SaharaDawn - The Collectors of Peyka

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Title: The Collectors of Peyka
Chapters read: 8/8
Score: 9/10

The Collectors of Peyka is a gripping action story about an assassin's fall from grace after one grave mistake during one of her important missions. The story not only fails to capture what a true action story should look like, but also perfectly executes the characters' fight for survival on a world that has placed a bounty on her head.

What I LIKED about this book:
The details here are just perfect. The way you detailed every scene is very enjoyable as you captured the action perfectly. Scenery was also perfect, as you didn't hesitate to describe every aspect of the characters' surroundings in an entertaining manner, which made your scenes significantly more colorful.

Your world is absolutely well-done also. You've created a fantasy world set in the past and you've perfectly depicted this in not only in the scenery, but also in the characters' dialogues, and certain mannerisms. You've set your world flawlessly as a world of dark fiction, given that your world's order of laws was quite unethical. The caste you made assigning different roles to people such as those who collect blood for debts and those who spend their whole life breeding, you've really nailed it with the dark fantasy vibes!

Now let's move on to characters. Venus was a little cliché. A typical assassin, loyal to the bone and seemingly immune to weakness. Ambitious and obviously, skilled. Though what compensated is how determined she is, willing to fight those who would kill her when her dial's been overturned. Now the spotlight should not be only on Venus, you nailed it also when it came to the supporting characters. You achieved that quality I look for when it came to characters: relatable, authentic dialogue, a tinge of drama. You just don't know how much I fell in love with some of your characters! Especially Arthur and that sweet, gentle heart of his.

The plot was very authentic and original too and not to mention, interesting. You've polished your world perfectly for your plot and I don't have a single moment where I was yawning at your story; it always kept me at the edge of my seat.

What I DIDN'T LIKE about your book:
There's just a small amount of stuff that I didn't like at this composition. First is that some scenes are quite over-detailed. When you re-look at your chapters, try to cut off some details that may seem quite irrelevant. I've witnessed many of these on the earlier chapters but thankfully, it gradually decreased in the later chapters.

Also, some grammatical and spelling errors here also but it's understandable since it's merely a draft.

I definitely liked your story, I can tell you that. It's definitely going to my library and will be awaiting updates there.

As I said like three times in my past reviews, I'm not a fan of fantasy but you guys just keep on captivating me with your stories!

Keep up the great work and a huge thumbs up to your story Miss Sahara!

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