Upside Down World

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Amity POV

It wasn't long before Violet came down with a suitcase full of her belongings. She happily fast walked towards the front desk looking up toward Luz and I smiling. Luz happily smiled back and I was now looking at the papers Miss Kenobi had given me. She then added by saying " Since Violet never had an official name, you can ask her if she wants it changed or not. " I nodded and looked down toward Violet, I politely asked " Violet, would you like your name to be changed? This'll be your only chance until you're an adult. "

Violet thought for a couple of moments, seemingly conflicted. She then looked back up towards Luz and I and shyly asked " Is Violet a good name for me? I've had it for so long I can't really think of anything to replace it. " Luz comforted her putting a hand on her shoulder and getting down on one knee to be at her level saying " Awwww Violet, any name you want is a good name for you. Would you like to keep your name?" It didn't take long for Violet to nod happily and said

" Yeah, Violet is good. " I nodded and quickly wrote down under her name Violet Noceda. I then quickly wrote down all of the legal, medical, and other information on the papers. After all that I then paid the fee, and we finally walked out after an additional hour just from the paperwork. During the passing hour Violet had fell asleep and Luz was now carrying her, I didn't notice until I turned around and saw it for myself. I didn't know I was spacing out until Luz walked up to me saying

" Yeah, I know. It's hard to believe after all these years we're parents. I just can't wait to see how protective you'll be of her. " I smiled slightly chuckling as we both walked out of the orphanage, as we walked out I responded by saying " You're interested about how protective I'll be? I'm sure you're not going to let her out of your sight for a second. " Luz chuckled back as I whistled and Owlbert immediately zoomed to us.

To be honest, I'm still surprised that even after all these years Owlbert warmed up to me. Luz shook her said saying " We are not flying through the air with Violet yet, no way Jose. I'm getting a Pegasus cab for us. " Both Owlbert and I looked towards Luz surprised, I then said " Well, she's been our daughter for about 5 minutes and you're already proving yourself to be pretty protective of her. " Luz rolled her eyes as she held up a small communications scroll to her ear and said

" Amity, the shortcut home is way too dangerous for her. What if one of the Griffins try to attack us when we're going through the cloud meadows? She's also probably never flown before-" She interrupted herself off as someone answered the communication scroll and I looked towards Owlbert as he let out a couple of hoots and I nodded saying " Yeah, I agree. I think she'll probably lock up the enchanting room first. " Owlbert hooted a couple more times and I said " The kitchen? Fine I'll take that bet. If you lose you have to bring in the mail for a week though. "

Owlbert confidently hooted back as the Pegasus cab arrived and Luz got into the carriage first, I followed behind her and sat next to her putting the suitcase on the floor and Owlbert on the seat across from us. Luz rested Violets head on her lap and she stroked her hair saying " You think Violet will like her room? Maybe we can hang up some decorative posters of the covens? She sure seems to like you, so maybe we could something like an Emperors coven theme?"

I slightly shook my head saying " Luz, it'd be a bit weird to have posters of me in our child's room. How about instead we just ask her how she wants her room decorated when she wakes up?" Luz nodded and her eyes widened as she looked towards me and said " I just remembered! Eda, Lilith, and my Mother are visiting this weekend, it's gonna be so great when they meet Violet! " I nodded and I was about to respond but the Pegasus carriage landed on the ground and halted to a stop, this woke up Violet and she sleepily said

" Just... 5.... More minutes.... Please. " Luz cheerfully smiled and I rubbed Violets forehead slightly saying " No more sleeping, we're home. " Violet immediately shot up and she jumped out of the carriage onto the ground and looked at our house with amazement. She jumped up and down happily saying " it's so big! I wonder how big my room is gonna be! Or how big the backyard is! Ohh my goshhhh!" She ran up toward the door and waited for us clearly excited, I chuckled and a smile formed on my face as Luz walked forward and I walked next to her.

Once I was at the door I unlocked it and opened it up. Violet immediately ran into the house looking all around her and above her all with stars in her eyes as she said " Ohhh my gosh! Do you guys have a room with a bunch of spell books? Do you guys make your own spell books?!" Luz giggled slightly walking forward towards Violet saying " Well, Amity has updated and made new versions of the spell books for certain covens. " Violets eyes lit up as she excitingly said " I can't believe just how many cool my new Mom is! Wait, if I call both of you guys Mom wouldn't that get confusing?"

Luz thought for a moment but I stepped forward patting Violet on the top of her head saying " You can call us whatever is most comfortable for you, but technically you could call us both Mom. " Violet nodded as she happily smiled saying " it's gonna be amazing here!"

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