Let Me Love The Lonely

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(Based off of Let Me Love The Lonely by James Arthur - Takes place after The Hobbit and before LOTR with a small time skip)

Let me love the lonely out of you
Let me love the pain you're going through
I think I'll save myself by saving you
Let me love the lonely out of you

Legolas was getting closer, he could sense it. He had been riding for weeks in search for this Strider, and now up ahead there seemed to be a camp. As Legolas approached, he saw a bunch of men huddled around a fire. He quickly dismounted and approached slowly, feeling as if he was being watched. "State your purpose before you take another step," the voice was cold and unwelcoming. Legolas held his hands up to show the rangers that he was unarmed and not looking for a fight. "I'm looking for a ranger who goes by the name of Strider."

"I am the one whom they call Strider," said a man stepping out carefully from behind a tree, "Who are you, and what is your business in these parts?" Legolas looked the rugged ranger up and down, before giving a small half-bow. "I am prince Legolas of the woodland realm, sent out to seek Strider at my fathers request." The man looked at him for a few moments before gesturing for the elf to follow him as he led the way back to their camp.

Legolas accepted the food offered to him gratefully, and followed Strider to a more secluded area away from the other rangers. "So king Thranduil has sent you to me?" The ranger's voice was quiet as he sat smoking his pipe, and his eyebrows were furrowed in thought. Legolas nodded. "I know not your true name, for he would not tell me, but he said your father was a good man," the elf replied. Strider frowned as Legolas watched him. "I cannot confirm or deny his statement, I was only a small child myself when he was slain. As for my name, I shall tell you in time, if you prove trustworthy," the ranger finally replied, meeting Legolas's ocean blue eyes. Legolas nodded in agreement. "And you shall have my bow, as long as I am traveling with you and your company." The edges of Strider's lips quirked into a half smile before quickly being replaced by another frown.

"You must be weary after your long journey, we are a long way from Mirkwood. Follow me," Aragorn stood and wordlessly led Legolas back over to the fire. The elf could feel the other rangers eyes on him as Aragorn rummaged through some packs for blankets. The ranger then led Legolas over closer to the trees, and handed him an a few blankets. "I'm afraid that this is all we can spare for you." Legolas thanked him and took the blankets, nestling himself amongst the tree roots as Aragorn walked back to join his companions.

Despite his weariness, sleep alluded the elf. Legolas sat up with a sigh, watching the stars now wheeling overhead. He glanced over towards the now barely glowing fire, and was surprised to find Strider still awake, his eyes also fixed on the stars above. Legolas lay back down and bit back a smile. There was more to this man than met the eye and Legolas was now determined to learn everything he could.....

It had only been a few months with the elf by the ranger's side, and Aragorn found himself being more comfortable with him than anyone he had ever met. Legolas still gave him the space and alone time the ranger needed, and was even content still not knowing Aragorn's true name. But they were supposed to stay the upcoming night in Bree, and Aragorn decided that it was now time for him to know the truth.

They approached the gates of Bree, and Aragorn stepped forward to knock on the gate. The door swung open, and out came a scowling man with a lantern. "What business does an elf and a group of rangers have going on in Bree?" Aragorn opened his mouth to speak, but Legolas stepped up and glared at the gatekeeper. "These rangers are endlessly protecting your lands from dangers that your mind couldn't even dream of, they deserve your respect," Legolas's voice was even, but hardly concealing his anger. The gatekeeper quickly apologized, ushering in the guests.

Aragorn walked next to Legolas, his voice low in the elf's ears. "You didn't have to do that, Legolas." The elf shook his head. "The least they can do is give you the respect you deserve for risking your life for them every day." Aragorn bit back a smile, and reached out, giving the elf's hand a squeeze. "Hannon le, Legolas." Legolas shot him a smile as they entered The Prancing Pony.

After getting their sleeping arrangements all settled, the rest of the rangers disappeared to the corner of the commons room, leaving Aragorn and Legolas alone. "Come with me," the ranger whispered in Legolas's ear, pressing his hand against the elf's back as he led him to his room. Once inside, Aragorn sat on the bed with a small smile. "This is the room I always find myself staying in when I come to Bree." The elf nodded and looked at the ranger, his curiosity now getting the better of him. "What did you want to tell me, Strider?" Aragorn took a deep breath. "I wanted you to know my true identity......I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn," Aragorn's voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

Legolas's eyes widened in surprise, he had heard that name before. "You're the forgotten king." Aragorn nodded, looking down at his lap and not meeting Legolas's gaze. "If you would like to go back to your father now, I understand. Great peril lies before me, and all with me." The elf knelt in front of him, gently tipping his chin up so their eyes met. "Mirkwood is no longer my home, I've found a new king," Legolas whispered with a smile. Now it was Aragorn's turn to look surprised. "You're staying with me?" The elf nodded, reaching forward to squeeze the ranger's hands. "No matter the pain or peril, I promise I'll be by your side. You do not have to face this alone." "My prince..." Aragorn murmured with a smile, leaning in to capture Legolas's lips in a gentle kiss.

Hannon le - Thank you (said by Aragorn in the ROTK movie)

A/N: I definitely recommend listening to James Arthur, I've been kind of obsessed with him lately. Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter, I've been wanting to write a first meeting type of thing like this for awhile now.

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