Bits & Pieces - chapter unfinished

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Hey guys, thank you for the continued support. I haven't had a lot of inspiration lately, so this chapter will just be a filler for now. I will come back and edit it later with a new story when I have some inspiration. In the meantime, I have a few chapters ahead that are already written and ready to be published, so I'm going to post those. Thank you again for everything! :)

Edit: Thank you so much for the continued support! I haven't really had time to write anything from start to finish so here's a collection of all of my current unfinished ideas :)

(Lots of little drabbles and one shots, some are finished and some are not)

Failure (Draft)

Aragorn screamed, kicking an orc helmet and falling to his knees. Merry and Pippin were gone, and it was all his fault. Staring blankly at the ground in front of him, the ranger felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him. Silent tears fell down his face as he wept in Legolas's arms. As Legolas comforted him, the ground beside them caught his eye. Sitting up in Legolas's arms to get a better view, the ranger felt a faint flicker of hope as he looked at the trampled grass.

"A hobbit lay here," he said, standing up and pulling Legolas to his feet. "And another one here," Aragorn's eyes were now frantically scanning the ground in front of him as he walked forward. The trail led all the way into Fangorn forest, and Aragorn turned to look at Legolas. The elf smiled and gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. There would be no more death on this day, and Aragorn took a deep breath to steady himself before disappearing into the forest behind the others.

Grief (Draft)

Gandalf was the one who had fallen, but the fellowship was the one that shattered. Aragorn glanced around him, each and every member of the fellowship in various stages of grief around him. "We need to go," Aragorn spoke loudly, ignoring the grief trying to claw its way into his heart. "Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir glared at Aragorn, his voice cold and full of disgust. The ranger stared at him. "By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs, we need to go now." Aragorn turned away and walked around gathering the rest of the fellowship and getting them to their feet.

"Legolas." Aragorn's voice was quiet as he stood beside the elf. Legolas slipped his hand inside the rangers and squeezed, allowing them both a second to share in their silent grief.

Horn of Gondor (Draft - Based off of the movies)

Legolas shot a panicked look at Aragorn as a horn blared in the distance. "The horn of Gondor!" Aragorn looked back at Legolas and began running towards the sound. "Boromir!" They both raced towards the sound desperately hacking at any orc that stood in their path. "Aragorn, go!" Legolas turned and fought as the ranger raced on.


Aragorn couldn't move, couldn't do nothing but stare at Boromir's body in front of him. It was all his fault, he should've saved him. Legolas slowly knelt in front of the trembling ranger, blocking him from the view of the body and wrapped him in a tight hug. Aragorn's sobs echoed through the forest as Legolas held him tight, rubbing his back and letting him cry.

"I'm sorry," Aragorn whispered weakly against the elf's chest. "You have nothing to be sorry for my love," Legolas replied gently, placing a soft kiss on top of the ranger's head. Aragorn slowly and reluctantly stood, the elf rising to stand next to him. "We should give him a proper burial," Aragorn's voice was barely above a whisper, but the elf heard it anyway. Legolas nodded, giving the ranger's hand a gentle squeeze.

Aragorn moved forward, slowly lifting Boromir's body into his arms and carrying him towards the shore. Legolas followed behind, gathering Boromir's belongings and the weapons of those he slayed. Upon reaching the shore,

Jealousy (Draft)

"It is but a shadow and a thought that you love. I cannot give you what you seek."

At that response, Eowyn's smile faded and tears filled her eyes. "I'm so sorry Eowyn," Aragorn reached out to console her, but she flinched away from the touch and stood her ground, staring the ranger dead in the eyes. "It's the elf traveling with you, isn't it? I see the way you look at him," Eowyn's tears now flowed down her face and her voice shook. Aragorn nodded, looking away from the shield maiden's hurt face. "His heart is now bound with mine, there is no one else for either of us." Eowyn quickly turned away, covering her mouth to choke back a sob, and left without another word. Aragorn watched her go sadly, his heart filling with guilt for not being able to give her what she needed.



"Are you happy here?" Aragorn's voice was quiet as he gazed out from the balcony, purposefully not meeting the elf's gaze. "Aragorn, whenever or wherever I am with you, I will always be happy" Legolas replied gently, reaching over and tipping the king's head to look into his eyes. When Aragorn didn't look convinced the elf continued, "Yes, I do miss my homeland at times, but I have found a new home in you."

Aragorn sighed, leaning his forehead against Legolas's. "I love you more than you could ever know, my prince." "And I you, my love," Legolas answered before pressing his lips against Aragorn's.

Rohan Aragorn Fall Rewrite

Legolas practically felt his heart stop. In the orc's hand was a jewel. Aragorn's jewel. His jewel, a symbol of his promise to his love. "You lie," Legolas practically spit in his face as he ripped the jewel from the orc's hand. The orc just laughed his disgusting laugh and heaved his last breath as Legolas stared down the side of the cliff, uncomprehending that Aragorn could truly be gone forever.

Aragorn sat in shock for a few moments before his attention snapped back to the urgent task at hand. Legolas. He had to reach Legolas in time to warn him and the others. He nudged Brego with his foot and took off as fast as he could running for the Deep, praying to the Valar that he would make it in time.

There was a commotion at the front gate, as a rider came in on horseback. The cheers and cries of "Aragorn!" caught the elf's attention and quickly snapped him out of his haze as he shoved his way through the crowd.

When he finally caught sight of his meleth, Legolas felt like he was going to fall over from relief. "Le look terrible," those were the only words Legolas managed to get out before the ranger practically fell into his arms with a relieved smile. Legolas held him tight, stiffening when he heard a slight hiss escape from Aragorn's lips. The elf pulled away slightly to examine the ranger. "You're hurt and exhausted. Aragorn...." Legolas's voice faded away as his eyes took in the ranger's various wounds.

"Stop. Do not blame yourself," Aragorn closed his eyes and murmured, leaning his forehead against the elf's. Legolas began to object. "But-" Aragorn opened his eyes and raised his hand, pressing it lightly against the elf's lips. "No arguments, there is no time. We will discuss this later. War is at hand." With that message, the ranger reluctantly pulled himself out of the safety of Legolas's arms and disappeared inside Helm's Deep. The elf took a deep breath to steady himself, and followed his love inside.

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