Schoolhouse Rock

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Amity had been quite worried about Violent during her first day of school, we were sitting next to eachother on the bed in the bedroom. She was nervously writing something down while I was reading a book. I could tell she was on edge because of how she always frantically erased and rewrote what she was writing almost every couple of seconds. I closed my book and turned towards her, I gently ran my finger down the side of her arm saying

" Hey Amityyyyyyyy, something's up and you're not telling me about it. " She initially shook her head and stayed focused on her notebook saying " Luz, I am completely fine. " I pouted a bit then sat up and leaning towards Amity's face saying " I can tell you're worried about Violet. You're not good at hiding much of anything from me hon' " Amity sighed as she now got up and off the bed pacing a bit until she finally said

" Well, what if she runs into some bad kids? Or instead what if she starts to run with some bad kids? I don't want my kid to turn into a street ruffian. " I got up off the bed and hugged Amity from behind resting my head on her shoulder saying " Have some faith in her, I'm sure she's not gonna have to deal with any of that stuff. Besides maybe some kids picking on her, but she's strong. She'll shrug it off, and if it gets bad enough she'll know to go to the guidance counselor. "

Amity lightly smiled as she brought her hands to touch mine and then she started saying " I hope you're right, I just hope they don't pick fights with her. Hopefully she doesn't have my instincts to send the first punch. " I lightly chuckled as I heard a light knock at the door, I loosened my hug from Amity and looked at the clock, it was around 3:30. Violet must've arrived home earlier than I thought. Amity and I walked down the stairs towards the door and opened it, we saw Violet slowly walked in taking her shoes off and putting them on the mat.

She seemed down, not just down but also nervous. Like she knew she had done something, I looked down towards her and said " Hey Violet, how was school today my little flower?" Violet tried to dodge the question by looking away as she walked towards the stairs saying " Uhh, nothing much Mom. Just got some homework to finish up before dinner, so I'm just gonna go ahead and-" before she could finish Owlbert flew in from the window holding a letter in his mouth, he perched himself on Amity's shoulder and let the letter go allowing it to fall into Amity's hand.

Violet immediately turned toward Amity looking at the letter, she walked down the stairs panicking as she said " Mom that letter isn't anything important! Let me take it and put in the trash for you-" She was cut off by Amity opening the letter and reading out loud in a sort of professional voice

" Dear parents of Violet Noceda, we regret to inform you that your child has been involved an incident with another student at our school. Specifically she used a light spell up close to another student's eyes, which said student was antagonizing her beforehand. The spell caused temporary blindness, no long term effects due to the fact she is a child and has not mastered the spell. Due to the fact that this was a retaliation and this is her first violation of the rules, we have decided to not reprimand her. However we hope you have a talk with her and that she understands what she did was wrong. Sincerely, hexside elementary division board of Education. "

Amity looked towards Violet with an unimpressed look, tapping her finger against the letter she said " The. First. Day. Of. School. I understand they were probably saying some pretty mean stuff to you Vi but violence isn't the awnser. " Violet looked towards the ground and twiddled with her thumbs saying " It was the only way I could make her stop,  besides I didn't think I'd blind her-I just thought it would distract her and allow me to walk away. " I leaned down to raise Violets head and kiss her forehead saying

" Violet, we understand that it was what you thought was best but you gotta just turn your back to them and walk away. As much as you wanna punch their face in, it's just not worth the punishment the school is going to give you. " Amity unexpectedly walked up to us and patted the top of Violets head, she added to what I said saying " However, if they start a physical fight with you. Don't be afraid to punch them, especially if you're fighting to protect someone else they were hurting. " What Amity said, to say the least surprised me, grabbing her arm I pulled her to the kitchen out of Violet's sight line and then said

" Amity! You can't give her advice like that! She's gonna become a freaking brawler if you tell her to fight back every person who starts something with her. " Amitt sighed as she looked into my eyes saying " Luz, this place is full of dangerous creatures including people. She needs to know when she'll have to fight, we can't protect her forever. " I silently nodded as I leaned over resting my head on Amity's shoulder, I calmly and worriedly said

" I know Amity, but it's going to be tough trying to get her to know what is the best decision for whatever situation she's in-oh Lord, I just realize we're gonna have to help her through puberty. " Amity chuckled a bit as she wrapped her arms around me saying " I've already got it covered, the anatomy  posters are in the basement. " I chuckled as I leaned up to peck her on the lips, then we both walked back into the living room and we saw Violet sitting on the steps. She looked up at us and asked " So, am I in trouble?" I smiled a bit and picked her up holding her saying " No, but don't think we're gonna let you off the hook everytime. "

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