LaneyInRed - Dreamweaver

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Title: Dreamweaver
Chapters read: 6
Score: 9.5/10

Dreamweaver is a beautifully-crafted adventure-esque type of fiction, detailing Winnie's ability to venture on a world where the dead can come back to life, which she unintentionally created. It explores the characters with surprising authenticity, often delving into their very core and letting the readers digest it. It's truly a story that will leave a lasting impact on us, how emotional and raw these characters are portrayed, and one that some of us can heavily relate to.

What I LIKED about your book:
I love your writing style. I just love it.

It's very descriptive and emotional. The way you described details, especially emotion, invoked a series of reactions from me. I was surprised myself because I didn't expect for me to get this affected and influenced but the way you wrote this so realistically—an explosive charge of feelings and in a sense of beautiful destruction—I really can't help but be drawn into the story itself and be intermingled with Winnie's thoughts. I might be overreacting but trust me, how you showed us Winnie's emotions with raw power made me think of my current situation right now because instantly, I think we clicked and it made me love her even more.

The story is also very unique. At first, my impression was that it's gonna be another cliché romance, especially if all the early chapters had mentions of an ex-fiancée that Winnie doesn't seem to get over. Truthfully, I was expecting it to be the romance but I was mistaken. It twists and stirs it's plot into this world where the dead can apparently stay, a place they call Revera. I was actually surprised and very intrigue by this, as most of the early chapters were more focused on Winnie's sense of normalcy and the sudden turn of events drew me in further into the story.

I should also mention that you've perfectly balanced this story. You relent time to Winnie's development, exploring her deepest thoughts, beautiful or destructive, and giving us readers a look into her everyday life. She's a complex character, I should say, and one that I worked hard to understand. On the other hand, you've also worked hard on what makes the story really interesting: Revera. It's reasonable that she can only visit it in her dreams as it gives us a balanced view of the both worlds: Revera and Chester. It's also very exciting to see Winnie explore this world of hers, and the gradual development of her and Peter's relationship.

Moving on into general details, I had no problem with visualizing your scenes at all, for I said earlier that your writing style is very descriptive. The characters were described gorgeously, in a way that you narrate it in subtle hints and actions instead of dumping the information on us. The scenery was also perfectly built with beautiful descriptions of the spaces these characters belong to.

What I DIDN'T LIKE about your book:
I can't really seem to say what I didn't like other than that you don't seem to separate your paragraphs sometimes. I don't really know why that bothers me and I think it's not really a big deal.

In my opinion, though. Revera would've been more interesting if you actually hinted it in the first dream sequence. Get those readers wondering before they actually get the whole treat!

Hands down one of the best books I've read in Wattpad and certainly staying in my library.

You shocked me in so many ways. Winnie is also, by far, my favorite character in Wattpad, trust me.

I do hope this gets discovered because it deserves to be! I'm tired of the cliché romances going viral on Wattpad. This is art, this is what should be going viral tbh!

Keep writing! I've also checked your other stories and trust me, they're really lovely too!

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