Here We Are In The Future

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Today was the day we planned to back to the boiling isles, Eda and King had already returned and were waiting on us after all. I was packing my bag with some of the things I had in my room when I felt Amity lay a hand on my shoulder saying " Are you sure you don't want to stay a bit longer? After all you've only been here for 2 days. " I moved my hand up to hold hers saying " I want to catch up on any work I might've missed, I don't want to fall behind especially if I want to become a witch " I then stood up slinging my bag over my shoulder and looked toward Amity saying

" oh! That's right! I have something I want to give you. " Amity warmly smiled and said " Luz, you've given me a lot while we've been here I don't think I can-" Before she could finish her sentence I handed her a small box, it contained some of my favorite books to read. Since she was a fan of books I thought she'd like them, once she opened the box her eyes widened in surprise as she said " Your books?! Are you sure Luz? " I nodded saying " Yup! I don't know if you'll end up liking them but I wanted to give you a taste of Earth literature."

She put down the box and hugged me tightly saying " I'm sure I'll like them Luz, thanks a bunch. " I nodded hugging back, after a bit we both let go and I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room with Amity following me. My Mom was near the door to meet up with us and I walked up to her and hugged her as she said " Remember Hija, call me every night and call me if you get hurt. I love you Luz" I hugged her tighter as I said " I love you too Mom"

After a bit we let go of eachother and I walked out of the house, the walk to the house where Eda usually opens up her portal door was long and surprisingly quiet, Amity broke the silence after a bit and said " Luz, what type of Witch do you want to become?" I thought for a moment, what type of witch did I want to become? I know all the coven system did was limit Witches, but I couldn't become an official witch without one. I nervously said " I-I don't know, I want to become an official witch but that would mean joining a coven. I don't exactly like the idea of my magic being limited but if I became a covenless witch like Eda that would put me in trouble with the law, and possibly put you in danger. "

Amity listened and thought for a small bit after I finished. She calmly smiled and said " Well, the Emperors coven doesn't have any magic limitations. If I eventually go into it through my training with Miss Lilith I'm sure I could put in a good word about you. " I nervously smiled, what would Eda think about that? I could only imagine she'd feel betrayed. I nervously said " that sounds really good, but I don't think Eda would be alright with it. She's a wanted criminal after all. I don't know if-"

Before I could finish Amity interrupted me saying " Luz, don't worry so much about it. You told me she atoned for her past hijinks at Hexile in order for you to enter right? Something like that shows that she'd be alright with you joining the Emperor's coven. After all you wouldn't arrest her even if you were assigned to do so. " I smiled and let out a sigh of relief and said " that makes me feel a lot better, but hey we'll see once whatever happens, happens. Right?" Amity smiled as we approached the broken down house saying "You are absolutely right"

Once we entered the house I knocked on the wall and suddenly the portal door appeared unfolding itself to create  the portal we needed to get back. I reached over and grabbed Amity's hand smiling to her as we walked into the portal and walked back into the boiling isles.

                         [8 Years Later]

I looked at Eda nervously, today was the day and of course I was having stage fright. I paced a bit back and forth which admittedly was hard in my wedding dress until Eda walked in front of me putting both of her hands onto my shoulder saying " Luz, calm down. The women you love is out there waiting for you, are you gonna let some dang fright stop you from being her Wife?" I immediately stopped shaking and toughened up, I nodded saying " Yeah, you're right Eda. Alright it's now or never. "

I held the bouquet tightly in my hands as Eda opened the doors for me and I looked out at all of the many people seated, then to the beautiful decorations, and finally at the love of my life Amity as I walked down the Isle toward the alter. I stopped once I was across from her, the future was here even before I knew it.


Sorry about this chapter being a day late. The next chapter will still be published tomorrow AKA Thursday as usual.

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