A Not-So-Expected Solution

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I was on the couch with Amity resting my head on her lap as she ran her hand over my hair as I yawned a bit. Maybe her lap was a bit more comfy than I expected which caused me to get a bit drowsy, however before I could fall asleep the door flew open and I could hear what sounded like faint arguing until the two people who were arguing entered the house. To my surprise it was Eda and her sister! I believe her name was Lilith, Amity quickly rose up moving my head onto a pillow and stood up straight and looked towards her instructor. Lilith stopped arguing for a moment to look the her student then at me, and finally back to Eda as she said

" Let's just get this over with please, make sure to hold up your end of the bargain Edalyn. " she said pointing towards her sister, Eda then moved her hand walking towards us saying " Yeah, yeah you don't have to tell me again. You guys remember when I told you about the ancient incantation? Well what I didn't tell you is that you need two people for it. Well, the only other person I know who's in the people of the Golden Owl is well, my sister. " Amity had a surprised expression but she then went back to being calm.

I held my shocked expression but then it went to one of worry, what did Eda have to promise in order to get Lilith to help her? It wasn't my business so I thought it was probably best to not pry into it. Eda and Lilith held both of each other's hands and began to recite some incantation as their eyes both began to glow. Once the incantation ended a portal appeared in front of them, then Eda pulled her hands away wiping them on her dress and said

" Alright here's the plan, you two are gonna go in the portal but whatever you do, don't stray from the path! If you stray from the path you're gonna fall into the cosmos and we can't stop your head from exploding in there. Secondly, you're probably the first people to see the spirit in millions of years so please be impressionable. We don't want it to wipe us all out, we can't go with you due to the fact that we're about to pass out from how much that took ok-got-it-Luz? Love you byeee-" she and Lilith then collapsed onto the ground.

Amity gasped a bit but I put my hand onto her shoulder to comfort her, also so we could get moving. We both walked into the portal, and it lead to a beautiful place surrounded by space, stars, and planets! If I wasn't so impressed right now I'd probably be scared to death! Amity on the other hand was a bit unsettled since we were standing on a belt of stars. I grabbed her hand holding it in order to calm her down a bit, then I lead her down the belt of stairs. Until we came across what looked like a floating eye made of crystal, we both tilted our heads in confusion until it turned to us and we jumped back a bit. Amity then took charge stepping forward and saying

" Would you happen to be the spirit of existence? If you are we have a request of you " The eye than looked at us both more, we had began to question if it could speak but then we heard a loud booming voice say " YES THAT IS I! Wait sorry is that too loud? I'll quiet down, it's been quite a while since I've had visitors actually, now, what is your request?" We were both quite shocked at how polite it is, so I began to speak again pacing a bit.

" Well, we heard that each everlasting oath is connected to you and not just us, and well, the conditions of it are impossible to keep and I'd rather not disappear so could you just, end the oath?" The stone eye thought for a moment, then bursted out laughing then said " Well, I would if you both didn't want to fulfill the conditions of it, deep in both of your hearts you both want those conditions fulfilled, you both want to stay in the same realm. So the oath can be completed quite easily!"

As soon as he said that my hand went to my chest, I didn't want to admit it but the spirit was right. I didn't want to leave Eda, King, and everyone else. What was I gonna say to my Mom? She would freak out and pull me back to Earth if I said I wanted to stay here? I'm sure if Eda talked to her she could understand, but then Amity shook her head saying " Well it doesn't matter if I want it to be fulfilled, if she doesn't go home it'll cause all kinds of trouble for her on Earth! I love her too much to let her go through that grief of leaving everyone behind!"

The spirit turned around for a moment eying Amity, with its well, one eye. Then it seemed to of thought for a moment saying " I see, I'll make a compromise. You may go back to Earth to discuss with your people about staying in the other Realm, however, once you leave to Earth if you aren't allowed to come back the portal will automatically close! If they say yes then you may freely travel between the 2 realms. That is the deal no strings are attached to it. " Once the spirit said that my face turned brightened up and I now had quite the smile on my face, I replied to the spirit

" Thank you very much for this, I promise I won't mess it up. Cmon Amity let's go back. " I quickly said grabbing her hand and walking back along the path of stars, eventually we were lead back to the portal and stepped through it. Once we were back in the Owl House, Amity looked happy just to be on solid ground again. I turned to her grabbing her hand and said

" Oh my gosh thank you Amity! If you hadn't of said something it probably wouldn't of given me this chance! But if my Mom doesn't agree, I still won't be allowed to see you again... " Amity recognized my sadness lifting my chin up and giving me a quick peck on the lips as she said " Don't worry Luz, she'll agree. If she's your mother than I expect she'll understand. "

I nodded as my face began to brush slightly, I then looked over to Eda and Lilith who both were still passed out. I giggled a bit grabbing Amity's hand and leading her upstairs saying " let's give them time to rest. In the meantime I want to spend all the remaining time I have with you, just in case not that in doubting or anything-"

I began to cut myself off since I didn't want her to think I was doubtful, I then opened my door letting Amity in but she looked a bit trouble, I turned towards her leaning my face in and said " Anything wrong? Don't tell me you're getting worried now too?" Amity shook her head looking back into my eyes and putting a hand on the side of my face saying " No, I just made up my mind. " After she said that she pulled me in for a full on kiss on the lips that lasted for as long as I could hold my breath, I wrapped my arms around Amity as I said gasping

" Wow that was sudden, yet enjoyable, but what did you make up your mind about?" She then brought me into a hug and quietly whispered into my ear saying " When you go to Earth to talk to your Mom. I'm going with you Luz "

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