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Trigger Warning: Angst and talk of injuries

(Elvish translations are from the internet and may not be correct, but they will be mentioned at the end of this chapter)

-Aragorn is injured-

(Aragorn gets hurt instead of falling off the cliff like he did in the movie)

Legolas silently swore as he scanned the battlefield for Aragorn, feeling slightly panicked when he couldn't spot him right away. Where was he? Legolas last saw him fighting in the midst of everyone, before he was put to work himself, shooting down the enemies surrounding them.

They had been ambushed by orcs on their long ride to Helms Deep, and Aragorn had gotten the worst of it - it was a miracle he was alive. Legolas had found him laying unconscious on the ground with an arrow in his stomach, and had immediately thought the worst as he knelt down to break off the arrow. Thankfully, he was still breathing, but for how long nobody could be sure. As Theódan called everything and everyone to order, he shot a pitied look in Legolas's direction. "Get the wounded on horses.....leave the dead," Theódan had commanded, glancing once more at Legolas and Aragorn before mounting and riding off.

But Legolas wasn't willing to give up on Aragorn, not now, not when they had come so far. He gently scooped Aragorn into his arms bridal style, and carried him over to Arod, his horse. He lightly jumped on the horses back with Aragorn still cradled in his arms like he was the most precious thing in the world.....and to Legolas he was. "Nor. Nor sui fast sui cin tur," he whispered to Arod. The horse then took off running like the wind towards Helms Deep.

Upon reaching their destination, Legolas jumped off the horse and ran inside, shouting at others to get out of his way. He could feel Aragorn's breath beginning to slow as he raced towards the medics. "Help! Help him please!" Legolas cried as he burst into the room. They immediately surrounded Aragorn as Legolas gently laid him on a makeshift bed piled with blankets. They attempted to shove Legolas out of the room, but he pushed past them, squeezing Aragorn's hand. "No, I'm not leaving him," he whispered, feeling his tears threatening to fall.

Just as the medics began to push the poison out of the wound, Aragorn awoke with a loud yell and began to writhe in pain. "Hold him down," a medic ordered, looking sharply at Legolas. He immediately climbed onto the bed next to Aragorn, and wrapped his arms around him carefully in order to avoid his wounds. "Shh, it's okay Aragorn, I'm here," he whispered softly.

"It hurts." Aragorn's voice was barely a whisper as his tear-filled eyes met Legolas's. For what felt like the millionth time since their long journey began, Legolas found himself desperately wishing that he could take all of Aragorn's pain away. "I know, nin mel, I know," replied Legolas as he gently wiped the tears from Aragorn's face.

Legolas sat there continuing to attempt to soothe Aragorn, as the medics began to wrap the wound. They then ordered Legolas to make sure Aragorn got some rest, and finally the ranger and elf were alone once more. "Stay," murmured Aragorn drowsily, already starting to fall asleep. Legolas smiled and placed a kiss on Aragorn's forehead. "There isn't anywhere else in this world I would rather be."

-Legolas is injured-

Legolas let out a hiss of pain as an arrow made contact with his leg. The company had fought orcs before, but this time it was different. It was almost as if these orcs were bred specifically for fighting. He could fee the blood begin to run down his leg as he quickly broke off the arrow with a loud cry, and then continued to fight the orcs that surrounded him.

After all the orcs were slain, Legolas sat on the ground and painstakingly rolled up his pant leg. Seeing the black lines already beginning to form around the wound only confirmed Legolas's suspicions that the arrow had been poisoned. He silently cursed before rolling his pants back over the wound and going to find the others.

"Legolas! There you are!" Aragorn took a step towards him and frowned. "Why are you limping? Are you hurt?" His eyes widened in concern. "No, no I'm fine," Legolas insisted as he leaned against a tree. Aragorn didn't believe him, but he knew the stubbornness of elves better than anyone. "Okay, well, we should try to get a little farther into the forest before we set up camp," he said as he grabbed his bags. Legolas nodded and winced as he began to walked slowly behind Aragorn and Gimli.

They had only been walking for half an hour when Aragorn froze. He couldn't explain it, but something felt off to him. As he glanced uneasily around, he realized with a start that Legolas wasn't with them. Aragorn glanced around in alarm until he saw Legolas laying on the pathway a few yards back. He let out a gasp of shock as he ran to Legolas's side. Legolas was sweating and trembling, and he was paler than ever. His gaze fell on Legolas's leg and he gently lifted up Legolas's pant leg to get a better view of the wound. Suddenly it all made sense to Aragorn: Legolas had been hit with a poisoned arrow.

Aragorn had studied healing techniques during his time in Rivendell, and he now knew it was a race against time to find the herb he needed. "Gimli! Help me look for pigsweed!" Aragorn cried as he raced off into the woods with Gimli close at his heels. "Over here! There's some over here!" Gimli shouted as Aragorn ran over. He skillfully chopped the weed with his dagger, and they both rushed back to where Legolas lay. "We must camp here tonight, Gimli," said Aragorn gravely as he knelt beside the barely conscious Legolas. "Stay with me, my love," Aragorn whispered as he gently pushed Legolas's hair from his face.

Aragorn pressed the pigsweed against Legolas's leg as he could feel his heart practically pounding out of his chest with worry. Legolas cried out as Aragorn sat beside him talking quietly in Elvish, and black goo began to drip out of the wound. "I'm sorry, I know it hurts, nin emel, but we must get the poison out," Aragorn whispered as he felt Legolas's hand desperately squeezing his arm.

Once the poison was completely out, Aragorn pulled out a bandage from his bag and began to wrap it around Legolas's leg. He tightened the bandage and grabbed Legolas's hand, helping him into a sitting position. Legolas leaned against Aragorn and sighed. He was exhausted from his ordeal, but relieved that he could no longer feel the pain coursing through his leg.

Aragorn gently wrapped an arm around Legolas and sighed in relief. "Don't do that to me ever again, you scared me," he whispered softly as he pressed a kiss against Legolas's lips. Legolas gave a small smile. "I'm sorry," he murmured in response as he laid his head on Aragorn's chest. The last thing he could remember was Aragorn threading his fingers through his soft hair as he drifted off to sleep.

After all, injuries may come and go, but Legolas and Aragorn would always have each other.

Elvish Translations (From Sindarin):
Nin mel - my love
Nor. Nor sui fast sui cin tur - Run. Run as fast as you can
Nin emel - my heart

A/N: We love some wholesome hurt/comfort. Also, apparently Legolas is a swearer....who knew 😂Thanks for reading guys, I hope you're all enjoying everything so far.

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