Don't Stop Me Now

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I followed my Mother into our house, it wasn't the biggest thing but it held a really special place on my heart. My Mother immediately went to our medicine cabinet to take a Tylenol, I knew she was dealing with a lot of information right now so I didn't want to put mote onto her mind at the moment. Amity, Eda, and King soon followed us into the house and looked around at their surroundings. King jumped up onto the kitchen counter and stood up straight exclaiming " Wow! This place is much more comfy than the Owl House! Also way less cursed objects too!" 

King then jumped off and took a spot on the couch sitting down and getting comfy, my Mom then shuffled through the cabinets saying " I haven't cooked for this many people in a long time! He Luz do you know if your friends like empanadas? If not I can make some hamburgers. " I immediately turned around to face her and responded " Sure!" I walked back to the living room to see that Eda and Amity had joined King on the couch, I cleared my throat and asked them " Do you guys like or know what an empanada is?"

They all shook their heads at once as Amity added " What exactly is it?" I jumped up and down for a second since empanadas were one of my most favorite foods in the world! I then explained saying " It's a fried pastry that can have all sorts of stuff inside! Beef, chicken, vegetables, and all kinds of other stuff!" The rest of them looked at me confused as Amity broke the silence once again by saying " What's a chicken?" I chuckled a bit before  realizing she was serious, I pointed finger guns at them saying " You'll find out!" I tuned my head back towards my Mom and said " Empanadas are fine!"

After about 30 minutes my Mom told us that the food was ready and that it was at the table, everyone took their seats and I sat next to Amity and King, across from my Mother. I noticed King was having trouble reaching the plate so I put some big books onto the chair so he could sit on then and be high enough to get his plate. I immediately dug into my empanada while Eda, King, and Amity eyed it. King then spoke out saying " This isn't poisoned, right?" Eda immediately punched his shoulder lightly saying " King! Just eat it. " Eda then turned to my mother and apologized saying " sorry about him, he's just skeptical sometimes. "

My Mom gave her a kind smile saying " Don't worry, I know you guys probably haven't been here much so I understand. " by the time Eda and them finally got around to trying the empanada I was finished, so was my Mother. My Mother unexpectedly broke the silence by saying " So Luz, what did you do in this other realm? " I've been waiting for this question, I wanted to impress my Mother with all of the accomplishments I made there! I started by confidently saying " Well, I was accepted into a magic school and I've been doing good in it. Better than regular school anyways, mastered certain spells, learned some things about running a business from Eda. "

My Mom seemed pretty surprised at what I said, but she formed a smile at the business part. Which made her turn to Eda saying " A business? What business do you run if you don't mind telling me?" Eda cleared her throat and confidently said " Well, I run a business selling human treasures to the people of my realm that I find in the tr-" I immediately cut her off nervously and loudly saying " From the dimensional rifts they fall out of! Very risky but very profitable Mom!" Eda shot me a confused glare but I nervously put a thumbs up toward her and she rolled her eyes sighing. My Mother took a moment to think about what she heard then said " So you learned about how to sell stuff? That's a really great skill Hija! You could become a fine businesswoman with that skill!"

My mother said that extremely cheerfully as I nervously chuckled, I didn't exactly know how to tell her that I didn't want to become a business woman here and instead a witch in the other realm. Amity nudged me in the elbow and signaled me to say it, I sighed and stood up off my chair as I said " Well Mom, here's the thing. I don't really see a businesswoman being the thing for me, instead I-I want to return to the other realm and continue my training to be a witch!" Eda looked shocked when I said that while Amity  nodded looking at my Mother for her response.

My Mother seemed in shock a bit with a nervously confused look on her face, she then spoke trying to hold back tears  saying " Hija, I just got you back, and you want to leave again?! I don't even know what danger you could be in doing that?! How would it financially support you? Why don't you want to stay here with me?!" By the end of it my Mom was fully in tears, I chocked on my words a bit before I could finally get out also on the brink of tears " M-Madre, I don't fit in here! Doing magic in the other world is something that I'm good at and I enjoy! Witches get paid in that realm you know! Well, if you're an official one but don't worry. I can take care of myself!"

That didn't seem to calm my Mother down in the slightest as she got up from her chair now pacing into the living room saying " That isn't the point Luz! I don't want to let you go somewhere you could get really badly hurt and possibly die! Why isn't here good enough? I could train you to go into the medical industry like me! You'd love the work there!" I now followed my Mom into the living room and shot back with " No I wouldn't! I'm not understood here and I don't think I ever will be! I found something I enjoy and I'm good at why can't you support me?!"

My Mother moved her hand from her side to pointing at her heart saying " Because it breaks my heart Hija! I don't want to wake up knowing that you could be dead from something in another realm I couldn't help to stop! I only want you to be safe, Hija, please. " I wiped the tears off my face and was about to continue before Amity got up walking over family adding " Luz is very skilled, she's saved me dozens of times. While there are dangers in our realm, she can handle them. " She then looked over to me calmly smiling and added on " I know she can. " My Mother  calmed down a bit before sighing and looking to me and walked up to me holding my hands and saying

" Luz, I know your phone works in the other realm. So please if anything bad happens or you need some support, or if you just want to talk please call me. " I warmly smiled to her and brought her into a hug saying " Don't worry Mom, I will. " after a bit I let go from her and Amity once again nudged my arm to remind me of us, I quickly remembered and said " Oh, Mom one more thing! I-well, I know you don't want two giant realizations in one night but Amity's my girlfriend! " I had a nervous smile on my face as I anticipated her response, before she could Amity held out her hand and said

" Amity Blight ma'am, I hope to get to know you. " She said calmly and politely, my Mother chuckled shaking her hand saying " out of all the things I've heard tonight, this is the one that worries me the least. I'm glad to know I'll have someone watching over my Hija for me " she said shaking her hand, after a bit the handshake broke up and I smiled saying " Well, not a lot seems to be able to stop me now. Don't worry Mom I'll be careful and I don't get into trouble!" My mom sighed smiling and calmly said " I know, I believe in you Hija "
End of part 12

Well, a little bit of an author's note before we got onto the Q and A. I now have an Instagram, it's Argent360. I'll be posting some updates there probably along with just random stuff, follow it if you want. Anyways onto the questions!
Q: How long does it take you to write the chapters?
A: Depends, if I'm multitasking or watching a youtube video it could take a good 30 or 45 minutes sometimes, but if I'm focused on it takes around 20, but it also depends on how much I flip back and forth on my notes or if I want to rewrite a part.
See ya next time and stay cool.

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