First Kiss

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(Takes place sometime after Lothlórien)

Legolas watched as Aragorn sat by the fire sharpening his sword. He had been watching Aragorn for quite some time, at least when he thought that no one was watching. There was something about him that intrigued Legolas, but the elf couldn't quite place his finger on it. He just knew that he had never felt this way about anyone before.

Aragorn glanced up and his dark brown eyes met Legolas's. "Did I wake you Legolas?" Aragorn said softly. Legolas snapped out of his thoughts as he realized that he had been staring at Aragorn for awhile. He blushed and quickly looked down. "No, you did not wake me. I don't think I could rest right now even if I tried," Legolas said quietly. Aragorn's eyes filled with concern as he set his sword down and made his way over to where Legolas sat leaning against a tree. "Why can't you sleep?" Aragorn asked, frowning. Legolas let out a small sigh and looked at Aragorn, who had taken a seat across from him. "Too many thoughts in my head and dangers nearby," replied Legolas. Aragorn nodded, as Legolas took a deep breath resisting the urge to reach forward and kiss him - nobody had ever seemed to care about him the way Aragorn did. "I understand that my friend, I understand all too well," Aragorn gave Legolas a small, sad smile and reached out, giving Legolas's knee a squeeze.

Legolas felt as if he couldn't contain himself any longer, and leaned forward pressing his lips against Aragorn's. The kiss was slow and tender, better than Legolas had even imagined.....and he definitely had imagined it before. He let out a soft gasp as he felt Aragorn pull him closer, threading his fingers through his long blonde hair, and kissing him back eagerly. After a few moments, they broke apart breathing heavily. Aragorn smiled. "I never thought you'd feel the same." Legolas's eyes widened as he stared at Aragorn in shock. "Feel the same? I never even knew that you-" Aragorn cut him off by pressing a finger to Legolas's lips. "Of course I do, I just thought you were already taken," Aragorn smirked and looked over to where Gimli lay snoring loudly. Legolas feigned an insulted look and playfully punched Aragorn on the arm.

Legolas looked back into Aragorn's eyes and could see the exhaustion beginning to creep in. "Aragorn, you should get some rest," said Legolas with a small smile. Aragorn hummed in agreement. "We'll talk about this more in the morning," he said as he stood up. Legolas nodded and watched as Aragorn curled up on the ground near a tree and fell fast asleep. Pulling his own cloak tighter around him, Legolas could begin to feel sleep pulling at him as well. For the first time in a long time, Legolas and Aragorn slept peacefully with a smile on both of their faces.
A/N: I'm sorry if this is kind of a short and weird introduction to this story, sometimes I'm not very good at explaining things. I hope you all mostly understood what was happening, but feel free to message me if you don't. I care very deeply for these characters and I want to do them justice. Please feel free to comment your thoughts/opinions, and thank you for reading :)

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