A Bizarre Visit

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I lead Amity out of her house holding her hand. I knew me telling her the news would've caused her to do something outrageous. I'm sure that the whole everlasting oath could be undone in this special occasion right? I mean, I had to leave, I can't just stay here, I thought Amity would understand this but I guess I'm more special to her then I thought, however I was more surprised by the fact she had so little people who didn't push her to be better or were just kind to her in all. That kind of ticked me off, and also made me feel much worse about having to leave. Which this whole everlasting oath may not allow me to, but Eda must have a solution, she's pretty wise! Well, in magic at least, while I was leading Amity she seemed to be a bit conflicted about something, the expression in her face gave me quite the hint. So I looked back at her for a moment smiling and said " Don't worry Amity, I'm not mad at you, if you went through with that all because you like me that much, it's more flattering then anything. " I gave her a singular finger gun but when I was looking back at her I accidentally hit my head on a branch due to me walking one direction and looking another. Amity immediately used her other hand to move my hair to make sure I wasn't hurt, she smiled slightly saying " Don't worry Luz you're all fine, has anyone ever told you your hair is really soft?" Once she said that I could feel a light blush on my face, only people like my Mother or close family had said that to me before. I quickly moved my head away from her hand and smiled saying " Dawwww thanks, look how much you've grown to like me, remember how we were earlier? Like oil and water us two were! Now look at us! Two peas in a magical pod". After saying that she gave me a kind and thoughtful smile and we both approached The Owl House, and I knew Eda locked up after a certain time. I then turned back toward Amity since I know she hadn't seen her before and I should probably tell her something's about her " Hey Amity uh, how do I explain this, well firstly the house is alive, secondly Eda is well, a unique type of witch, and thirdly there's this little small cutie named King! He can talk and he'll... Well, you'll see what he's all about "

Soon enough Eda opened the door and looked at me, then looked at Amity with a confused face saying " Luz, I thought I told you not to bring your witch friends around here, well, I guess it's ok since you know what is happening, wait.... Aren't you Lilith's little student?" Once Amity heard that I could tell that she was a bit nervous, Eda barely wanted to see her sister let alone have one of her students inside of her household. My hand nervously moved to the back of my neck as I said " Well Eda, remember for when I asked for love advice for a girl? Well she's the girl! Ta-daaaa! Anyways we need help for a different situation, and it includes an everlasting oath ". I could tell Eda was both angry yet expecting that something like this was happening, the perks of living with me! Yay...... Anyways Eda sighed and she said " Go ahead and tell me the conditions of the oath, let's get through it as fast as we can, it isn't anything major right?". This is the point where I'd turn around and bring my face towards Amity's where our noses would be touching, then I'd say " Amity, why don't you tell her, you made it after all" I didn't want to do this to her but I still had some anger towards her about it. Doing this would make us a-okay again! Amity would blush due to how close our faces are and the move her head towards Eda to say " W-well miss Eda, um, I sorta made an everlasting oath with Luz so that she'd stay here and never abandon me! I'm so super sorry about all of this!". When Eda heard this I could tell she was frustrated she rubbed her eyes for a second then signaling for us to come inside she sat down onto the couch and groaned saying " I-kids do you even know what exactly happens when you make an everlasting oath? You don't make an oath just between you two. You also make one with the everliving spirit of life! It is the thing that created everything and it makes sure that all parts of the oath are upheld by the both recipients and if they aren't, well no one knows what happens, because all of the people who broke it never showed up ever again!" After hearing that I went into full panic mode slumping against the wall and slowly sliding down against it onto the floor where I hugged my knees saying " I don't wanna disappear or whatever happens! But I need to go home, Eda please tell me you know some way to call the oath off?" once Amity saw how much I was panicking because of this she quickly went up to me sitting on her knees and put her arms around me, I had to admit she was amazing at comforting me, Eda then shook her head saying " it isn't that simple kid, you can't just make an offering to the spirit and say ' oh it was a mistake I didn't mean to do it ' in fact the only way to summon it, is to use an ancient incantation used by the people of the Golden Owl. "

Once she said that I was really confused, I'd never heard of any people like that, but Amity apparently did. She turned her head towards Eda saying " I read a book about them once, but that said they were long gone, with their civilization, unless?" Eda then had a slight smirk on her face as she said " Well, thankfully for you I'm one of them! Well, my parents were as well but we've still got a problem " I then raised my head up knowing that we've got a lead to break this oath! I perked back up to my feet bringing Amity up with me as I said " Really? Well what is it? ". Eda quickly responded by saying " well, I have the ancient incantation but the problem is I put it into a box downstairs and lost it, I just need to go through that junk pile, after that I'll go over the details you two in the meantime can go and...... Do whatever kids do, pull pranks or some other stuff ". Eda after saying that went towards the stairs taking a deep breath then going down them. Right after an amazing idea had appeared in my head and I turned towards Amity saying " ooohhhh I can show you my room! I've got so much stuff to show ya! " I took Amity's hand and dashed up the stairs, Amity giggled a bit at how enthusiastic I was, I then opened the door leading her inside saying " My room isn't much, I've only been here a couple months, so I've got a bed but a wholeeeeee lot of stuff from shenanigans I had with Eda. Scrolls, staffs, I even think some skulls are left behind here! The whole collection of s stuff!". I could see Amity was a bit unimpressed, I wasn't gonna pry but she was probably used to a better lifestyle. However Amity then looked toward me and smirked saying " Well that stuff sure is neat, but I've got all of my attention on the bright women in front of me, how does she stay so lovable?" Once she said that I was blushing up a storm, I couldn't believe she was such a word connoisseur! I could barely form a response saying " Well you sure know how to make me blush, but please you're much more lovable than I, after all you're much more refined then me" I know my shot back wasn't as impressive but I knew Amity was especially weak against physical contact, so I moved my hand over to hers and held it as I brought my head over and gave her a quick peck of a kiss on the forehead, this made her blush up a fire on her face as well. However she wasn't able to form a clever comeback, only thing that escaped her mouth was her saying " I-you know m-my weaknesses! So this isn't exactly far Luz! Or should I call you Mrs. Blight?" DANGGGGG That K.O'd me, I now tried to hide my face under a pillow by laying down and putting my face onto it, but Amity had laid down right next to me and wasn't planning on stopping, not that I wanted her to " C'mon Luz? Where's all of that Human fire? Or are my words hotter then any spark you're trying to start? " I couldn't take much more of this at all, So I moved my head towards her and quietly said " Well, why don't rest for a bit? I-I mean it's been bizarre day after all! Plus the project is due on Monday! So we'd need the rest to start it tomorrow!" When Amity heard that she essentially knew her victory was achieved she chuckled a bit and pulled the blanket over us saying " Whatever you say Luz Blight, I wouldn't mind getting to see your face as I fall asleep" Once she said that she put her arm around me, I nestled my head into the crook of her neck and slowly fell asleep.

(this is the part for Thursday I just had it done earlier and I don't want it sitting around waiting to be published so I'm uploading it on Wednesday April 15th)

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