Mr. Blue Sky

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Amity POV

I held Luz' hand as we continued walking down the sidewalk. Earth was a pretty interesting place, the " Ice Cream " was a pleasant treat. However as we walked I could see Luz get happier by the second, I was sure she was just excited to get to the next place but it was very nice to see her so happy. Especially since only a day ago her nerves were on such an edge. Eventually we made it to what looked like a clearing with trees, a walkway, and a fountain in the center. Luz rushed ahead letting go of my hand and stood in front of the entrance and said

" Welcome to the park! I'd come here all the time to clear my head or just connect with ol' mother nature. " I nodded my head as I walked up and into the park as I looked around at all of the nature surrounding us, I thought about what Luz said and I turned back to her saying " So, all of the nature here was created by a mother called mother nature? I thought there weren't any magical deities here. " Luz shook her head slightly giggling and said " No, she's more of an idea. I'm pretty sure an actual mother nature doesn't exist. "

I nodded back to her, this place was much more confusing than I thought. Luz grabbed my hand as I walked down the path with her, I quickly looked around at the tiny little creatures that inhabited the park. There were these tiny little creatures with big bushy tails that were up in the trees, I pointed up at one saying " Hey Luz, what's that animal up there?" She turned her head toward it and responded " that's a squirrel Amity, I wouldn't suggest touching wild ones though. Their teeth can really hurt, I would know. One bit me after I tried to pet it. "

I giggled a bit and said " Hey Luz, are there any really dangerous creatures here like in the boiling isles? " Luz thought for a moment then said " Well, not really. Most REALLY big animals are pretty docile, I'd say the biggest threats are probably the venomous ones. They bite or sting you and inject you with poison " I gasped a bit, I knew of many poisons from the boiling isles but they all had some magical implications. What would poison on Earth do to humans? Are they even able to protect themselves against it? I questioned saying " What do you do if one of them hurts you? If you don't have magic then how do you cure it?"

Luz calmly said " Well, we have Anti venoms. They're like cures for the venom, however if we just leave them alone usually we're fine. Besides for the times they come in our houses and feel threatened, I heard that's a problem in Australia but not here. " Australia? Is Australia another planet? Does that mean humans are able to travel between planets? I questioned her saying " What's Australia? " Luz responded with " Oh, it's another continent on Earth. I heard it's pretty hot there, so not a bad place to live. Except for all of the deadly animals there, but I wouldn't know. "

I nodded as we continued walking, eventually Luz stopped walking for a moment and asked me to stay here for a moment. I nodded and I saw her walk over to a man with a cart, I couldn't see what was in it but Luz seemingly grabbed something and paid for it. She looked to me and shouted " Hey Amity close your eyes for a second!" I smiled closing my eyes, she didn't need to get me a gift. I wasn't going to object it, eventually Luz walked up to Mr and said " Alright open them up. "

I nodded and opened my eyes, Luz was offering me a beautiful bouquet of purple and red flowers. My eyes widened and I smiled warmly at Luz, I gently took the bouquet from her hand and said " Luz, they're beautiful. Thank you so much, you've done so much for me today and it's not even over. " I leaned over and kissed Luz' forehead and she blushed slightly saying " Ahh geese Amity, I'm doing this because I love you. So you don't really have to thank me for it. Just keep on being amazing, and that's not hard for you. "

I blushed a bit and took out a singular Rose from the bouquet, I then tucked it snuggly into the area between the top of her ear and her head saying " It's much easier for you Luz Noceda. " She was in full on blush mode as she said " Dawww you're too kind Amity Blight " I smiled as she took my hand and continued walking on, while we walked I occasionally buried my nose onto the flowers smelling them. Once we got to the end of the pathway and walked out of the exit I looked to Luz saying " What's the next place master planner?"

She turned to me and confidently said " It's a place that will knock your socks off, I want to get there quickly just so we can make sure the view is just right. I want you to see its blue sky, but also the sunset. I also told my Mom to pick us up there right when it gets dark. So don't worry about that " I was kinda amazed at how much she had planned all of this out, so far I was enjoying every bit of it and I don't think that it'll change.

Back here for the Author's note. I may release two chapters this weekend instead of 1 but don't qoute me on that. I'm feeling a bit productive so who knows, anyway onto the Q and A
Q: does anyone care about Amity's ears or are they pulling a retail?
A:I have no idea what a retail is but, for  the ice cream worker and flower seller, Their attention was on Luz, however for any passerby's they'd probably think that it's either a genetic condition or that Amity is into some cosplay.
Q:how did Ederik and Emira respond to Amity's predicament
A:Well, firstly I assume that by predicament you mean Amity trying to confess her love to Luz. Then instead of being annoying siblings to her, they actually gave some advice and tactics on how to make it go as smoothly and successfully as possible. However after Luz became her girlfriend they endlessly teased Amity about it.

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