One Vision

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Amity POV

I quickly ran in front of Luz setting up a  wall of ice to block the Griffin's attack, I struggled to keep it up while I shouted towards Luz " Luz! Do you have that containment spell up yet!?" Luz frantically moved setting down the large poster of paper saying " Drawing the glyph now! Keep it up for a couple more seconds Amity!" immediately after she said that one of the Griffin's claws broke through the wall of ice now ripping it apart, It pulled the wall down and was about to lunge at Luz and I until I saw a glow behind me as Luz said

" It's up! Checkmate you big bird!" I saw large beams of light shoot out from the circle Luz drew and the surrounded the Griffon, eventually they all connected around the Griffin forming a circular barrier. The light eventually became transparent and we could see the Griffin claw against the cage, I sighed in relief sitting on the ground for a moment. Luz walked up to me and sat down next to me saying " That's the third out of control Griffin this month, I really think Hexile should stop putting on those Griffin races. " I nodded saying " You're telling me, what's the rest of the orders for today? "

Luz pulled out a small piece of paper from her pocket and read it saying " Well, we have to stop at the local Potion Coven to get more healing potions, a lot more people have gotten hurt from these constant threats, but other then that the rest of the day is free. " I slightly smiled towards Luz as I got up saying " That's good, because I got reservations at a pretty good place for dinner. It's a bit fancy but, you deserve it. " Luz smiled warmly also getting up as she hugged me saying " You really know how to make a girl happy huh? But you deserve it too, we're partners after all. "

I smiled hugging Luz back, she really was too amazing for me. After everything that had happened the last couple of days it's nice just to be doing our job, together. We stayed hugging for a bit until I had let go of her and said " Where's the nearest Potion Coven? " Luz thought for a moment before taking out her map and looked at it for a couple of seconds then said " It's near that tea place Lilith likes, how do you pronounce it? Tai-co-" I quickly interrupted her saying " Taicahn. She invited me to go with her to it a couple times. "

Luz nodded as she held her hand up and yelled " Owlbert! It's all safe now!" After that from an alleyway we stopped in Owlbert immediately flew out of it and within seconds he was in front of us, I put my hand on Luz' shoulder and asked " Hey Luz, can you fly this time? I'm a bit dizzy from the Griffin fight still. " Luz quickly nodded as she said " Sure! Do you need anything from the potions coven to help you? I really hope you don't have a minor concussion or anything like that. "

I shook my head as I sat down onto the staff saying " I don't have a concussion just a little bit out of it since I used too many spells. " Luz sighed sitting down on the area of the staff in front of me saying " You know, you don't always have to go overboard. You can rely in my whenever you need to. " I smiled resting my head on her shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her saying " I know, I just don't want you to get hurt. " Luz sighed as we took off into the air rapidly flying through the sky, I always thought the view from up here was so incredible. After a bit we descended and stopped in front of the potion shop.

I hopped off the staff and so did Luz,  we both entered the building and Luz immediately went up to the person at the front desk holding out the letter she was told to give them from the Emperors Coven. I heard them say it would take a minute so I took it upon myself to look around and see if they had anything that could be useful. After a bit of walking my head started to really hurt, soon it started to pound with this odd feeling as I now leaned against a wall. For some reason my vision started to change and I now was looking at Luz on the ground motion less.

She had burn marks all over her body, along with patches of ice that stuck to her, I couldn't move in my vision so I was stuck watching this horrific scene in front of me, I began to burst out in tears as I saw this. This wasn't because of some monster attack this was from magic users! Either people from different covens working together or someone in the Emperors Coven! I don't know why I was seeing this, I hated seeing it! I couldn't bear to look at it any longer but then I felt someone shaking me, soon my vision returned and I saw Luz in front of me looking extremely worried.

I immediately lunged forward hugging her tightly, I don't know what I just saw and I didn't want to see it again. Luz comforted me patting my back as she said " Amity?! Why are you crying? Did something happen?" I knew I shouldn't hide this from her, I looked up to her slowly and shakily saying " I-I saw a vision, I don't know how but I saw you on the ground. You had all kinds of magical damage on you and it looked like you were dead. " Luz' eyes widened as she hugged me, after a bit she said " Well, I'm here now. So everything's alright. I promise I won't be going anywhere Amity and if anyone comes after me we'll..... We'll do what we need to do, together. "

I nodded as I let go of her and started to wipe the tears out of my eyes with my sleeve as I said " I don't know why I saw that but it seemed so..... Real, you had-" Luz put a finger against my lips saying " We can talk about it when we get home, I don't want to see you get all worked up about it right now, we still have plans after all. " I slowly nodded as she moved her finger away and took my hand as we walked out of the store.

Sorry about the late chapter but I'll publish another one later tonight as per usual.

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