The End

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Amity POV

It had been a couple months after the incident Violet caused at school, ever since then she's been fine. We haven't received any word from the school that she was acting up, in fact she was doing quite exceptionally. Every score she had gotten on her assignments was very good. Luz and I learned that we didn't have to worry as much as we had about her being successful, from what we had seen so far.

I gently lowered the sunflower Luz had gotten from her Mother into the dirt and then covered the hole it went into with dirt. I looked towards Luz as she was watering the flowers, out of curiosity I asked " Hey Luz, flowers on Earth aren't poisonous right? And they won't grow teeth and try to eat us?" Luz chuckled as she put the watering can down saying " Well, some are poisonous but none of them try to eat us Amity. Or at least I think none of them don't. "

I chuckled back as I started to take my gloves off saying " We've really got to send a thank you card to your Mother, she's been sending us a lot of stuff lately. " Luz nodded while smiling as she said " Yup! I wish she didn't send us so many backpacks for Violet though, it's not like she's gonna grow out of them every year. " I nodded, before I responded I got reminded of something that was coming up. I then brought it up saying

" Oh Luz, summer break is about to start. Your Mother knows that we're coming over to Earth right?" Luz nodded, she then added by saying " Yup, I'm so excited for Violet to see the human world! Remember your first time seeing it? You could barely believe ice cream was something that could be possible. " I chuckled, I couldn't believe it had been so many years since that one moment. Of course through the years I've gone to the human world more with Luz for holidays and such, but it always seemed special. I know the entirety of Earth isn't as innocent as I originally thought, but Luz still believes that it could be.

I soon began to hear the carriage that came to drop Violet at home, I looked towards Luz asking " Hey, we're gonna tell Violet about it today right? " Luz nodded responding with " Yup, she's gonna be jumping up and down with excitement! Oh, we also gotta tell her that magic can't be used on Earth. " I nodded as the carriage stopped near our house and I saw Violet step down onto the ground and wave goodbye to its driver. She then ran up to Luz hugging her legs as Luz said

" Hey my little flower! How was school today?" Violet happily responded by saying " It was really good Mommy! We figured our how to say Griffon ball today!" I immediately became a bit worried but I hid it as I said " Really? I didn't know they now started teaching it in your grade. " Violet let go of Luz' legs as she now looked towards me saying " Yup! Omaya almost got snatched up by the Griffon but she managed to escape. " Luz then changed the subject by saying

" So, you know that summer break is coming up right?" Violet nodded excitingly as she said " Yup! I can't wait! But my teachers said I have to read a preparation book for the next grade so that way I can be prepared for the next year. " Luz then said " Well, you can read that.... While we're in Earth! You know the place Grandma lives? We're gonna be staying there for a big part of the summer!" Violets eyes lit up as she once again hugged Luz, this time Luz picked her up and Violet continued to hug her as she said

" Really?! We're visiting Grandma's home? How are we gonna get there Mommy? Didn't you say she lives on another planet? " Luz nodded as she said " Yup! But you're great Aunt Eda can take us there, it'll take no time at all. " I stepped forward and gently rubbed Violets hair saying " and you can bet that she's gonna be happy to see you too. " Violet then giggled happily before asking " When are we going?"

Luz responded by saying " Right when summer break starts, so not too long. " Luz gently put Violet down on her feet as she ran into the house saying " I'm going to make a card for her when we arrive!" Luz and I smiled as we watched her run in, then we looked back at eachother. Luz calmly said " We got blessed with the best little flower in the world huh?" I nodded and said " We sure did, but just wait till she's a teenager. That's when she'll start to get sick of us. " Luz then sighed as she said " You really think so?" I shook my head saying " actually, no I don't. I don't think anyone can get sick of you. "

To be continued in A Flower's Thorns

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