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(Takes place shortly after Aragorn's coronation, as usual elvish translations may not be correct, but will be posted at the end)

(Thranduil's letter will be in italics)

"You ready?" Aragorn shot a smile at Legolas as he climbed onto his horse. Legolas nodded. They had been preparing this journey to Mirkwood for awhile. Legolas wouldn't admit it, but Aragorn could tell he secretly missed his father and the forest that he grew up in. So when Aragorn suggested a visit to talk about their future proceedings with the woodland realm (and hopefully their upcoming marriage, but Aragorn wanted to speak to Thranduil privately about that first), Legolas was all for the idea.

The wood-elves had given Aragorn and his men a warm welcome, but most attention was focused on the returning prince. Seeing the smile on Legolas's face as he greeted his kin made Aragorn realize that he had needed this desperately. "Thank you for arranging this," Legolas murmured in Aragorn's ear as they were all ushered inside to see king Thranduil. Aragorn smiled and gave his hand a squeeze as they were led to a large door. The guards knocked, and a cold voice came from within, "Enter."

Thranduil was seated on his great throne, and watched his guests walk in. "King Aragorn of Gondor, welcome to the woodland realm." Aragorn bowed. "Thank you for having us as your guests, king Thranduil," he replied. The king nodded, but his attention was on someone else. "Legolas," his voice was now quiet, thick with hidden emotion. "Adar," replied Legolas with a small bow of his head. Thranduil looked like he wanted to say more, but cleared his throat and re-fixed his attention on Aragorn instead. "There shall be a feast tonight, but in the meantime you shall be shown to your chambers." Aragorn nodded, and followed the guards that led them from the room.

The chambers were very cozy, and Aragorn's men all settled in with relief. They hadn't been quite sure what they would find here, but everything seemed to be looking up. Legolas was given the choice of returning to his old chambers or staying in a room closer to his traveling companions. Legolas chose the latter, which wasn't really a surprise to his father at this point. Although what his father didn't know was that Aragorn & Legolas would end up sleeping in the same room together anyway.

At the beginning of the feast, Legolas had disappeared to say hello to some old friends, leaving Thranduil alone with Aragorn. "So, you and Legolas against the world, is it?" Thranduil's voice was cold, and Aragorn couldn't read his facial expression as the kings studied each other. "I would like it to be, if you'll allow it," Aragorn finally replied. "Allow it? I didn't know I had a say in the matter of my son's heart," Thranduil scoffed and turned to pour himself a glass of wine. Aragorn tilted his head and watched the woodland king as he replied. "You have the only say. Legolas loves you more than anything, everything he does is for your approval." This response finally got a reaction from the woodland king.

Thranduil whirled around and glared at Aragorn. "You truly don't know anything about him, do you?" Aragorn stood his ground even as the king towered above him. "I know you probably didn't want to hear this from me, but someone needed to say it," he replied quietly. "Get out of my sight." Thranduil's voice sounded like it was dripping venom. "As you wish, your highness," Aragorn bowed and quickly took his leave, leaving the king to sulk about everything as he watched the festivities around him from afar.

The next 2 days after the feast were very tense between the two kings, and Legolas had taken notice. Aragorn had waved him off, urging him to spend time with his father and make amends to things, so he now had free time on his hands. Most of it was spent wandering about the forest and kingdom within, taking in everything that had made Legolas into the elf that he so dearly loved.

Legolas, on the other hand, was beginning the hard work of rebuilding the relationship with his father. He had sought him out the morning after the feast, and much to his surprise, his father agreed to a walk around the kingdom with him. They had walked along in silence, until they found themselves on a balcony overlooking the forest.

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