Good Times Bad Times

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My Mother looked at me oddly, then looked behind me at Eda and them. She stopped looking at them and back to me, hesitating to talk as she said " W-well Luz, they definitely look like they're from a different realm. I just can't believe that-" she cut her sentence short as she concentrated on King, her face lit up as she walked over towards him picking him up and holding him close to her. She also planted a bunch of kisses onto his head saying " Tu perro es muy lindo hija! " (Sorry if I messed that up but the translation is Your dog is very cute)

Eda chuckled a bit nudging me in the shoulder with her elbow as she commented " Mother like Daughter huh? " I giggled a bit before King was finally able to escape from her grasp landing onto the ground as he pointed toward my Mother saying " Hey lady! Just because your Luz' Mom doesn't mean you can suffocate me with love like she does!" My Mom was a bit surprised King talked but she also looked fascinating at the same time, but she then turned around to look at Eda. Slightly eyeing her, she then questioned her saying " So, if my daughter was in this ' realm ' she talked about I assume you were looking after her?"

Eda looked a bit nervous but she shook it off nodding with a smile as she said " Yup! I didn't let a thing hurt her! Well, besides when she fell and hurt her ankle-but that doesn't count, she was totally fine under me-totally, she wasn't even cursed by a single vengeful spirit!" My Mom didn't looked too convinced by this, she didn't even seem to be following it! After a bit she nodded before turning to me again, she looked down at me with a nervous yet disappointed face, but it didn't seem she was disappointed in me. She continued by saying " I-I'm sorry Luz, when I called you I was so angry and worried, I didn't think to see if you were or weren't telling the truth. It's just, when you were going on about all of that magical stuff it sounded like my daughter wasn't going to wake up. However seeing it now, I should've realized it. I mean, you would've never ran away from the summer camp, I should've known something happened to you but I just never expected this. "

I put my arms around her as I am brought her into a tight hug, she was just REALLY worried about me. I felt pretty bad about all of the stress I caused her, I then apologized with teats building up in my eyes saying " Mom, I should've at least texted you the truth. I just thought if I did, I wasn't going to be able to stay there! I've been doing really well in the 3 months that I've been there, I can do really cool stuff too! " I immediately took out my notebook and started writing down the symbol I used for ice pillars, putting it onto the ground I tapped it but nothing happened. REALLY? The one time I needed to show my Mother that I could actually do the things I was dreaming of was the time it decided not to work?! Amity looked confused and worried for me but then Eda stepped forward saying

" Luz, it's impossible to do magic in the Human Realm. I-I know I should've told you this but, that's the reason why the two realms are so different. That's also why humans don't have a inherit magical ability, it isn't in their home. However, she isn't lying Mrs. Noceda. " Eda took out a small glass orb, almost the size of a marble that she threw against the street. A large cloud or smoke appeared but then it all started to move around and it started to show the times I'd use magic, kinda like a video! My mom's eyes widened at the sight, it was a bit before the smoke disappeared and Eda went on saying

" Magical items can still work here however, that's how my door works. Anyways-Mrs. Noceda, you saw for yourself for a human Luz has gone beyond any records for a human that are recorded in my realm. She's a natural, and well frankly she's been a delight. I've never seen someone who makes others around her better like Luz does. " Eda stopped herself before going on a full on speech, my Mom looked back at me and Eda and took a deep breath. She then said " I shouldn't be surprised, she is the best thing that ever happened to me and she still finds ways to surprise me. Let's all go to the house, I'd rather hear about your adventures with some Advil just in case you did anything really dangerous. You probably missed the food you're familiar too huh?"

I've been waiting for something like that! I looked her dead in the eyes and slowly said dramatically " You. Have. No. Idea. " She chuckled a bit before unlocking the car and motioned for all of us to get in, Eda and them jumped back at the noise the car made but slowly got in. Eda sat in the passenger seat, while me and Amity sat on the back and I kept King on my lap. I almost forgot to tell them about seatbelts, I pointed towards the metal part of the seatbelt saying " hey guys, you're gonna want to put this shiny metal part into the red thing on the seat. So that way if we crash we don't get hurt! Was that too dark?"

I tightly put my arms around King as he slowly started to fall asleep, Amity and Eda still looked uneasy as the car started to move. I leaned my hand over to hold Amity's and she slowly learned over to whisper " Where's the horses or magic powering this thing?" I giggled a bit before whispering back " It uses a different form of getting energy, I'll explain it to you later, but how are we gonna explain well. Us to my mother? " Amity thought for a moment before whispering back " we could tell her tonight, you do have a night part of the day right? But will she also be okay with it?"

I smiled towards Amity and rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb comforting her while saying " don't worry, I'm sure she's gonna be accepting of it, she didn't go into panic attack mode when we explained to her about everything I've done. So we should be good. " We eventually made it to the house, I unbuckled myself and Amity just in case she couldn't figure it out, and held King in a cradle made of my arms and looked toward the house. Well, looks like I'm gonna have to hope my negotiating skills are as good as I think they are.
End of part 11
Hey, I'm sending out this part early since I have it done. It's still the part for Thursday, and I'd like to take this time to thank y'all. The support has never been higher because of you guys! Y'all are cooler than a ice cube, I'm not sorry for that joke.
Now onto the Q and A, also don't be afraid to ask personal questions in the Q and A. I won't get angry, just make sure the question is appropriate.
Q:  how did Luz's mom figure out she wasn't at camp?
A: Well, I know from experience that a summer camp program I went to sent monthly reports to my parents. So I would say the summer camp she was supposed to go to would have the same system. After not receiving a report Luz's mother would've frantically called them and of heard that Luz was enrolled, but she wasn't attending it. Basically stating that she was not under their supervision.
Stay cool.

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