The 3 Musketeers

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Luz P. O. V

After walking out of the house I felt a bit happier then when I woke up today. Sure breaking the news to Willow and Gus will be hard, but I have to do it. So I arrived at Hexside, I couldn't see them at first glance, but I was sure that I'd come across them during school. I didn't want anything to change just because I was leaving in 3 days. I still wanted to go through the days I had left just like I normally would. After walking in I went to my first class and the rest of the day took off from there, during them my mind sort of wandered about going back to the human world, would I still be able to do magic by writing it down? It'd be something cool to show my Mom, but I'd probably have to do my lessons with Eda in secret. While I was day dreaming the teacher was talking about something about a partner assignment over the next 2 days. I wasn't paying attention but day dreaming got my thinking, would it be better if I just outright told my Mom about what really happened?

Right before I got too deep into my thoughts the teacher said for us to choose our partners, I got up a bit hesitantly since I didn't know what we were doing, at all. Before I could really panic I saw Amity at the table next to mine waving at me, she usually was always my partner for my first and last class, also well, whenever we would be partners it gave me an excuse to come over to her house. I walked towards her a bit nervously, knowing the assignment wasn't the problem, it was that I'd have to break the news to her eventually, I'll probably tell her when I'm at her house for this.

It'll break my heart when I tell her but it has to happen, I sat down next to Amity and smiles towards her saying " Hey Amity, soooo you know exactly what we're supposed to do? I kinda dazed off during the explanation ". When I said that I made sure to point finger guns at Amity, she always seemed to calm down after I did something goofy like that.

When Amity heard that she sighed but she couldn't really hide the smile from her face, but she then said " Well, Luz, we are supposed to put our magic together so we can enhance the spell effects of a single spell, so one circle we both create got it?". When she said that my head got looped around the explanation a bit but I understood the premise of it, after all of my training I was able to successfully use a circle to summon a spell now! Only for certain spells, I still had to use paper for many of them. So I thought that would only really make this harder for Amity, she does have to keep her grades up, they're really important to her.

" Hey Amity, you know the range of spells we'll be able to do this with is really low because of me, sorry about that, it probably wouldn't be too impressive either, could I come over to your house so we work on it like usual?". Amity looked surprised when she heard how down that really sounded, I noticed it too, usually I'm all ready for anything and just happy to work with someone!

After the news today I'm just sorta realizing how little time I have, Amity then put her hand on top of mine then smiled saying " Yeah you can come over but don't say self doubtful stuff like that Luz, there isn't a spell level requirement anyways. Are you okay? You sound a bit off and I need to know if something is wrong with my girlfr-"

She was cut off by the bell and we both got up, we had to go to different classes but before I could walk away Amity grabbed my hand looking me dead in the eyes saying " Luz, say it, say that you're alright, I'm not letting you go until I know for sure ".

She really cared about me, and that made my heart swoon a bit, but I didn't get caught up in the feeling and smiled to her saying " I'm alright Amity, I was just a bit worried for how we were going to do this project". Once I said that Amity nodded and let my hand go, we gave eachother a hug then we walked our separate ways to our other classes.

Once I got to my second one I saw Willow and Gus sitting on the gym bleachers. I waved over to them as I walked to them, I gave a quick smile and some finger guns as I said " Heyyyyyyy guys what's up today? You guys finally perfect that strategy that'll help you avoid the Griffin?". Willow laughed a bit while Gus seemed like he was about to go on a full on explanation. Right before he was able to however the Griffin swooped by almost getting him, he was able to squeeze between the layers of the bleachers hiding himself pretty well.

I was pretty surprised and told him " ooohhhh seems pretty good, but let's just hope the Griffin doesn't want to pick up the entire bleachers next time " I chuckled a bit at my own joke, man I love these guys, it was just sad that I'd have to leave them.

I was about to explain but before that Willow chimed in saying " Hey Luz, me and Gus have been thinking about making another club! Ever since Gus got well, kicked out of the human appreciation Society we've had an idea to start another club. However we haven't really decided on a topic or name for it, and we need both to submit a form to start it. "

While she said that Gus rose from under the bleachers nodding as he started to say " yup! I personally wanted to make it The Cooler Human Appreciation Society! But they said that we can't do that, so I've been going through the list and I thought about a club where odd and different people like us could join! Like a sorta appreciation club, we could make sooo many more friends and help people who didn't have any". After hearing that idea I couldn't help but smile, the two of them sure have hearts of gold, I couldn't break it to them now when they had just dropped their dream onto me, but I knew I might not have a better time to do it, so I took all the strength I had in order to say

" That's an amazing idea you two! But I'm afraid that I might not be able to help for most of it, in 3 days my Mom is expecting me back in the human world, and I don't think I can really do anything to stop myself from returning. I'm real sorry, I'm gonna miss you guys a whole bunch ". While I was saying that I kinda got teary eyed, Willow and Gus noticed this and they both went up to hug me, I hugged back while I put my face on Willows shoulder and slowly tears dropped down from my eyes to her uniform.

Gus then tried to calm the mood by saying " it's alright Luz, we understand, we'll miss you a whole lot though, if I could I'd make a copy of me to go back home with you, but I doubt he'd be able to go through the dimension with you ". That made me calm down a bit and I slowly stopped crying, wiping my tears away I we pulled away from the hug and I slowly started to smile, sure it was one of those sad smiles but I wasn't on the ground sobbing, and before we knew it the bell rang for our 3rd class, I was in the same 3rd class as Willow but we didn't have much of an opportunity to meet during it.

Lunch and my final class seemed to fly by, and when I was out of the school I knew I had to go to Amity's house to practice our assignment, but I also knew that I'd have to tell her about me going home, that'd be the hardest thing. Sure our relationship when we first met was a bit rocky but, we've grown to really like each other. I just hope she isn't heartbroken by this, I even had thoughts of asking if she wanted to come with me so I wouldn't break her heart but, I could never make her do that. I had walked all the way to Amity's house, she always got home really fast on days where she didn't have a bunch of things to do. I breathed in and out for a bit before knocking on the door, and what I knew was coming next wouldn't be too pretty.

End of part two.
I kinda got wrapped up in this and made two parts to start but expect the normal Tuesday and Thursday schedule by 6 pm E. D. T. However sometimes I will drop an extra part anytime during the week that will not count for the two guaranteed for the week

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