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Amity POV

A couple of days had passed since we confronted my Mother, ever since then I felt as if a weight had been taken off me. I was always worried of what my Mother thought of my relationship with Luz especially when it started, and not having to worry about that anymore feels great. Luz also convinced me to take a couple days off with her just to adjust and relax. We did a lot in those days, mostly just relaxing and fun activities. I remember Luz asked me to be a model for her painting and I was stunned at the final result.

I remember when we had just met and her drawing skills were still good but compared to now? She had grown a thousandfold. However today Luz was a bit off, we both decided to go outside and relax in the grass a bit but she seemed nervous. As if she was afraid to ask something, I couldn't let this go seeing how it was affecting her so I asked her looking up at the clouds " Luz, is something wrong? The entire day you've seemed off. Anything you wanna talk about?"

Luz hesitated for a second, then she sat up and sighed saying " I-I had a dream last night, you and I were in it and it seemed like a normal day, at first. We both woke up and as we woke up our door swung open and a-" Luz stopped for a moment to take a deep breath then say " A small child-a girl ran in and hugged you. You picked her up hugging her back and you both seemed so happy. I didn't know what I was seeing but I thought the child was..... Ours. "

I took a couple moments to take all of this in, were we ready to adopt a child? I of course want it but both of us are only around 23, would that be too early? I turned my body towards Luz and I said " Luz, you know the thing I want most in this world is to have a family with you. However, aren't we still a bit too early to start thinking about that? We still have our jobs to focus on and getting a child now would interrupt that. Especially if we adopted a younger one, they'd need attention and love and so many things we couldn't give them while we were gone at our jobs. "

Luz' face immediately showed an expression of heartbreak, she immediately sat up now with tears forming in her eyes saying " A-Amity, you don't understand what I saw! I saw something I so desperately wanted and something that would be amazing for the both of us! I could quit and take care of the child while you would be at work! W-we can make it work Amity. " I  now also sat up and moved my hand to hold hers, I gently rubbed hers with my thumb as I said

" Luz, you've wanted to be a witch for so long, don't you want to hold on to it for a little bit longer? It is so amazing that you're ready for the dedication and sacrifice a child needs but think of your own dreams for a moment Luz. This may sound selfish but I also want to have you to myself for at least a little bit longer as well. " Luz slowly stopped tearing up and looked down towards the ground for a couple of moments thinking, after a bit she then looked back towards me and said " I suppose you make a good point, but once we both agree on this I swear I'm dragging you to the orphanage the second you agree. "

I chuckled a bit as I unknowingly looked into Luz' eyes, she seemed so serious yet happy. A totally different expression than what she was like a minute ago, I almost got lost in them but I was able to respond saying " I don't doubt that you will, wait how will we decide who gets to name the child? If we adopt a baby of course" Luz' eyes lit up as she excitingly said " Oh! What if we both come up with a part of the name? Or maybe one of us makes the first name and we'll give the baby the last name of the one who didn't name it? Or maybe we'll do a game with a bunch of cards with different parts of names and we'll match up a cool sounding name!"

It was hard for me to keep up with Luz but once she got to the end I chuckled a bit but then responded saying " Luz you really thought about this huh? Some of those way aren't foolproof though, we don't want the baby to have an incomprehensible name after all, and we don't know if we'll end up adopting a baby anyways. " Luz nodded but then leaned towards my face saying " Yeah, we'll see, but for right now I'm pretty happy where I am " She then kissed me on the lips and I kissed her back, we could've stayed like this for much longer but then the rain started to pour down so we both got up and quickly tan towards the house.

[4 years later]

Luz bolted through the air as I desperately held onto her, I could assume that we were probably breaking some laws about air speed on a staff. I then shouted towards her " LUZ I'D RATHER NOT DIE BEFORE WE GET THERE! THEY'RE STILL LAWS YA KNOW?!" Luz seemingly didn't pay attention to my warning as she continued going at the same insane speed until we reached the orphanage, once we did she landed Owlbert near the stairs and almost jumped off it and ran towards the stairs.

I trudged off the staff and held my head with my hand for a moment as I walked towards Luz saying " You ever fly like that again I'm gonna jump off Owlbert and take my chances with landing on a giant patch of snow. "  Luz giggled a bit as she opened the orphanage door and walked in holding the door open for me as I walked in a little bit behind her.

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