Baking New Memories

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Amity's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I could feel the light hit them. I quickly rose up yawning and then looked to my right to see if Luz was still asleep, however she wasn't even on the bed. I could tell from the open door she had woke up first and walked out to get ready for the day. I pulled the blanket off me and walked down the stairs looking around for Luz. To my surprise she was in the kitchen tying an apron around herself, I was a bit confused but I liked the way Luz looked in an apron. So I gave her a small wave and said

" Good morning Luz, what're you doing with the apron? Are you planning on making something? " Luz nodded but I could tell she was struggling to tie the apron. I walked over to her and grabbed the two lines of cloth behind  tying them around her then moving my head to rest on her shoulder as she said

" Thanks for that, but I'm planning to make a super yummy dish from my home! You'll love it, but I can't really start with your head on my shoulder you cutie. " I picked my head off of her shoulder as I looked at what she had laid out on the counter. There were some eggs, flour, sugar, and some small edible berries. I was a bit confused so I said

"  What are you planning to make with these? " She turned her head towards me and quickly tapped my nose with her finger saying " That's a surprise, mind helping me out with it though?" I nodded as I grabbed another apron and tied it around myself, I went to stand next to Luz then she said

" Alright, first we're gonna need to mix some ingredients, alright would you get to cracking 4 eggs and adding the flour into the bowl while I get all the things we need out?" I nodded as I went over to the bowl and gently tapped each egg against the edge of the bowl until it cracked open and I let the insides run down into the bowl. Then I grabbed the small bag of flour and then turned to Luz saying

" Hey sugar! How much flour do I add to the bowl?" I could tell by her face my nickname I called her had got to her, she then replied with " I think around 3 cups, also sugar? You really are thinking of new names now. " I giggled a bit at her response before then adding the flour in, I turned to Luz asking

" Alright, I mixed the eggs and the flour what now?" She had just finished laying out the other tools we would need for the process. Then she responded saying " Now we need to add some sugar, baking soda, and some sticks of butter. After that we mix it! Doesn't get too complicated from here on!" When she said that I nodded and started to add the other ingredients needed, when I was finished I brought the bowl to Luz as she got out some sorta device with 2 metal contraptions attached to the top. I questioned it saying

" What's this thing Luz? I don't think I've seen it before, and I don't exactly know what it's for" Luz then smiled towards me as she quickly explained " oh, well it's a tool for mixing the ingredients, it can go much faster than we can. I just don't know how to power it, ooohhh I have an idea!"

She then took out the small notebook she kept in her pocket, it was the one she mainly used for spells. She went to a new page taking out a pen and quickly wrote down a circle with what seemed to be a lightning bolt in the middle. When she was finished she tapped the middle of it and the paper crumpled up to make a lightning bolt that shot into the mixing device, however it started to go extremely fast. During this I saw Luz' expression go to one of worry as she said " T-this isn't supposed to happen! I think the lightning bolt was too much for it! How do we stop it Amity?"

Once she said that I tried to think of a way to quickly stop it, by now all of the batter was being flung around the kitchen. I could only think of ways to protect Luz, so I quickly responded with " I-I don't think we can Luz! " As soon as I said that I picked up Luz bridal style and ran out of the kitchen into the living room and hid us both behind the couch. Still holding her close I looked over after a bit when it seemed to of ended and I saw the device now on the floor broken and the batter being essentially everywhere all over the kitchen.

Luz groaned pushing her face into my arm as she said " Sorry Amity, it seemed everything was messed up because of me, and we've got a mess to clean up now because of me!" I moved my hand to pat the top of her head as I calmly said " It's alright Luz, not everything works out perfectly, and I think I have a way to get out of cleaning. " we both got up as I created a purple magic circle then said

" Abomination rise " After that a purple abomination opened the door and had walked into the house, I had recently mastered summoning my abomination remotely and from long distances, I then pointed to the Kitchen and said " Abomination, clean up the mess in the kitchen. " It then followed as I said and went to start cleaning, Luz then hugged me tight saying

" Thanks Amity! You're such a lifesaver!" I quickly hugged back, she was always so thankful and positive, I loved every second when she was like this, and if she was sad for even a second I would do everything in my power to bring her back up in spirits.

While I was hugging her she unexpectedly brought her face up to my and gave me a brief kiss on the lips. She only pulled away due to how red her race had gotten from it, she then looked up towards me saying " I-it was a little something for your trouble, and I think that was my first kiss on the lips as well. So that was a new experience, and I think I l-liked it, did you?"

I would be lying if I said it was anything short of heaven, but I gave her a small smile putting my hand to her chin, lifting it up slightly as I said " I think I liked it very much, especially if it was from the light of my life. " That line made Luz blush like mad, but I pulled her chin up more as I leaned in to give her a much longer kiss on the lips this time, after a bit we both pulled away for a breath as she was now more red than the actual color.

She put her face against my shoulder as she said " Well, that's a memory I'll never forget, especially with what happened in the kitchen before it. " I giggled a bit and then nodded saying " Yup, but if us messing up in the kitchen would always lead to this, I'd do it every time. "

End of part 5

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