Stone Free

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Amity POV

Lilith, Luz, and I walked out of the coven headquarters and I honestly couldn't believe what we had figured out. I knew my parents were upset with me marrying Luz but really?! What parents go so far as to place a curse on their own daughter? Lilith stood in front of us as she whistled and soon a staff came flying towards her stopping next to her. She looked towards us saying " I'll meet you two there, I would suggest you get there first so I don't have to go through the whole speech for a polite arrest. "

Luz and I nodded towards her as Luz whistled and Owlbert immediately appeared in front of us, Luz and I sat down on the staff and we took off into the air. While we were flying I was pretty troubled about what I'd say and do. Well, I'm sure it would all come to me when we confront them. Luz and I arrived at my parents house before Lilith, I didn't really feel to confident going in without her so I put my hand on Luz' shoulder and said " Hey Luz, let's wait for Lilith. After all she has to deal with them after we do so it'd be easier if we waited for her. "

Luz turned to me looking a bit concerned, but then she moved her hand toward my chin and lifted it up saying " Amity, no matter what happens it'll all end up okay in one way or another. " I warmly smiled at her, she always found a way to brighten any bad situation. Lilith arrived and she landed a little bit away from us she then looked at us and said " Alright lovebirds we have a pressing matter at hand, I doubt that your Mother will be welcoming of it though. So let's get it over with yes?"

We both nodded towards her and I walked up to the taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. A saw it open after a couple of moments and the servants eyes brightened as he said " Mistress Amity! What a pleasant surprise! Your Mother is in the living room I'll tell her of your arrival immed-" I interrupted him politely saying " Arthur, you might not want to be around for this, you were always very nice to me and my family but I just think certain people in my family don't deserve that kindness. "

Arthur's face saddened for a moment but he soon slightly smiled as he said " I understand, I'll leave you all to your matters. " He then walked off leaving the door open for us. The three of us walked in and we all immediately walked towards the living room, once I entered it I took a deep breath and said " Hello, Mother. " My Mother turned toward us and her eyes widened at the sight of Lilith, she stood up saying " Amity! You did not inform me of your arrival nor that Lilith was going to be with you! I would've put on a presentable hairdo. "

I took a deep breath, it was now or never. I looked towards her dead in the eyes and said " Mother, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that you had someone curse me just because I love Luz!" My Mother hesitate to respond for a moment, but then a sickly smirk grew on her face as she said " Oh? I'm proud to see my daughter is smart enough to or figured that out. Amity, you can't seriously expect anything good to come from your relationship with her. "

I raised my voice now shouting towards her as I angrily said " Anything good?! I'm the happiest I've ever been since I've been with her! Can't you be happy that I've found love? That I'm happy? I'm sorry that I don't want to go into the family business but I'm successful on so many other fronts you don't even try to see!" My Mother sighed, she looked regretful for a moment but then coldly said " I know you're successful. I'm impressed, honestly I am. However, if people hear about you marrying a human. A species that can't even control magic correctly, it'll cause a whole catastrophe of dishonor on our name! "

I now was walking up to her and I stopped when I was a few feet away from her as I as well coldly said " Then I'll reject my family name. I honestly wonder how Dad can stay with you knowing what an utter villain you are. In fact, that's probably why he's constantly working and always meeting with the Emperor and his officials, to get away from you! Just let me be free from your insufferable stone cold grasp!" My Mother was now furious and was able to retort but I was done here, I didn't want to fight her anymore. I wouldn't be able to hold myself back if we continued.

I walked past Lilith and I looked toward her saying " You can go ahead, I just need some time to think about this. "  Lilith nodded and as I walked away I could hear her recite the words when someone is usually arrested, I turned my head to hear Lilith say " Under the holy laws that were made to protect the people, you have committed crimes against the current Emperor that you willed be judged for. You have the right to stay silent as anything you are hiding has already been revealed to the gods, no corrupt connections will save you under holy judgement. "

I could see my Mother resist Lilith as she put the cuffs onto her and try to pull away from her as she said " You can't do this! The Emperor will not agree to this trial! I will see that your position is revoked and that your going to be the one behind bars!" I saw Lilith lead my Mother out of the house as Luz turned to me and said " Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming, but do you feel better with all of this off your shoulders now?"

I took a short yet deep breath as I leaned in kissing Luz on the lips, I could tell she didn't expect it but after a bit I pulled away saying " Yeah, I feel much, much, better. "

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