A Tale As Old As Time

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I was sitting down on the couch reading a book to King, it wasn't my book on Azura, it was one of Eda's books that was lying around that also wasn't a spell book or a guide to conning customers. She actually told me it was from the human world, I was almost done when I looked outside the window and realized that it was morning, man time flies. Now only a day remained until I had to go back to Earth, King snapped his fingers and said " Hey Luz, you aren't spacing out right? You're almost done with the book too "

I immediately turned my head back around toward him saying " Sorry King! I was lost in my thoughts for a moment, anyway, just when Belle had thought she had lost him. The Beast started to sparkle with brilliant light as he floated up! Then before their eyes the beast transformed back into a human, his injuries had been healed as well! Then  him and Belle lived happily, ever, after. "
King seemed a bit confused so he titled his head and asked " So, that's it? Are you sure their isn't a second book? They just leave it off like that?" I thought for a moment then said " I don't think a second part exists, besides its a peaceful ending. Life doesn't need danger at every single turn, eventually you gotta settle down, especially when you get old. " King stood up triumphantly on the couch saying

" I'll never give up my power or my reign! No matter how much danger is thrown at me! " I chuckled a bit ruffling the fur on the back of his neck saying " I believe you King, I believe ya " Eda unlocked the door and walked in rubbing her head with one hand, and holding a stack of letters in the other saying " I can't believe this headache has gone on for so long, also, Luz someone sent a letter for you. It's got one of those fancy emblems that all the town people use " right after saying that she handed me the letter.

I looked at it with slight confusion, but then I recognized the emblem in the top right as the one Amity had on some of her belongings. I had a slight smirk as I opened it up and read it out loud saying " A secret lover has invited you to the annual Hexile ball! A carriage will be sent with your admirer already inside! The carriage will arrive at 2 pm sharp and the ball will end at 6 pm, be sure to be dressed for the occasion! " Secret admirer? I already knew it was Amity, but I guess it was tradition to send these kinds of letters? I was really excited, I hadn't been to a ball before. Eda also opened another letter scanning through it overhearing what I said and commented saying

" Secret Admirer? It's got Amity written all over it. I remember when I was in hexile my sister got one of those, but I made a centipede infestation happen on the same day! Canceled the entire ball, my sister came home steaming with anger and I just laughed myself to near suffocation " I chuckled a bit at Eda's story, I had heard she was a troublemaker in Hexile but I didn't know just how much of one she was. Wait, I'd need a dress for this ball, assuming Amity would be wearing a suit. Wait what if the both of us come in dresses? Will that make it hard to dance? I turned to Eda saying

" Hey Eda, you wouldn't happen to have a dress? It says to dress appropriately and I'm not sure I have anything fancy enough for it. " Eda thought for a moment but then got up from her chair as she went downstairs and I heard a couple boxes being thrown around, then she came up stairs holding a rectangular box. She then opened it up and it had a beautiful white dress that had multiple red rose designs put along it, Eda had a somber smile as she handed it to me saying

" This should work nicely, I was saving it for my eventual kid but.... Well it'd look great on you Luz! I wouldn't want you to go to the ball without a dress would I? The carriage comes at 2 right? That's a couple hours from now, why don't you try it on?" I nodded smiling warmly to her, I took the dress and went to my room to put it on. Once I did I walked out pulling the ends of the dress up as I stepped down the stairs, once I got to the bottom of them I looked up at Eda asking " Well, how do I look?"

Eda had a warm smile at her face as she walked up to me and ruffled my hair a bit, she then said " You look like a force of nature Luz. You're gonna show up all of those fancy hexile kids with just the way you look, along with making Amity faint on sight. " I blushed a bit at that but I smiled at her compliments, I wanted to get used to the dress a bit but I felt like I should read one more book to King, just in case when I go back, I'm not able to come back.

I grabbed another book off the shelf and opened it saying " A very long time ago there was a peasant girl.... "

[6 hours later]

Eda was fixing up my hair a bit to get it to stay down. While she was combing it down she snapped her fingers and Owlbert walked up to me perching himself on my shoulder, Eda then explained saying " Owlbert will go with you, just in case you get into some trouble he'll come and get me and I'll curse the fiend with every single well, curse I have. " I smiled a bit at how protective Eda was as Owlbert stood still turning into stone and I put him into the small bag Eda gave me with some items just in case. Spare snails, a dagger, and some potions.

Typical stuff, we both heard the carriage arrive up at front and I got up giving Eda a hug as she said " Have the time of your life Luz. " I let go of the hug and walked toward the door looking back to her saying " Thanks Eda, I'll see you when I get back. You too King " I waved to both of then as I walked out of the house closing the door behind me, and I saw Amity in front of me holding out her hand for me. She was wearing a suit that looked amazing on her, she even had a tie and cufflinks the same light green to compliment her hair. However I was so stunned I could barely notice how her eyes were essentially glued to me, I could see she thought I looked pretty good.

I took her hand saying " Why hello there ' secret admirer ' you wouldn't mind telling me your name would you?" I said this smirking slightly as I took her hand and she led me to the carriage, she also said " Well, I'm Amity Blight, and you're the light of my life. Luz Noceda "I blushed a bit smiling as I walked up the steps of the carriage then walked inside of it sitting down, Amity sat down across from me as she held my hand looking me in the eyes saying " You're the very definition of beauty tonight Luz "

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