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(Takes place during the Fellowships stay in Lothlórien)

The stars have always been special, sometimes even sacred, to the elven kind, no matter where they lived in Middle-Earth. It was one of the first things Aragorn had learned about elves when he was a young boy, and would later go off to learn more about on his own.

During his studies, Aragorn had learned that starlight was the first light elves ever saw. It was considered to be the most precious and pure, and was more important to some than others. The elves in Mirkwood seemed to enjoy starlight the most, and Aragorn had quickly learned that it was the same with Legolas.

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

These words rang through Aragorn's head often, especially on the strange nights under the stars spent with the elf that said them.....and those nights were quite often. It was one of the first things Legolas had spoken to Aragorn when he had sought him out in the wilderness, in respect for his fathers suggestion. However, what neither of them had expected to find with each other, was the sense of comfort and safety. Nobody seemed to calm Aragorn like Legolas, and vice versa.

Even now, sitting here in the beautiful trees of Lothlórien with his prince and the stars twinkling above, Aragorn could feel the same sense of calmness rushing over him. Legolas smiled and turned in Aragorn's arms as he felt the ranger relax against him. "Enjoying the view?" He asked softly. Aragorn smiled, his rare smile he only saves for Legolas and moments of pure happiness (lotr movie fans you know what smile I'm talking about here:). "I don't know what's more beautiful, the stars or my love," Aragorn replied as he pulled Legolas closer. Legolas sighed contentedly and laced his fingers with Aragorn's as Aragorn placed a kiss on his head.

They sat for awhile in silence, watching the stars flash above. In fact, Aragorn was starting to fall asleep when Legolas pointed towards the sky. "Look," whispered Legolas, "It's Orion's Belt." Aragorn blinked himself awake, and smiled as he looked in the direction of Legolas's finger. "And the Cassiopeia," replied Aragorn, glancing and pointing to a different part of the sky.

Knowing Aragorn and Legolas's backgrounds, it came as no surprise to Haldir when he found them the next morning. They were nestled among the tree branches, wrapped in blankets and each other's arms. They make a great couple, Haldir though to himself as he knelt on a nearby branch to wake them up. Maybe they wouldn't all be subjected to a cruel fate.

Or perhaps Aragorn and Legolas's love was just written in stars.

Elvish translations (Quenya):
Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo - A star shines on the hour of our meeting

Constellation Information:
Orion/Orion's belt is considered the most beautiful constellation, and is made of 7 main stars.
Cassiopeia is a constellation that is supposed to be a symbol of love.

A/N: This is probably my favorite one to write so far. I like how something so simple can cause so much hope and happiness. Anyway, I hope you all are enjoying these so far. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions :)

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