? We eventually made it back to the Owl House and Amity helped me off the staff and put my arm around her to help me into the house. Eda snapped her fingers as a foldable tile with an eye design on it appeared and then unfolded into a door in the living room, she opened it and there was a bright light, she sighed and looked towards me smiling and said " Luz, the time you've been here made King and my lives so amazing. I really hope you can come back, but just in case you can't I want you take this. "

She held out her staff with Owlbert attached to it, my eyes went from the staff to her as I slowly nodded taking it. I looked at it up and down, I didn't want to take it at all. This was hers and she had it for so long, she understood Owlbert better than anyone! I held it back out to her saying " No-I can't! Owlbert deserves to be with you Eda! I-I really can't!" Eda gently pushed it back then hugged me saying " Luz, just take it. I believe you deserve it more than me anyway, besides, I want Owlbert to be with you. If it helps you it would kinda mean like I'm with you. "

I sobbed into her shoulder for a minute as she said that, I didn't want to go at all. However after a bit I slowly pulled my head back and looked at Amity, she had a smile on her face and put a hand onto my shoulder to calm me down. I wiped my eyes off to get the tears out of them before saying " Hey Amity, would you mind getting my bag from my room? It's on the side of my bed " Amity nodded as she walked upstairs grabbing it, then she walked back down handing it to me. I put it onto my back and was about to get up before Eda was creating a small magical circle, once it was complete Amity and my clothes were reverted back into what we normally wear.

Eda thought for a moment, then she created another small magical circle that made a small energy link to my leg, after a bit it disappeared and she said " Just to help your ankle heal a bit faster, now, Luz. Don't worry, I'm sure you can convince your mom. If not just remember, we'll be thinking of you every day. " I nodded, I almost wanted to break out into tears but I stood strong! Amity helped me up a bit and I noticed my ankle wasn't hurt that much, I could walk a bit but I walked kinda slowly. I looked back at Eda and waved as I then turned around and walked through the portal and I saw the inside of the run down house. I opened the door looking outside as I heard Amity walk in behind me, but I didn't just hear that, I could hear even more footsteps behind me.

I turned around to see Amity looking behind her as well, Eda and King had followed us! Eda sighed looking away saying " King was about to chase after you, and I need to look after him, I can get to and from here anyways so don't worry. " Before I could say anything King jumped up onto an old chair proclaiming " Yes! Our negotiation skills are unrivaled! But why is the human world so, green?" As he said that he jumped up to a windowsill and looked outside, I nervously smiled saying " well, welcome to my home! It's not much but let's get moving. Also, thanks for coming along guys, it really means a lot. " Eda smiled slightly as she walked forward out of the house saying " It's nothing, but dang the human world is bright, it was never this bright when I made trips. Anyways Luz, which direction to your school?"

I looked outside and around us until I saw an opening that lead to a large building, I pointed towards it and walked forward as the other followed me. I stopped when my mother's car came into view, she was standing outside of it looking for me and she looked extremely worried, she was frantically pacing on the side walk until she saw me and I could see tears coming down her eyes. This made me tear up as I walked over to her and hugged her tightly as I sobbed into her shoulder, Amity and them stayed back a bit until my mother raised her head and looked at them confusingly saying " Luz, who are these people?" I looked back at them as I got out of the hug and then back at her taking a deep breath and said " People I met in the other realm I told you about "

End of chapter 10

Time for the awnser portion of the Q and A! I'll just copy paste the questions here without the usernames just in case

First question
1. Did Luz ask out Amity, or vice versa and what was it like?
Awnser: I know I did not cover this part and I just started with the story with them already dating but, they would've had mutual feelings for eachother. And then Luz would've confessed first but do it quite nervously, stuttering and Amity would've commented on how much of a goofball she looked like, and finally saying how she had the same feelings of love, Luz would've then probably blushed like mad and have no idea what to do next since she thought of the worst which would be, being rejected.

And I know this question was cleared up but just to remind everyone of the schedule, every Tuesday and Thursday is an update to the story also another part any day through Friday-Sunday on the weekends. Also I'm having thoughts of this little Q and A things just be a regular thing every chapter, it gives it more personality I think? Let me know your thoughts. Stay cool.

Just Human Things (The Owl House) ( Lumity )Where stories live. Discover now