Hidden Relationship

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(Sorry it took so long......Requested by @GirlOfIceAndSnow)

Ever since king Thranduil sent his son Legolas to find the man known Strider, the elf's entire life had changed. What his father had failed to mention was that Aragorn, with a hidden past and a promising future, was the handsomest man to ever walk the Earth (at least to Legolas's eyes). The elf quickly found himself falling for the man, he just felt so safe and at home by his side. Little did he know that Aragorn felt exactly the same.

Things progressed pretty quickly, but with the dangerous lifestyles they both led together and separately, it was agreed that their relationship needed to be kept a secret. However, that all changed after the council of Elrond, when the fellowship of the ring was formed....

Their relationship now consisted of a lot of secret looks and stolen moments, hidden away from the prying eyes of the others. One day though, they just weren't careful enough. They hadn't heard Pippin's approach, but they definitely heard his gasp as they both whirled around to face him. "How long have you-" Pippin stopped in the middle of his question, looking back and forth between the couple that he had just caught kissing.

"Pippin! I uh-" Legolas stood with a blush on his face. "Pippin. Turn around and go back to the others. Don't say a word of what you saw here to anyone. Understand?" Aragorn's voice was grave, and sincerity rang through his every word. "Y-yes, of course," Pippin nodded and scrambled off.

"Aragorn, it's okay, he won't tell any one," Legolas reassured Aragorn, pulling him into a hug. "I just don't want anything to happen to you because of me," the ranger whispered, leaning his forehead against the elf's. "I'm not that easy to kill, don't worry," Legolas grinned as Aragorn chuckled. They had been away from the rest of the fellowship for awhile now, and it was time to get back. Legolas gave Aragorn's hand one last squeeze before turning and vanishing from the rangers sight.

And Pippin kept his word as promised, at least for a few days. But the hobbits were known to tease each other mercilessly, especially on the topic of romance. It was a known fact that Pippin was terrible at that, and nobody ever let him forget it. "What would you know about relationships Pippin?" Merry shoved him playfully. "Well I wouldn't, but Legolas and Aragorn could tell you all about-" Pippin slapped a hand over his mouth as his eyes widened. But it was too late, the damage was done. All eyes now turned to Aragorn and Legolas in shock. The ranger glared at Pippin as Legolas ducked his head and blushed, refusing to meet all of the looks.

"How long?" Gandalf's voice was quiet and thoughtful as he sat smoking his pipe. Aragorn took a seat next to him, and ran a hand through his hair as he answered. "Almost a year now, we thought it would be safer if no one knew," the ranger sighed and shot another glare at Pippin across the fire. "Strider, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to." Pippin, to his credit, truly did look sorry.

Legolas walked over and stood by Aragorn, reaching out and squeezing the ranger's shoulder. "We forgive you Pippin, but if you all could keep this to yourselves, we would greatly appreciate it," Legolas looked around at the others as he spoke, and the rest of the fellowship chimed in with varying forms of agreement.

Gandalf frowned. "You cannot keep this from the world forever, Aragorn. Especially if we survive this."  The ranger looked at him and frowned. "I know," he replied quietly, now watching Legolas and the others get ready to go to sleep. "Go get some rest Aragorn," Gandalf said with a sad smile.

Aragorn nodded and stood, walking quickly over to where Legolas lay curled under a blanket. The elf immediately scooted over, wordlessly making room for the ranger. "Well, no more reason to hide from them now," Legolas said with a smile. Aragorn hummed in agreement.

"What troubles you, my love?" Legolas reached up, gently threading his fingers through the rangers hair. Aragorn sighed, curling his body closer to the elf. "What Gandalf said.....about my future," he murmured. Legolas pulled back a bit, looking into Aragorn's eyes. "Hey." Legolas gently cupped Aragorn's cheek, and the ranger leaned into the touch. "Whatever happens, I'm not leaving you. I've loved you since I first laid eyes on you, Estel."

The ranger closed his eyes with a soft smile, nobody ever called him Estel anymore except for Legolas. "I love you too," he breathed, wrapping his arms tightly around the elf as Legolas snuggled against him with a smile.

The couple didn't notice it now, but there was still a few eyes on them, particularly from the hobbits. They never admitted it to anyone, but they had been starting to get worried about the seemingly lonesome ranger. Upon hearing that Aragorn had Legolas were together, it comforted them.

The love between a mortal and immortal is a beautiful but perilous thing, a thing that is not taken lightly. But beautiful things are not meant to last, and it is better to love and lose than not love at all.

A/N: Sorry this has a few short/choppy paragraphs in it. Thanks again to @GirlOfIceAndSnow for the fic idea. I hope you all enjoyed it, and feel free to send more requests my way! :)

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