A Few Of My Favorite Things

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With some help from Amity's abomination we were able to move Eda and Lilith off the floor, Lilith was resting on the couch and Eda was in her room. I sat outside with Amity on the lawn looking at the sun, I was sure their was only a day and a half until I'd have to go and confront my Mother about wanting to stay here. What Amity had said also never left my mind, I wouldn't even know if she would be able to do magic on Earth! So I turned towards her saying

" Hey Amity, are you sure about going with me to Earth? If my Mother doesn't agree and the portal closes, you'll get stuck there. Earth is quite different from here anyways so I don't know if you'd be ready for-" As soon as I said that she put a finger to my lips slowly shaking her head, she then looked up towards the sky and said

" Don't worry, I'd rather be stuck in a world I don't know if it meant I'd always be with you. After all you came here not knowing much and look how you turned out. " Yeah she was right with that, after all the only reason I met her was through my decision to come here, but I couldn't let her give up all she had here! So I responded with

" I-Amity! I can't let you! You have so much here, your magic career could be very successful! Your mentor is Lilith and she probably is training you to be her successor, that sounds like a really good deal. " Once I said that Amity looked at me with a confused yet startled face, I knew I shouldn't of said that. I probably reminded her of her overbearing parents but so many things could go wrong for her on Earth, I couldn't let her take that chance!

Amity took a minute to respond, she looked a bit in shock, but when she did she said " Luz! Do you even know how much torture that job would be? It pays well, but you have no free will! Instead you carry out the Emperors will, and maybe the old me would've like that but. You taught me that life isn't just about doing what would be best for me but instead doing what I want! The thing I want to do is go with you to Earth. " When she ended her sentence she put her arms around me bringing me in for a hug.

My heart was melting at this point, I didn't know I had affected her in that way. I put my arms around her as well hugging her tightly, after a bit we let go of eachother and I sighed saying " You know Amity Blight, I really love you. I don't think you even know just how much I love you, but I still can't help but worry if we get stuck, but hey I'm a master conversationalist! You don't know how many detentions I've talked my way out of, I never did anything bad to deserve them I just well. I tried to make a skateboard out of books once and a lot of other things "

Amity chuckled a bit as she followed along with my story, but before she could respond we heard the door swing open and Lilith walked out holding her head. I would assume helping out to create a portal would give her a headache, she then walked down the path muttering something about keeping a promise, she stopped for a moment to look at us both then pointed to me saying " You're Edalyn's apprentice? Well, I shouldn't assume you're as much trouble as her. I also hope you don't plan on rejecting the coven system much like her. "

Once she said that I didn't know what to say, sure the coven system was kinda dumb as it only restricted witches, however I can kinda see why it was needed, if everyone could summon fire at the same time it'd lead to a disaster. I then responded with " Well, it depends on how my conversation with my mother goes. We made a compromise with the spirit to meet up with her and see what she says, I hope it all goes well. "

Lilith nodded but then she looked a bit confused, she didn't expect to see her pupil with me probably. She then smiled slightly saying " it's nice seeing that Edalyn's pupil and mine are so, kind to eachother. We both had a dream to join the Emperor's Coven, but what I saw as necessary order she saw as unneeded restriction. I just hope she'll honor our agreement "

I titled my head in confusion, I also had a quick glance toward Amity seeing as she was trying to keep a sort of respectful aura near Lilith, she is still her mentor after all. However I then said " If you don't mind me asking, what was the deal you made with Eda? You don't have to tell but, this must've meant a lot to her if she was willing to make a deal with you" I said also with a very professional voice! Or at least I thought I sounded like it.

Lilith stopped for a moment and looked down toward the both of us, she then thought for a moment then began to say " Well, if you're thinking it was that she would turn herself in, it wasn't. I wouldn't feel right making it that easy on me, all I wanted is for her to stop throwing the letters from me, Mother, and Father away. They both had been worried sick and they don't even know if she's alive. I also want her to not feel bad about asking for help, I know her business isn't too profitable. "

In the middle of her explanation she turned to look at the Owl House smiling, she was much more caring than I thought she was. Then she turned back around walking down the path stopping once to say " Tell Edalyn that I have left, and that I will not be reporting the location of her house to the Emperor. Good day " I smiled waving to her as she walked away, Amity looked relaxed but also surprised, she chuckled a bit saying

" That's the most relaxed and open I've ever seen her, it was kind of refreshing actually. Whenever I practiced with her she would always hold a straight face and only tell me whether I did it right or wrong, and if I did it wrong she scolded me. I guess she just a person of high expectations" I nodded, but it was nice to see Amity let out some of her feelings, I rested my head onto her shoulder saying

" You know Amity, this is one of my favorite things. Well, a couple things that just happened are, one of them is spending time with you. The other is seeing a hidden side of people that makes them seem more human and you won't get this expression but, down to Earth. It means relatable. " Amity thought for a moment but then leaned over to kiss the top of my forehead saying

" I guess your right, but you always believe in the best in people huh? You know, you're my favorite thing Luz. Old news I know but I can't stop saying it " I warmly smiled to her and looked over to the sun as it was lowering. Even if the sun is however many degrees, I think my love towards Amity is hotter.

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