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(Takes place during the Fellowships stay in Lothlórien - song lyrics are in italics)

"Oh, I'm in love with you and you will never know,
But if I can't have you, I'll walk this life alone"

That beautiful voice. That song. Where was it coming from? It definitely was not an elvish song, it was something raw, filled more with deep emotion Legolas wasn't that familiar with. He rose from his spot under a tree, and glanced around in confusion, before taking off jogging through the forest, trying to find the source of the sound. His ears and feet led him to the entrance of a gorgeous clearing, something more beautiful than anything the elf had ever seen before. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene in front of him. There were flowers in bloom everywhere, and at the opposite end of the clearing there was a great waterfall with a stunning natural pool lapping around the bottom. The singing was close now, and Legolas's attention focused at once on the sound, everything suddenly making sense.

It was Aragorn's beautiful voice singing, as the ranger sat near the edge of the clearing nestled amongst the blooming wildflowers. But who was the song about? Legolas was pretty sure Aragorn was alone, especially with his ranger lifestyle and all. Legolas shook his thoughts away and moved closer, trying not to let Aragorn know he was listening. Even Legolas's elven ears had to strain to hear his soft voice over the roaring waterfall, as he quickly and quietly approached the ranger from behind.

"Spare you the rising storms and let the rivers flow"

"You have an amazing voice, my friend, you should sing more often." Aragorn froze, feeling like his breath had been knocked out, as Legolas took a seat on the grass next to him. "I- You weren't supposed to hear that," Aragorn muttered, blushing and ducking his head away from Legolas's curious gaze. "Why not? It was truly beautiful, Estel." Aragorn's hands gripped at the grass, and his eyes slid closed at the use of his elvish name. "Don't. Please just don't," Aragorn's voice trembled slightly, and he still refused to meet Legolas's eyes. Now the elf was looking at him in concern.

"Aragorn," Legolas's voice was quiet now. "Who was the song about?" The ranger shook his head, still trying to get his emotions under control. Legolas gently reached over, tilting Aragorn's face so he was facing the elf. To his astonishment, a few tears were running down the ranger's face. "Ara-" Aragorn lunged forward, pressing his lips against Legolas's. In the elf's mind, everything suddenly clicked. The late night conversations, all of the tentative touches, looking at each other when the other wasn't looking, it was so much more than just friendship.

Aragorn seemed to be internally panicking as he pulled away, looking at the ground and mumbling many different apologies. "Aragorn. Aragorn. It's okay, I promise," Legolas spoke softly as he wrapped an arm around Aragorn and pulled him back in for another kiss. It was full of emotion, full of everything Legolas thought he could never say, and everything Aragorn had ever dreamed of.

The ranger blinked in surprise as they pulled apart, looking at the smiling elf sitting in front of him. "I thought you didn't want to, I mean, after Tauriel-" Aragorn stopped speaking, feeling thoroughly flustered for the first time in his life. "I didn't know where you stood, if you didn't want to be anything more than friends, I wasn't going to force anything," Legolas explained, trying but failing to keep the smile from his face. Aragorn watched him carefully, still trying not to show just how much he needed the elf by his side. "If you don't want this-" Aragorn began, but was quickly silenced as Legolas put a finger against his lips. "Aragorn. Stop doubting yourself, I've had feelings for you for a long time."

Aragorn let out a small sigh of relief at the confession, and pulled Legolas in for another hug. They probably would've stayed there alone, wrapped up in each other's arms all day, if they weren't reminded by the muted sounds of conversation in the distance that they have a quest to fulfill.

"Come on, the others are probably wondering where we are," Legolas said as he stood with a smile. Aragorn nodded, accepting Legolas's hand to help him stand. As the two began to walk hand in hand nearing the waterfall and exit of the clearing, Aragorn suddenly got an idea.

Legolas let out a yell as he suddenly felt himself being pushed into the pool. When he came up to the surface gasping and sputtering, Aragorn grinned. "That's what you get for spying on me." Legolas glared at him. "How could you expect me, an elf, not to follow the sounds of a beautiful song?" "I imagine it wouldn't be that hard, my prince," the ranger replied in a teasing tone, although that quickly turned into a frown as he noticed that Legolas had disappeared under the water. He was just about to call out the elf's name, when two hands reached up and grabbed his legs, dragging him down into the pool. He toppled in with a huge splash, and a yelp of surprise. When he swam to the surface, Legolas was all the way on the other side of the pool grinning at him.

Aragorn narrowed his eyes at the grinning elf, and with swam over to him with surprising speed, grabbing and wrapping Legolas in his arms. "Hey that's cheating," Legolas complained unable to hide the smile on his face as he tried to wriggle free. "Who said I like to play fair?" Aragorn smiled, placing a kiss on Legolas's forehead. The elf replied by playfully splashing water into Aragorn's face. Not expecting that, the ranger dropped his hold on Legolas, and he swam away. Now out for revenge, Aragorn swam after him, knocking the elf underwater with the biggest wave he could create.

Aragorn smiled as Legolas swam to the surface laughing. "Alright you win," Legolas said, attempting to squeeze all of the water out of his hair. "I already did," the ranger replied softly, swimming closer to Legolas. The elf just smiled, wrapping his arms around Aragorn's neck and pulling him in for another kiss.

They both knew that they will have many more hardships to face in the future, but if they face it together, maybe it won't be so bad after all.

Song lyrics are from Sam Smith's "Leave Your Lover"

A/N: I wrote this after watching Captain Fantastic, another one of Viggo's movies. I definitely recommend it. Anyway, I've also been obsessed with Sam Smith lately, and this song just seemed perfect. I hope you enjoyed this update. :)

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