Made In Heaven

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Amity POV

I followed behind Luz as she speed walked to the front desk of the orphanage, however once she did she saw that no one was there. So she looked over at the bell and tapped it multiple times causing anyone's ears within a 20 meter radius to probably be screaming for help. Once I caught up to her I grabbed her hand gently pulling it away as I said " Luz, please give them a moment. We've already waited this long, we can wait a couple more minutes if we need to. "

Luz crossed her arms and gave a small pout saying " Hon' it's not that I'm impatient-someone should be at the desk already!" I sighed and went to lean against the wall saying " Luz, they probably don't have people coming in every open session looking to adopt a child. So I don't think they'd have someone here for every-" Before I could finish my sentence a young lady came up to the front desk saying " Sorry about that-we had a situation in the cafeteria, are you two here for the adoption session?"

Luz nodded her head multiple times excitingly saying " Yup! " The young lady then grabbed a clipboard from the desk and got up saying " Please enter the door on your left and then follow me, the kids are so excited for this chance. " I nodded once and Luz immediately swung open the door and left it open for me, I walked through the doorway and calmly closed the door behind me.

The lady lead us to a room that was part of some sorta main living area for the kids. All of the children that we were probably given a chance by the orphanage were standing in a straight horizontal line. Something about it reminded me of something, and I could faintly hear the strict yells of my boarding school teacher in the back of my head. My Mother made me go to that terrible place when I was young, around 8. To make me ' Prim And Proper ' as she said.

I was snapped back into reality when the young lady stepped back out of the room saying " I'll give you some time to get and know the kids, comeback to me at the front desk once you've made a decision. " Luz immediately went to stand in front of the kids looking towards them with a large smile on her face, she then struck up conversation with each and every one. I mainly watched from a little bit away, I noticed that they put up a small gate they probably used separate the kids they choose who got the chance to be adopted and the other ones.

I eventually turned my head back towards Luz glancing at some of the kids occasionally, Luz then walked up to me saying " Amity, you know you have to talk to some of them too, right? " I sighed slowly nodded saying " I know, but it's just hard, ya know? Us and the kids know that only one kid is going home with us, it's just kinda sad. I know we can't adopt every one of them but-" I stopped when I felt a small tug at my keychain, I immediately looked down towards my keyring and saw a small girl with semi-dark Violet hair that she kept in a small bun. She was dressed in the same Navy blue uniform all the other girls wore but hers seemed to be stylized by a couple of hand made patches along the shoulder. Some of a Witches hat, spell book, and an illusions coven symbol.

Once she noticed that I saw her she jumped back a bit and let go of the keychain, she nervously fidgeted with her hands looking down saying " I-I'm sorry-I just saw you have an Emperors coven keychain. I've never met anyone in the Emperors coven before-besides the leader, she's so cool! I never directly met her but she saved me from a out of control abomination once-I never got to see her face but I saw the special staff she used and I knew it was her from the books!"

She was talking about me, I slightly smiled but Luz then got down on one knee to be at the same eye level with the girl and kindly said " I totally agree, she's the coolest person I know. She's always so calm and patient, I really look up to her in a lot of ways. " The little girl jumped up once clapping her hands in excitement saying " I know right! I remember when she stopped a huge rock slide all by herself! We learn all about the history of the covens in class, I remember for the test we had to know the names of every leader the Emperors coven ever had-She's the only one I could remember, her name is-"

"Amity Noceda " I said semi-confidently, the girl then looked up to me slightly annoyed saying " C'mon you stole my thunder! Besides even if you know her name you probably don't know anything else about her, neither do I. A lot of her stuff hasn't been put into the textbooks yet. " Luz chuckled a bit putting her hand on the girls shoulder saying " You'd be surprised, why don't you ask her anything you want to know about her ?"

The kid looked confused for a second then responded saying " How would I do that? She's not here right now-wait. " She then looked back to me specifically at the hair on my head and her eyes lit up, she jumped up and down multiple times almost screeching with excitement as she said " You're really her! You have the same hair color as her! Oh geese-don't blow it Violet just be cool-" I interrupted her for a moment saying " Your name is Violet? How'd you get that name?"

The girl now looked up to me with a mix of sadness but also nervousness as she explained " Uh-well, when I was dropped off here I was so young that I didn't have a name-or maybe my parents gave me one at one point but didn't tell the people here what it was before leaving me here, but my classmates and teachers started calling me Violet from my hair color and it just sorta stuck with me. " I nodded as I listened to her, I really did feel sorry about what happened to her.

Before I could respond the lady from the front desk opened the door and entered the room saying " Have you made a decision yet-Violet!" Once Violet heard the Lady she immediately backed up and nervously said " I-I'm sorry Miss Kenobi, I was just talking to-" the lady cut her off by saying " No excuses! You know that you weren't supposed to attend this adoption session! Now go on back to the common area, I'm so sorry for her intrusion Misses. "

Once we saw Violet about to turn around and go through the gate I put my hand on Luz' shoulder and she looked towards me, I nodded. She thought for a moment but then nodded back, I looked towards the lady and said " It's quite alright, we've actually grown quite attached to her, so I think we'll be adopting her. " We could hear some of the kids who were lined up started muttering under their breath but the lady looked a bit surprised and said " Oh-well, that's quite alright. She's been here for quite a long time so, it's good for her to finally get her chance. Violet grab your things and meet with us at the front desk once you've got them.  "

Violet excitingly nodded as she ran out the door and down the hall, the lady turned back towards us with a kind smile as we walked with her down the hall she started to say " This is a very good for her, ever since she could start to socialize she wasn't the best at making friends. Every adoption session she was way too enthusiastic for the usual type of people who come here but, I'm glad she's finally found her people. " I nodded as I reached over to grab Luz' hand and gently rubbed the center of her palm with my thumb as I said " To me, I suppose she just reminded me of someone I know. "

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