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Trigger Warning: Mentions of anxiety and depressed thoughts

-Aragorn has a panic attack-

(Takes place in Lothlórien when Legolas is off with the other elves)

Aragorn's heart and mind were racing, both faster than he could keep up with. He felt everything had been taken from him, leaving him on his knees gasping for air. The ranger was surrounded on all sides, making it harder and harder for him to move or breathe. The fellowship surrounded him, unknowingly making things worse as they stood there unsure of what to do. Legolas was usually the one who helped keep Aragorn grounded to the task at hand, except now the elf was nowhere to be found.

It turns out that Legolas was in the middle of a conversation with Haldir when their elven ears picked up the sounds of a commotion in the distance. "What's going on?" Haldir muttered, shooting a glance at Legolas. The elf shook his head, just as confused as Haldir. "Legolas? Where are you?" A voice called from the distance. "Legolas! It's Aragorn, you need to help him," a different, more frantic voice was heard this time. Legolas's eyes widened in panic before he quickly vanished at a run towards the direction that the calls came from.

Legolas shoved past the rest of the fellowship, yelling at them to scoot back and give him some space as he dropped down to his knees in front of the shaking ranger. "Aragorn? Aragorn, can you hear me? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left for that long," Legolas reached out, clasping both of Aragorn's hands in his own. The ranger didn't say anything, but squeezed Legolas's hands tightly, trying to convey his feelings without using words. "Hey, can you look at me?" Legolas's voice was soft, but barely concealing his worry. Aragorn shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he continued gasping for breath.

Legolas tried not to let the others sense his worry as he wrapped his arms around the ranger, pulling him against him so his head rested against Legolas's heart and he was sort of hidden from the view of anyone else. "Try to copy my breathing," he said softly. Aragorn blinked up at him through blurry eyes, panic clearly written across his face as he struggled to copy the elf. "You're okay, I'm not going anywhere, I promise," Legolas said soothingly, reaching up with one hand to thread his fingers through the ranger's tangled hair.

Once Aragorn could breathe somewhat normally again, Legolas gently helped him to his feet, keeping an arm wrapped tightly around him. He glared at the fellowship and elves half-hidden in the shadows, who were watching to see what was happening. "Let's go somewhere more private," he murmured in Aragorn's ear, gently leading him to a more secluded area of the golden woods.

When he decided that they were far enough from prying eyes, Legolas gently helped Aragorn sit against the trunk of an old tree. The elf then reached up, unhooking his cloak, and draping it around the ranger before taking a seat next to him. Aragorn immediately curled against him with his head on the elf's chest, still craving Legolas's reassuring touch. Legolas wrapped Aragorn in an embrace, and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

Even Aragorn loses his strength at times, but Legolas will always be there to protect him from the darkness.


-Legolas has a panic attack-

(Thoughts are in italics)

You'll never be enough. Just die already. Nobody could ever love you. Nothing but a disappointment. Heartless monster. Weakest elf alive. You shouldn't have even been born. Kill yourself. Aragorn doesn't even care about you. Nobody likes you.

The voices in his head never seemed to give up, not even with all of the fellowship around. "Stop," whispered Legolas, squeezing his eyes shut and pressing his hands against his ears as tears ran down his face. He didn't even hear Aragorn approaching the large tree roots he had nestled himself into some distance away from everyone else.

"Legolas? What happened, what's wrong?" Aragorn's voice was filled with concern as he knelt down in front of the trembling elf. "Go away," Legolas's voice cracked as he turned away, hiding his face from the ranger. He didn't want any of his companions, especially not Aragorn, to see him like this.

However, the ranger is not one to leave his friends in times of need, especially not the one he loves more than anyone. "Legolas. I'm not leaving you." Aragorn sat next to the elf, tentatively wrapping an arm around him. When Legolas didn't move or flinch away from the touch, Aragorn pulled him closer, wrapping both of his arms protectively around him.

It was all too much for the poor elf, his breath now came in short, hiccuping sobs into Aragorn's shoulder. The ranger didn't say anything, but just held him and let him cry, knowing from past experience that sometimes words can't fix everything. Eventually, Legolas's sobs were reduced to shaky gasps, his brain convinced that his body didn't have enough air. Now Aragorn knew he had to do something to stop the elf from hyperventilating.

"Legolas. I need you to breathe for me." "I-I can't, I-" Legolas shook his head and his fingers dug desperately into the ranger's shirt, as he tried unsuccessfully to calm himself down. "Shh, you're okay, I'm not going anywhere," Aragorn's voice was soft and soothing as he gently ran his fingers through Legolas's hair, tucking it behind his ears so he could focus on the elf's face.

He gently grabbed one of Legolas's hands pulling it against his chest, his own hand resting over it. "Legolas. Can you feel my chest rise and fall? Can you try to copy that?" Legolas nodded slowly, trying to get his eyes to focus on the ranger, as Aragorn gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"There you go. That's it, in and out, in and out." Legolas's breathing was a lot better now, with only an occasional gasp. "You're doing great, keep breathing for me," Aragorn smiled, tugging the elf a little bit closer with one hand, and giving Legolas's hand another squeeze with the other. A few more minutes passed before Legolas found he could breathe again, and that he was safe here in Aragorn's arms.

Legolas let his head fall against Aragorn's chest, allowing the lull of the man's heartbeat in his ears to further calm him. "Thank you," he murmured, his voice still a bit rough. Aragorn placed a kiss on the top of Legolas's head. "I love you," he replied softly.

Sometimes Legolas can't help but crumble, but it's okay because Aragorn is always there to build him back up.

A/N: Here's some more hurt/comfort and for you. I love writing about Aragorn's vulnerable side. On a somewhat related note (not really but let's just go with it), I wish I lived in Middle Earth.

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