Mean Green Mother

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Amity POV

I sat down on the edge of the bed sighing, I still wasn't good at dealing with the fact that my parents blatantly disregarded my wedding when I had sent them an invitation months prior to go on a vacation that they had lied to me about. Luz could immediately sense that it was messing with me so she sat down next to me on the edge of the bed saying " You're still thinking about it? I can't believe they would do that, did they show up to Edrik and Emira's weddings?"

I slowly nodded saying " Yup, they did. They even asked me if mine was coming up soon at both of them! " Luz put her arm around me and calmly said " Your parents are supposed to come back from their trip tonight yeah? So let's get some sleep and we can go visit them tomorrow. Sound good?" I slowly nodded my head then rested it on Luz' shoulder for a moment saying " Yeah, I can't say I'm looking forward to it though. "

Luz smiled warmly towards me as she ran her fingers through my hair for a moment saying " Don't worry, it'll be fine. Maybe their vacation had gone on longer than expected because of a monster attack, or something like that. " I sighed now getting up and saying " I doubt that it's going to be that simple of an explanation, for now let's just get some sleep. "

[Many Hours Later]

I sat with Luz in the carriage tapping my foot against the floor nervously. Luz held my hand the whole ride which did help, eventually the carriage halted and I took a deep breath and opened up the door and held it open for Luz to go out first and then I walked out. We both walked up to the large house and my hands were slightly shaking, I eventually was able to calm down enough so my hands stopped shaking.

I grabbed the metal bar attached to the door and proceeded to knock it 3 times, after a bit a servant opened up the door shocked as he said " Mistress Amity! We were not expecting you, please come in.  What is the subject of your arrival?" I forgot how I was treated at my family home, I was never so keen on the overly formal tone all of the servants had. I had just wanted them to be friendly to me, I calmly said " I heard my parents were back from vacation, and I wish to catch up and speak with them. "

The servant immediately opened the door for us and we walked in, once we were in he closed the door and said " I will tell them of your arrival immediately. " then the servant walked towards the stairs and up them, I grabbed Luz' hand and said " Let's go wait in the living room Luz, follow me. " I instinctively grabbed her hand not realizing I said follow me and led her down the hallway to an opening on the right which led to the living room. It hadn't really changed a bit, the piano was still there, the rug was still a blinding white, and the furniture hadn't moved.

Luz looked all around the room for a moment then said " Wow, it's really nice. " I nodded saying " I suppose, it's so bland though, did everything really need to be a cloud white? " Luz then walked over to the piano sitting down on the bench near it as she asked " Do you know how to play the piano?" I walked towards the piano sitting on the bench next to her saying " Yeah, my parents hired a tutor when I was a kid to teach me. " Luz looked interested as she grabbed my arm with both of her hands looking up to me saying

" Can you play a song for me? I'd really really really like to hear you play. " I sighed at first but then smiled as I put my hands hovering over the keys and started to play an old song I had to memorize a long time ago. Luz looked at me with amazement as I kept my concentration, however before I knew it I heard a voice say " Nice to know that you haven't forgotten your lessons, Amity. " I pushed my hands down onto the keys in shock as I looked behind me and saw my Mother, I then said

" Hello Mother, nice to see you again. Is Father here?" My Mother gave a small scoff walking over to the couch sitting down on it, she always wore elegant dresses even on days where she had nothing planned. In her eyes it was preparation for any meeting that could happen, however her long green hair was down instead of done neatly into a bun, she surprisingly didn't look much different than the last time I saw her but I assume she had some remedies to make her wrinkles go away.

She then said  " No, he's chatting with the Emperor over a cup of tea. Supposedly setting up a new deal involving neighboring nations. " I sat up straight saying " That's unfortunate. Mother you may already know why I'm here but, why did you tell me you were on an important business trip and couldn't make it to my wedding when Edrik and Emira said that you and Father were on vacation?"

I could see my Mother hesitate to respond for a moment, but she then calmly said " Well, We were on a business trip with the Emperor but then he invited us on a vacation, we couldn't say no unless we wanted our relationship with him to be severed. I sent the three of you an invitation but yours might've gotten lost. " I took a deep breath then said " Well, I understand that your connection with the Emperor is very important to keep up your business but you could've told me ahead of time! I could've sent you copies of our marriage photos at least. "

My Mom shook her head now saying with venom " No it's bad luck to have any traces of a Hum-" She had cut herself off on the sentence and I could tell what she was going to say. Luz looked a bit confused but also awkward since she wasn't expecting something like that, however my Mother tried to save herself saying " According to an old suspicion it's bad luck to have a trace of a human in a household. " I was about to stand up and question her out of anger but I restrained myself saying

" Oh? Really? Are you going to let an old suspicion stop you from having memorable possessions of the wedding you never attended? What of Luz being here right now? " My Mother cleared her throat and sternly said " Amity Blight don't question me. These are just ideas that were passed down, besides ever since you met her you've been quite rebellious with me. " When she said that I was through, it was because of Luz that I figured out that I should do what I wanted to do and not what other people want me to do.

I immediately stood up saying " Luz has had no such effect! She just opened my eyes to the ability of thinking about what direction I want my life to go! Besides Edrik and Emira are already splendidly running their divisions of the business, what's wrong with me becoming a Witch?" My Mother looked up at me staring daggers as she shot back saying " Amity we sent you to Hexile specifically so you could have the ability to defend yourself against possible attempts of assassination because at the time we assumed you'd in the future be a big figure in out business. However you were blinded by your natural talent in it and soon thought that putting your life in peril in exchange for casting some spells as a career sounded more interesting than being successful. "

I now pointed towards her almost shouting at her saying " Successful? I am successful! Once Lilith retires I'm in line to run the Emperors coven! Do you know what an honor that is?" My Mother looked accepting of my point for a moment but then coldly said " I doubt that it will happen especially with her as your partner. What does she bring to the table in your marriage besides filling your head with dangerous ideas?"  Luz now stood up as she nervously said " Mrs. Blight, I accompany her on missions and keep her safe. We've saved eachother numerous times a-and... "

I cut Luz off grabbing her hand and now walking away with her following me as I looked toward my Mother one last time to say " Mother, I hope that you will learn to see that Luz is an amazing person and accept her as my love. Until then my opinion of you will not be so keen. Good day. " I led Luz towards the door and we exited the house, Luz took a deep breath and undid the grip I had on her hand saying " Well, that was a disaster. "

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