Battle Plan

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(Takes place before, during, and after Helm's Deep so there will be time skips and a bit of rewriting some movie scenes)

-Before the battle-

"Le abdollen," Legolas's voice was quiet as he wrapped his arms tightly around Aragorn. The ranger smiled and returned the embrace, wincing a bit as he pulled quickly away. "Legolas, where is the king? I must speak with him." Aragorn's voice sounded worried. "He's in there, but Aragorn you're hurt, you need to get your wounds looked at," Legolas pointed to the doors, and his voice was filled with concern as he looked at Aragorn. "No time," he replied pushing past Legolas to see the king.

As Aragorn quickly told his tale and urged the king to seek aid, Legolas listened intently. "No Aragorn, we are on our own," Theódan replied, giving a hard look at the man before him. Legolas watched Aragorn's hands curl and uncurl into fists before the ranger turned, walking swiftly from the room.

Unknown to Aragorn, Legolas had followed him all the way to the armory, and stood in the doorway watching Aragorn get ready for the upcoming battle. The ranger reached for his sword, looking around in confusion when he couldn't find it. "Three hundred against ten thousand, Aragorn, there's no way this ends well," Aragorn's eyes fell on Legolas, as the elf held his sword out to him.

"They have more of a chance here than at Edoras, Legolas," replied Aragorn, grabbing his sword and attaching it to his belt. Aragorn's statement would've been convincing to anyone else, but Legolas knew him better than anyone. "How do you expect me to believe that when you don't believe it yourself?" Legolas replied softly. Aragorn sighed and walked over slowly, pulling Legolas into a hug. "I'm sorry, Legolas, I can't-" Aragorn took a deep breath, "fail them, even if it is hopeless," he finished quietly.

Legolas pulled back in surprise, putting his hands on Aragorn's shoulders and gazing into his eyes. "It's not all hopeless when we have you, Aragorn. You are called Estel for a reason, you give hope to all and we will definitely need it before the end," Legolas smiled reassuringly as Aragorn's eyes searched his. Finally, he nodded as Legolas gave his shoulders a gentle squeeze. Before anything else could happen, a horn blared out from the distance. Legolas and Aragorn shared a look of confusion as the horn blared again. "That is no orc horn!" Legolas cried, as they raced towards the gates.

Sure enough, it was a great host of elves led by Haldir. "There once was a great alliance between elves and men, we come to honor that allegiance," Haldir said bowing before Theódan, as Aragorn and Legolas came running down the stairs. "Nin Hanare, you are most welcome," Aragorn grinned and pulled Haldir into a big bear hug.

The darkness and dread began to creep in around the waiting army. The orcs would be coming anytime now, the men could sense it in the air. As it began to rain and they could see the first glimmer of torches in the far distance, Aragorn paced the wall urging everyone to show no mercy.

Aragorn appeared beside Legolas, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as they could see the orcs growing larger and quickly closing the distance between them. "Whatever happens tonight, remember I love you," he whispered into Legolas's ear. Legolas took a deep breath and nodded. "I love you too, Aragorn."

-Skipping to during the battle-

"Legolas! Bring him down. Legolas!" Legolas desperately shot off arrow after arrow, but the stupid orc wouldn't die. A few moments later, part of the wall was blown apart. "Aragorn!" Legolas yelled, seeing him sprawled on the ground. He breathed a sigh of relief as the ranger got to his feet a few seconds later, continuing to fight.

With the battle raging on around them, and when they weren't fighting for their lives, Legolas and Aragorn found themselves scanning the field for each other. Neither of them had actually said it, but there was an unspoken promise between them that that neither of them would die tonight. "Into the deep!" The voice was loud, booming in every direction, and it shook Legolas from his thoughts. The orcs had finally broken through their defenses.

Legolas began to panic, as he looked around and couldn't find the ranger. A loud battle cry caught his attention, and Legolas turned towards it to find Aragorn and Gimli fighting more orcs in front of the gate.

"Aragorn!" Legolas tossed a rope to the ranger, and began to pull him and the dwarf up to safety. "Are you okay?" Legolas wrapped his arms around Aragorn, pulling him over the top of the wall. "I'm okay, I promise," Aragorn reassured the elf, squeezing his shoulder before vanishing into the frenzy of men and orcs surrounding them.

The rest of the battle went by in a blur for Legolas. Onslaught after onslaught of orcs kept coming, and even the elves were starting to get tired. There was no way they were going to last much least not without some help.

-Skipping to the end of the battle-

Without Gandalf, there was no way they would've made it. Legolas couldn't contain his relief when at long last he heard a voice from across the field rise up in a loud cry.


"Legolas? Legolas, where are you?" Aragorn's voice rose with mounting concern as he stumbled around the field, looking for the elf. On top of all the fighting and the many sleepless nights before the battle, his wounds were starting to hurt. Distracted by the sudden pain in his side, he didn't notice Legolas quickly approaching. "Aragorn? Are you okay?" Legolas's voice was concerned. Aragorn nodded his head, breathing a sigh of relief as he felt the elf's protective arms wrap around him.

"We did it," Legolas breathed, hugging Aragorn tightly. The ranger hummed in agreement, his fingers curling into the elf's shirt.

If anyone were to look for Aragorn or Legolas in that moment, they would find the two battle-worn lovers taking shelter in each other's arms. Sometimes a touch from the right person is more comforting than anything in the world, and right now Aragorn couldn't agree more.

Elvish translations (Sindarian):
Nin Hanare - my brother
Le abdollen - you're late (said by Legolas in The Two Towers movie)

A/N: Sorry this chapter is more of a scene rewrite than a fanfic, but I hope you like it anyway.

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