Coming Soon

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Hey y'all, Argent here. I've a couple things to announce and say. Firstly, while you guys know that the second part to the story is coming out titled A Flower's Thorns I just want to say it's going to be a bit different from this one. It's going to be more down to Earth and serious, not everything is going to have a happy ending. On another note, I'm also here to say that the story has reached 20,000 views! Thank you all so much for reading and voting every single one of you helped make this into what it is now.

Secondly, I'm going to try and be more consistent with the new book. I'm sorry that towards the end of this one my consistency drop but that was mainly because end of year assignments messed me up but, that won't be a problem that'll affect the new book.

Finally, I'm just going to leave you guys with a sneak peek about the new book which is going to be centered around Violet and her challenges being attached to both the Human World, and the Boiling Isles. This little sneak peek could show up anywhere in the new book, but it should let you know that not everything is as perfect as it seemed at the end of the first book.

Violet's POV

I ran out the door with my head low enough so they couldn't see the tears flowing down from my eyes. I could hear them call out to me telling me to come back but I shut their voices out as I continued running, as I ran I could feel rain droplets fall on my head so I pulled up my hood and pulled the drawstrings to hide most of my face. I just couldn't believe them! I am 16 years old and I should be able to choose  who I can be with, without them cutting in and saying whether they're right for me!

I eventually ran out of energy and found a large tree in the park to sit under that covered most of the rain from getting to me. It wasn't long before I saw my Moms going down the sidewalk shouting my name, I know they're just trying to look out for me but really? Accusing Sicilia of being a criminal? That's just stupid! I made  sure to position myself so that the tree would block me from their vision, I honestly wish I could go somewhere where I wouldn't have to listen to them trying to make my choices in life theirs!

However I heard some faint hoots from besides me, Owlbert was gently perched on my little shoulder bag and was looking up at me. Strange, I thought Mom said magic couldn't be used in the Human realm so how is Owlbert able to be up and about? Before I could ask him he started to fly towards some bushes that lead into a forest, I quickly ran after him. I could tell he was trying to lead me to something-or there's the chance that he's with my Mothers and trying to take me back to them.

However he lead me to this weird run down house deep in the woods, when I walked into it there was a weird rectangular object that opened up and looked like it lead to somewhere totally different. Owlbert hopped into it and I ran after him saying " W-Wait! Owlbert don't leave me buddy!" I ran in after him and all of a sudden I was in an odd house, it had many strange objects scattered around it and an odd little dog creature sleeping on a red couch. Before I could really figure out where I was I head a familiar voice say

" Sheesh Kiddo what did you do now? Your Mother has contacted me like 20 times asking me to send Owlbert after you since Amity is too busy with political stuff. I'm not turning you in yet but seriously, you're making me lose sleep here. " I turned around to see Great Auntie Eda sitting down on a chair behind her kitchen table, she was getting up there in age but sometimes she felt like the only one I could really talk to.

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