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Trigger Warning: Talks about vomit and sickness

-Aragorn is sick-

Aragorn rolled over with a groan. He didn't think he could feel any worse after yesterday's dinner disaster, but boy was he wrong. To be honest (and maybe a bit over dramatic), it felt like he was dying.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" Legolas's cheerful voice rang in his ears as Aragorn slowly sat up, leaning against a tree for support. He let out another groan and looked at Legolas. "Too loud." The elf gave a sheepish grin, but his face was quickly filled with concern as he pressed the back of his hand against Aragorn's forehead. "Your fever is still pretty high, stay here, and I'll be right back."

Legolas disappeared, coming back with a wet rag, and began to gently wipe the rangers face. Once he was done, he stood and dug around in his pack to find food. After a quick search, he found what he was looking for, and crossed back over to Aragorn. "Here, you need to eat something," Legolas said kneeling in front of Aragorn and holding out some lembas bread. The ranger made a face and shook his head. "Please, Aragorn you need to eat so you can get better," Legolas begged. Aragorn sighed and took the lembas bread. He only ate a few bites before handing the rest back to Legolas, claiming he was full.

Legolas set the bread to the side, and sat down with a sigh, wrapping an arm around his ranger. "Cold," Aragorn murmured as he tried to move even closer to Legolas. The elf responded by pulling Aragorn's cloak even tighter around him, and undoing his own cloak to wrap around him as well. He then gently pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Get some rest, you'll feel better once you wake up later," he whispered, but Aragorn laid his head on the elf's shoulder and his eyes were already closed.

Aragorn may be a well-known healer to many, but nobody can heal both his heart and body like Legolas.

-Legolas is sick-

(I know elves don't really get sick, but let's just go with it)

Legolas was known to hide the fact from others when something was wrong with him. This annoyed Aragorn greatly, and if anything, it made him keep a closer eye on the elven prince.

Legolas stumbled over the tree roots, nearly falling over before Aragorn caught him. "Legolas?" Legolas could hear the concern mounting in his voice. "I'm fine," he insisted, righting himself and waving the ranger off. Aragorn frowned, studying the elf. Legolas looked paler than normal, and he seemed exhausted. The rest of the day, Aragorn refused to let Legolas out of his line of sight.

However, the ranger seemed to be worried about nothing. Until later that night, at least. It was pretty late when the fellowship stopped for the night under the shelter of a cluster of trees, and the hobbits stomachs were grumbling. "Strider! Is there any animals or anything around here? I'm sick of lembas bread." Sam spoke and all of the hobbits chimed in with their agreement. "Well, Master Samwise, you'll quickly find that the wild is not a place for comfort," Aragorn replied as he and Boromir started a small fire. The ranger noticed Legolas scooting closer to the fire and frowned. If Legolas was cold, then something was wrong. Aragorn sighed and took a seat next to the elf, immediately noticing the way the elf leaned into him.

After listening to the hobbits complaints for awhile, Boromir announced that he was going hunting for food. "Be careful, and stay close," Aragorn said quietly, secretly grateful that he wouldn't have to leave the elf's side. Boromir nodded and left, returning shortly with 3 small rabbits, causing the hobbits all to cheer at the sight.

Legolas's stomach turned at the thought of eating, and he lurched to his feet, disappearing behind some trees. Aragorn winced, his earlier suspicions confirmed as the sound of retching reached his ears. He ordered the fellowship to stay where they were, before turning and following Legolas's path into the woods. When he found him, the poor elf was on his knees, his pile of sick in front of him. "Oh, Legolas," Aragorn murmured softly, approaching the elf from behind. The ranger knelt beside him, gently rubbing Legolas's back as he continued to empty his stomach. Finally, he collapsed back against the ranger with a groan. His throat was raw, everything inside of him ached, and he just wanted to sleep for a thousand years.

"Are you done emptying your stomach?" Legolas nodded and allowed Aragorn to pull him slowly to his feet. The ranger wrapped an arm around the elf for support, and gently led him back to the campsite. After he sat down on his nest of blankets Aragorn arranged for him, the ranger handed Legolas his canteen. The elf gulped the water down quickly, appreciating the way it felt on his raw throat. Legolas handed it back to Aragorn when he was done, and laid down with a sigh.

"Sleep. You should feel better when you wake." Aragorn's voice was soft, almost a whisper, as he laid down next to the elf, pulling the blankets over both of them. Too tired to argue, Legolas shut his eyes, snuggling against Aragorn and allowing himself to drift off into the land of dreams.

The hands of a (future) king are truly the hands of a healer.

A/N: My current stomachache inspired this, but at least it made me productive. Sorry for not updating for awhile, inspiration can strike at the weirdest times. As always, I hope you enjoy reading this. Have a nice day!

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