Comedy = Tragedy + Time

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While I sat in the carriage with Amity I often looked outside of the small window to see that a whole lot of other people were taking big carriages. This event must've been really important, I know a ball is a big thing but it's just kind of nerve racking since I didn't want to embarrass Amity in any way. Eventually after a bit I turned my head back to her and asked " Hey Amity, what's the ball gonna be like? Besides dancing, is there gonna be some sorta big surprise orrrr?"

Once Amity heard that she looked towards me and calmly responded " Not that I know of, not everything has a magical twist here Luz. Besides magic is prohibited to be used at the ball, so just dancing really " I nodded as the carriage stopped right along the side of the road. Amity got up opening the door and the walking down the steps, she then held her hand out for me and I took it walking down the steps. Once I got onto the ground I held her hand tightly, I was still pretty nervous after all. I didn't know what was normal dancing here as well, Amity could probably tell I was nervous since she was rubbing her thumb against the back of her hand saying

" It's alright Luz, let's just make sure to have some fun, alright? Or is something else bothering you?" She asked, I turned my head toward her and I hesitated but then said " So um, kind of a stupid question, but how do you guys normally dance here? I don't know if it's the same on Earth " Amity gave me a calm smile as she lead me forward toward the entrance of the school saying

" Don't worry, it's more formal dancing anyways. I'll lead and it'll be really easy for you to catch on, I promise " That was really assuring for me, so I took a deep breath and caught up with Amity so we'd be next to eachother. We got to the front gate and there was a guard who seemingly was checking invitations, wait did I forget mine at home-before I could really freakout Amity took out two purple tickets and handed them to the guard, he checked them for a moment then nodded allowing us to move into the school.

Amity and I continued to walk toward the outside gym, at first I was worried that the weather would affect it but I saw a large magical barrier placed above us. My head darted around looking at the several tables that had snacks and drinks set up, along with what looked like a musician platform with a band on it playing music. Once Amity and I got into the circular area for dancing she turned to face me saying

" Well Luz, will you accept this dance with me?" I giggled slightly at it, Amity knew I was a sucker for the overly fancy wording, I took her hand as she put her other arm above my waist and motioned me to put my arm onto her shoulder, I could tell this was pretty similar to Earth ballroom dancing. She then started moving and I quickly followed, Amity's face had slight surprise as she said

" Wow, you're a natural Luz. What were you all worried about? With your pace you should've been the lead " I smiled warmly as I continued dancing with Amity, I could feel everything around us slowly mute as it was just me and Amity. I wish time could've stopped so we could keep on doing this for as long as we wanted, I was even getting lost in Amity's eyes as I looked at her. She picked up her dancing pace and so did I, she even went to twirl me which I followed and it went pretty successfully, I almost slipped but Amity pulled me back and we both got back into position slightly giggling.

Eventually the seconds turned into minutes, the minutes turned into hours, and before we knew it, it was 5:30 Amity slowly stopped dancing as she said " Hold on Luz, I've gotta contact the carriage driver to come pick us up. Stay near the juice table I'll be right back but before I go-" She quickly pulled me in for a deep kiss on the lips after a bit she stopped and walked to make her call. I was still blushing even after she left, I could not get it off my mind as I stood next to the punch table patiently waiting. However I could hear a loud sound as if something was vibrating, or a large object hitting another, before I knew it I looked up and there was a Griffin  attacking the barrier that was set above the gym!

It started to crack the barrier as all of the surrounding people started to run away, I was about to run before my heel slipped on the ground and I fell down, I could feel my foot twist and slightly feel something snap, I tried to get to my feet but the pain was too much. My foot couldn't support my weight at all, I quickly pushed down the snack table in front of me and hid behind it. Holding my head down I felt pure fear as I heard the Griffin slowly approaching me. I quickly took out Owlbert from my secret pocket and woke him up, his eyes widened as I whispered to him

" Owlbert! Go tell Eda a Griffin is attacking the school! And that I'm kinda trapped here! " Owlbert nodded as he flew off into the sky, I could see Amity running back into the gym area and she instantly saw me. She quickly backed up against a wall and saw the Griffin, she summoned a small magical circle and before I knew it the instruments the band had left were playing by themselves. This distracted the Griffin causing it to jump toward the instruments crushing the platform, Amity took this time to get near me also hiding under the table. Her gaze instantly went to me as she said

" Luz! I knew I shouldn't of left for a moment, especially with the Griffin warning this morning. Can you walk?" I  pointed to my messed up ankle that I had tripped over and said " Nope, my ankle is all messed up, I really chose the wrong day to wear heels huh? But I sent Owlbert so Eda should be here any time now-" Just as I said that Eda immediately landed onto the gym grounds with her staff, she had a look of pure anger on her face. Like a momma bird defending her baby birds, she quickly spun the staff around as the Griffin turned toward her and started to charge, she then unleashed a circular blast as she yelled.

" Sleep spell! " The Griffin was hit by the blast and it immediately stopped falling down onto the ground sleeping, I sighed in relief as Eda ran over to me and said " Luz you alright? I knew I should've came undercover, I can't even trust the Hexile teachers to take care of my pupil!" She said as she picked me up, I was kinda embarrassed since it was in front of Amity but I nervously chuckled said " Some first ball huh? It's kind of funny that things turned out this way. "

I tried to ease everyone's nerves with that and Eda calmly smiled, but I saw that Amity just looked downward as if she was angry with herself. I then quickly said " I-Amity don't worry! This couldn't of been predicted! Hey at least none of us got seriously hurt, well besides my ankle but it'll heal. " Amity looked up at me and sighed saying " This was supposed to be special, but all it turned into was a tragedy, I wanted to make what could be your last day here special! But that stupid Griffin ruined everything. "

I quickly said " Don't worry, in the future we can all look back at this and we'll laugh! Right? That is if I can... Convince my Mother to-" Eda then interrupted trying to change the subject by saying " That's what we'll worry about tomorrow, for now let's just go back to the house. We all need a little rest right now " I nodded but before I could realize my phone was ringing, I had put it into the purse Eda had given me just in case my Mom had any updates. My heart froze as I took it out and accepted the call and I immediately heard my Mother essentially command saying " Luz Noceda! The camp says they have not ever seen you attend it ever since you went to check it out! Where even are you Hija and where did you go?"

Part 9 end
Since I left it off at a cliffhanger I thought it'd be a good time to have a small Q and A.
Any questions are generally accepted besides obviously inappropriate or majority hateful questions. Even questions regarding the story however if the awnser is a major plot point that I haven't put in yet then I'll probably just leave a little message that could hint toward what could happen.
Also the real cover is coming probably on Sunday April 26th.
Also also good job to anyone who can figure out the reference in the title

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