A Worrying Oath

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Amity's POV

Once I opened the door I could already tell who was at it. Luz, I was harsh on her when I first met her but after a while I grew to understand her and I opened up to her, everything kinda escalated from there. " Hey Luz, come on in " I held the door open for her as she then walked into my house, I always loved when she walked in, due to her smelling kinda like apples. She always gave me a nature girl kinda feel so that was another cherry on top. " Hey Mittens, don't stay up too long making out " I knew who made that comment, my stupid sister and brother. After hearing that I immediately turned red and so did Luz, she looked downwards but I stared right up at my two annoying siblings saying " Why don't you two mind your own business? Don't you have a birthday party to ruin or something?". Despite the way my siblings antagonized me, when I first revealed my love to Luz they helped out a bunch. How to say it, how to react, and a whole bunch of other ways that helped. However once I did they never let me hear the end of being in a relation ship. " Sure, Sure, and you're probably going to be reading books to the kids at this 'birthday party' " that was the last remark from my sister before the both of them walked off to a different part of the house

I led Luz up my stairs holding her hand, I didn't know if she was still bothered by the comment they made so I sighed saying " they say that stuff all the time even when you aren't here, they're just being annoying pricks". Luz nodded then said " I'm an only child so I wouldn't know, but I bet they're not bad all the time right? " I gave a little chuckle seeing how hopeful Luz then said " I wish I had that optimism you got, you always have sunshine in your step Luz, but no, they're like this most of the time, except when I was overstressed and they made me some cookies " I always had to work very hard for my status and ability, eventually I'd stress myself out and pass out. Then when I'd wake up I'd see some cookies and juice with a note saying " Don't forget to relax Mittens. " I'd open the door to my room and we both would walk in. I'd pull up a chair to my desk for Luz and then I sat down in my desk chair. Even though I was her partner in love I wanted to immediately start.

" Alright Luz, so what spell did you have in mind? We could do that light spell you have but if we try it with the combination circle it could end up blinding everyone. So that's a maybe, or a last resort, oh! I know what we--"

right before I was going to mention a spell Luz covered my mouth with her hand, she then looked me into the eyes and removed her hand. She held both of my hands tightly as she said " I-um-Amity, I have to tell you something. " I was tilting my head in confusion, but I did get that feeling that something was wrong with Luz earlier in school today. Maybe she would mention it now? " Amity, I have to go back to my home dimension. I-I'm real sorry, in about 3 days I'm leaving. "

Once Luz said those words I could feel tears falling down my face, she can't leave! I don't even care if it would affect the assignment she was the nicest person I've ever met! The only one who wouldn't push me to be better and instead just listened and cared about me! By now I was having full streams of tears going down my face which caused Luz to do the same, my face was filled with sorrow and pain when I looked into the mirror then back to Luz as I said " I-I won't ever see you again?" Luz thought for a moment then said " W-well, I don't exactly know, I may be able to return each year if I can pull some strings, but when I leave I might be gone for good.... I'm so sorry Amity " her voiced sounded laced with grief as she pulled me into a hug, I put my arms around her until I had a certain idea. She shouldn't have to go, I couldn't let her go. I let of of the hug and made a small magical circle between us, I grabbed her hand and put hers into it as well as mine. Then I explained saying " Let's make a everlasting oath to never forget eachother, got it?" Luz wiped away her tears and nodded " yeah, that'd be great ". However I moved my other hand behind my back and created a magical circle, It was a spell that would make Luz say the exact same sentence I said no matter what I then continued saying the rules of the oath " I will never leave this dimension, nor abandon Amity Blight " Luz not even processing what I had said repeated " I will never leave this dimension, nor abandon Amity Blight ".

Once the circle for the oath vanished Luz had just realized what she had said standing up from her chair suddenly causing it to be sent back as she yelled " AMITY WHAT WAS THAT? I never agreed to that! You have to dispel the oath right now!". It hurt me more then anything to do this to Luz but I needed her, I didn't want to have a depressing hope of the possibility of Luz coming back, I couldn't even look at her as I said " I can't Luz, the subject of the oath is never ending, the only reason I was able to dispel the one we had at the Witch's Coven Convention was because the subject of it was over, and the result was neither a win nor lose, this isn't as simple as that."

I finally looked up to Luz with sad eyes, I was disgusted at myself for what I had just done, but she was my everything, and if I let go everything what am I? Luz took a couple steps back as she started panicking saying " Well it isn't my choice to leave Amity! What happens when I break the oath? AM I GONNA DIE?! Oh no, no, no, we need to go to Eda right now she can fix this!" She then grabbed my wrist very harshly and pulled me up and started to pull me out of my room, I resisted her but she was much stronger then me, humans can be pretty surprising sometimes, but I tried to resist her saying

" LUZ I COULDN'T LET YOU LEAVE. I casted another spell to make you say the same thing I said, I need you Luz, this may sound sad but you're legitimately the only source of true happiness in my life! I don't want to go back to the mean, lonely, and overstressed person I was! The people I hanged out with before you never even really cared about me! If you break the oath... I don't know what will happen! You could become a frog for all I know!" Luz stopped for a moment to acknowledge how I felt, once I said that she stopped for a moment realizing I meant to do this, she turned to me with a look as if she was stabbed in the back, but yet, she still went up to me and embraced me in a hug, I couldn't read her at all! I thought she would kill me because of this but she's hugging me? Then she slowly started to say " I-Amity, I love you more then you could possibly think but this is wrong. While becoming a frog would not be the worst thing it would kill my Mother's heart. Amity lets go to Eda, I need to go home and you need to accept it. Please. "

Once she said that she let go of the hug but moved my head up so she could kiss me on the forehead, I grew extremely red and I couldn't say no, what was I thinking? I really am a terrible person, I slowly nodded muttering " Yeah.... I assume you hate my guts now? It's fine I understand.... "

Once I said that Luz gave me a gentle smile saying " No, if I were in your shoes I'd probably do the same, so don't worry, now, let's try and fix this, alright?"

End of part 3

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