Keeping Watch

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(Takes place sometime before Moria - Gandalf's thoughts are in italics)

As secretive as Aragorn and Legolas are, most of the fellowship suspect that something is going on. It's clear that something has changed between the ranger and the elf, seeing that they can't take their eyes off of each other when they think nobody is watching. It's certainly no surprise to Gandalf, who is secretly pleased with the whole situation.

The seemingly endless nights were beginning to grate on Aragorn's nerves, and every night he insisted on taking the first watch. Tonight was no different, even as the bitter cold swirled around them and the bottom of the mountain they hunkered against. Gandalf had said that they will all have a hard journey ahead of them tomorrow, and that everyone needs to get plenty of rest. He had gave a pointed look to Aragorn when he said that, and then strode off to have a smoke from his pipe.

Everything seemed to be in order as Aragorn sat on a log, keeping watch over the company....and the stars. The stars and the elves fascination with them had always interested Aragorn ever since he was a young boy. So enthralled was he, that he didn't hear Legolas approaching. Aragorn jumped as he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see Legolas chuckling quietly. Aragorn sighed in relief while Legolas took a seat next to him. "You know, if you wanted to look at the stars, I could've taken your watch," said Legolas softly. Aragorn turned to face him with a smile. "There's a better view from up here though." "I hope you won't mind some company then," Legolas said with a smile, "Someone's got to keep an eye on the fellowship." Aragorn shot him a glare, but quickly returned to looking at the sky. There they sat for hours in comfortable silence, relishing the rare chance of enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly, Aragorn seemed to notice the cold and shivered as he pulled his cloak tighter around him. Legolas noticed and scooted closer to the ranger, until they were sitting pressed side by side. It had only been another hour or two when Legolas felt a weight against his side. He glanced over and smiled upon seeing the ranger fast asleep with his head on Legolas's shoulder. "Sleep well my love," Legolas whispered under his breath as he gently wrapped an arm around Aragorn, pulling him closer.

Upon waking up the next morning, Aragorn noticed with surprise that he was still sitting on the log from the night before, and that his head was resting against something soft. As he blinked and got used to his surroundings, he was suddenly aware of an arm wrapped tightly around him, holding him close. Aragorn froze, beginning to panic as he realized it was Legolas next to him, and he must've fallen asleep on him.

"Good morning," Legolas's cheerful voice rang in Aragorn's ears. The bright sun gleamed overhead, and noise could be heard from the encampment as the rest of the fellowship stirred awake. Aragorn reluctantly pulled away from Legolas's arms as a deep blush colored his cheeks. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you, you should've woken me." Aragorn muttered, looking anywhere but Legolas's face. The elf smiled. "You needed sleep, I wasn't going to get in the way of that," he shrugged. Aragorn blinked in surprise. "I can take care of myself," he replied quietly. Legolas looked at him. "I know, but that doesn't mean you should have to," he said softly. 

Now, Aragorn looked at him trying to decide what to say. "I'm mortal, you're elf kind," he finally said, "whatever this is or could be, it would never work." Legolas stared back at him. "I would rather spend one lifetime with you than face all the ages of this world alone." Aragorn's heart began to hammer in his chest at this response. Nobody ever said anything like that to him. Ever. Aragorn stood, and turned to face Legolas. They both stood facing each other for a long while, refusing to back down. And suddenly Aragorn leaned in, pressing his lips against Legolas's. The kiss was over quicker than the elf would've liked, but he could feel the love the ranger was pouring into it. It was a promise, a promise of the type of love that nothing can kill.

Aragorn sighed as they broke apart, and then started moving back to the camp to gather his things. Legolas quickly followed him. Within the next 15 minutes, everyone was packed and ready for another day's cold journey.

A ranger and an elf. Huh. Maybe you can find hope in the hopeless. Gandalf had begun to lead the company onward again. Aragorn bit back a smile as he felt a hand slip into his own, and the new couple hurried to catch up to their companions.

A/N: I have a personal head canon that Legolas and Aragorn stay up after everyone else is asleep and have deep conversations under the stars, so that kind of came through in this chapter. Also don't mind the fact that I switched some of Arwen's quotes around to have Legolas say them instead. Anyway, I was thinking about taking some requests if anybody would like to see some specific scenes. Please let me know what you think.

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