Crazy Little Thing Called Love

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About three days had passed since Amity and I adopted Violet, and in these three days I've seen Amity smile a lot more often. She was always happy to come home after her work in the Emperor's coven but now she happier than ever to come home. I've had a bit of a position change since I needed to take care of Violet, Amity put me as a emergency responder. So I only need to  well, respond in emergency situations.

I was now currently tidying up a couple things around the house since my Mother, Eda, and Lilith were all visiting today to see Violet. I turned my head after hearing loud thumps and saw Violet jumping on the couch, I sighed saying " C'mon Violet, don't jump on the couch please. People are coming over who are really close to Mom and I, and they really wanna meet you. "

Violet sadly moped off the couch saying " Mommy, what're these people like? " I walked over towards her and picked her up smiling, sitting on the couch I put her on my lap saying " Well, one of them is my Mom. She's absolutely amazing, she's gonna hug you up and give you all kinds of love. Then there's Eda and Lilith. They're sisters and a long time ago, they didn't get along at all. " Violet gasped looking up to me saying " What made them be nice to eachother?"

I gently hugged Violet reminiscing as I said " Well, it mainly began when your Mother and I were in a bit of a tight situation. We needed both of their help and they put their differences aside and helped us. After that they started being much nicer to eachother. " Violet smiled and gently rested her head back on my arm saying " When are they going to arrive?" After she said that I was about to awnser but the doorbell rang interrupting me, I picked Violet up off my lap and gently placed her on the couch saying " That's probably one of them right now. "

I got up and walked towards the door and as I got closer I could hear sounds of faint arguing, once I opened the door I saw Eda and Lilith seemingly arguing about something. Once they saw me they both stopped and Eda started off by saying " Hey Luz, took ya long enough. Where's the little Devil you adopted?" She said peeking around the house. Lilith then quickly added in saying " Edalyn! Don't refer to her daughter as a ' little Devil '. "

Eda rolled her eyes as she walked into the house saying " Lilith all kids are little Devils, even we were at one point. " Lilith calmly corrected her saying " Actually, you were. Mother always complemented me on my behavior and studies. " Eda chuckled a bit jabbing back at her saying " Yeah, and while you were studying me and Dad were racing Griffins in the Cloud Meadows. "

Lilith didn't respond as both of her and Eda's eyes were now set on Violet who was still sitting on the couch, Eda walked up to her and picked her up and spun around a bit before stopping and happily saying " She's a Violet haired adorable munchkin'!" Violet looked confused for a second as she asked " how'd you know my name? Are you some sorta old and wise Witch?"

Eda looked confused for a second but then looked towards me unimpressed then back to Violet saying " Violet is your name? I can see how very creative your Mother is, but yeah I'm a Witch. Not an old one though. " Lilith chuckled a bit as she said " You're 51 Edalyn, you're definitely getting on the older side. " Eda handed Violet to me and I held her as she said towards Lilith " You know you're not exactly in your youth either Lilith. Just because you were born 4 minutes after me doesn't allow you to make that comment. "

I chuckled a bit at seeing them go at eachother and so did Violet. Once Eda and Lilith noticed us they also chuckled a bit at themselves and after a small bit Lilith said " Even after all these years, we still can't seem to not argue. However I find this better than constantly having to chase you down, wouldn't you agree Edalyn?" Eda nodded as she smiled saying " You bet! Oh right, Luz we also brought some gifts for Violet. "

Violet's face gleamed with excitement as I gently lowered her down onto her feet and she ran up to them saying " Really?!" Lilith and Eda nodded as they took out two gift bags they hid using magic. They dispelled the magic and handed them both to Violet as Eda said " Kid, when you open them be honest and tell us which one you like better. Don't worry I know you'll like mine more. " Lilith jabbed Eda with her elbow and Eda was about to do the same but her attention was drawn to Violet opening the presents.

She first started with Eda's and once she took it out of the bag I saw that it was one of Eda's own spell books. I could assume it probably had some of the illegal spells or unsafe potions recipes but I could take them out so I wasn't worried. Violet looked full of happiness as she put the book next to her and then opened Lilith's present. Lilith had gotten her a training wand used for practicing spells, Violet only looked happier as she got up and hugged both of them one by one. She then looked up at them and said

" I'm really sorry but, I don't think I can choose one I like more. They're both really great gifts! Thanks a bunch!" Lilith and Eda both smiled back as I could tell she had melted their hearts with that since they didn't jab eachother about it at all. Eda just calmly said " Well, that's alright. We both put a lot of thinking into it since we heard from your Mother that you like magic just like them. "

Lilith seemingly suddenly remembered something and she pulled me aside to say " Luz, your Mother wanted me to let you know that she couldn't make it today. When Edalyn and I went to pick her up she said that she was alerted about how there was an emergency at the hospital. " I was sad at this news but I slightly smiled saying " Well, I'm sure she will come whenever she can. "

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