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Trigger Warning: Implied trauma & pain

-Aragorn gets captured-

(Fellowship is basically over at this point and it's just Gimli, Legolas & Aragorn)

Panic. No other word could describe how Legolas was currently feeling. His thoughts raced in his head as he stumbled, desperately trying to reach Aragorn in time. But he was too late, the orcs had already taken him and disappeared. Legolas let out a loud cry and gripped Aragorn's dropped sword in his shaking hands. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up, the world around him blurring from his tears. Gimli nodded at him. "Come, laddie, we'll find him." Legolas nodded and stood, quickly wiping the tears from his face as his determination hardened.

For multiple days they hunted to no avail. Legolas never slept and barely ate, pushing Gimli to go further and faster each day. He was truly worried now, dread was finding its way into his mind, but his heart still said that Aragorn was alive. The very next day, Legolas and Gimli came across a crude hut, built at the edge of the woods. "Orcs everywhere," Legolas hissed, looking around as they began to creep forward, forming a circle around them. "He has to be here." Gimli nodded, gripping his axe tightly in his hand. "Go. I'll take care of them." The elf nodded, giving his friend's shoulder a thankful squeeze, and took off running for the hut, slaying any orc that dared to stand in his path.

Shoving open the door, Legolas covered his mouth at the horrible scene before him. Aragorn was stripped almost bare and curled up shivering in a corner with bound hands. Legolas quietly approached, trying to keep his anger at bay when he saw the scars and scratches covering the ranger's body. "Aragorn?" Legolas spoke softly trying not to startle the ranger. Despite that, Aragorn still flinched away from the sound. "Aragorn, it's me. It's Legolas." Aragorn slowly lifted his head and squinted towards the voice. "Legolas?" Aragorn's voice sounded so broken and weak, it broke Legolas's heart.

"I'm here."

Aragorn bit back a sob as he felt Legolas's strong arms wrap around him. Legolas gently cut his bounds, and blinked back his own tears as Aragorn's fingers dug into his shirt. "It's okay, you're safe now, I'm not leaving you ever again, I love you so much," Legolas whispered reassurances in Aragorn's ear as he held the ranger tight in his embrace. Realistically, the elf knew they couldn't stay there long and would have to move soon, but nothing at the moment was more important than his love, still shivering in his arms. It would be awhile before Aragorn would regain his full strength, but Legolas was going to be there to help him through everything.

Legolas vowed that day never to let Aragorn out of his sight again, and so far he hasn't broken his promise.

-Legolas gets captured-

(Aka Legolas gets taken instead of the hobbits, but Aragorn leaves the fellowship with TreeBeard as he goes looking for him - as usual, thoughts are in italics)

Please. Please let him be alive. I can't do this without him. Please. Tears ran down his face, and at this point Aragorn just let them fall. It had been two days since Legolas was taken, and much to his dismay, Aragorn was still following their trail. There had been a huge argument about who was going to go after the elf, but Aragorn had ultimately won and left the fellowship in good hands. TreeBeard had promised to help them continue with their quest (whatever the quest was at this point, no one was really sure) if Aragorn wasn't back in 5 days. Gimli especially had argued about coming with, but Aragorn had ultimately refused to put anyone else in danger.

He was close enough now that if he really strained his ears, he could hear the orcs clamoring in the distance. Aragorn had to hurry, before they caught his scent. But as he rose from the ground, he froze. Aragorn had to bite back a gasp as he lifted something from the ground. It was a broken arrow shaft, a Lothlórien arrow shaft. I'm coming Legolas. I'm coming my love. Aragorn's determination was now stronger than ever, and he took off at a run in the direction the orcs took.

Luck seemed to be on Aragorn's side as he continued his mission, he had run into some riders of Rohan. They were tracking the orcs as well, and had even offered Aragorn a horse to ride as he accompanied them. The ranger graciously accepted, although he could hardly keep his worry at bay when he learned that they wouldn't be able to catch up to the orcs until the next day.

To make matters worse, it actually turned out to be the next night before the orcs campsite was reached. Aragorn's heart was practically pounding out of his chest as his eyes searched desperately for the elf while the riders slaughtered the orcs. Legolas probably wouldn't have even been found, if it weren't for Éomer. "Aragorn! Over here!" The ranger glanced towards him and nearly tripped over his own feet in his rush when he saw Éomer standing by a small figure huddled against a tree

"Legolas!" Aragorn raced towards him, breathing a sigh of relief and silently thanking the Valar as he pulled the trembling elf into his arms. The riders of Rohan left rather quickly after that, leaving the newly reunited lovers alone together once more.

Legolas buried his head against Aragorn's chest, fingers clawing desperately into his shirt. The ranger held him tight, rubbing soothing circles on his back and speaking to him in a hushed voice. Aragorn sat there for what felt like hours, just holding Legolas close and comforting him, reminding the both of them just how much they truly needed each other.

Unfortunately, being an elf means that Legolas can't ever forget this experience, but Aragorn will do everything in his power to make sure it never happens again.

A/N: This one was interesting to write, but then again I'm a sucker for this hurt/comfort thing. I've also noticed that I'm a sucker for head/forehead kisses, but oh well. As always, feel free to leave your thoughts and suggestions.

(Feel free to skip this following thing) I was also tagged to do this by @Luna_Lovegood1010

(Feel free to skip this following thing) I was also tagged to do this by @Luna_Lovegood1010

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10 facts about me: I live on a farm, and have over 50 chickens and 20 cows. I love to draw, act, and sing. I have met 8 actors, and been to comic con 3 times. My favorite singers at the moment are Sam Smith & James Arthur. I'm very obsessed with Marvel & LOTR. I can play the flute, ukulele, piano, and acoustic guitar. My very first fandom was The Maze Runner, and two of the actors from the movies liked my comments on Instagram. My favorite tv shows are Sherlock, Teen Wolf, and The Big Bang Theory. I have plans to travel around the world in the future. I have been called an amazing artist by Chis Hemsworth.

Joke: I would make another Lord of the Rings joke, but all of the good ones Aragorn.

Spoiler (somewhat): In one of the upcoming chapters I have planned, Thranduil and Mirkwood are greatly involved. :)

Tags: Instead of tagging 28 people, whoever wants to do this can do it.

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